The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Both ISIS and al'Qaeda are claiming responsibility for any attack on Pakistani security forces. This is scary because ISIS may be setting themselves up in Pakistan, and Pakistan has very little ability to control al'Qaeda; they're going to be powerless against their bigger, meaner, fire-breathing cousin.

Returning IS morons need to be locked up and send back to either Syria or Iraq and face a judge there.
Brilliant idea. Let's send all of the terrorists back to face justice in countries with no judicial system.
Both ISIS and al'Qaeda are claiming responsibility for any attack on Pakistani security forces. This is scary because ISIS may be setting themselves up in Pakistan, and Pakistan has very little ability to control al'Qaeda; they're going to be powerless against their bigger, meaner, fire-breathing cousin.
Pakistan likely does have some ability to control the Taliban.
Brilliant idea. Let's send all of the terrorists back to face justice in countries with no judicial system.
I think both Iraq and Syria have judicial systems, albeit both nations are under assault by rebels. A quick trial and execution seems like a good end for a terrorist.

Meanwhile, the allied offensive to retake Mosul appears to be pausing.
After 10 days of upbeat reports on the invasion of Mosul, Iraqi special forces south of the city have run into their first major obstacle, with heavy resistance from ISIS forcing them to pause their advance and wait for additional reinforcements.

While officials are treating this as a brief pause, it effectively means that ISIS has temporarily broken the southern advance into Mosul, and that only the northern advance, the Kurdish forces are still approaching the city.

That could be a huge problem for the Iraqi government, as in addition to fighting ISIS they’re in a bit of a territorial battle with the Kurdish Peshmerga. The Kurds have annexed a lot of territory they’ve captured, and that could make the Mosul offensive something of a race.

It also raises concerns about the Iraqi military’s readiness for the offensive, as in the past they have not reacted well to military setbacks. The ISIS forces have been deploying a large number of car bombs to try to slow the offensive, and the addition of machine gun and sniper fire has ultimately stopped the advance.
Can I mention that there's plenty of videos on YouTube showing both sides of the conflict from their respective soldiers?
For over a half a year, Russia and Assad are bombing the same "last remaining hospital in Aleppo".


Reading all of this "Russia bombed X hospitals in N days", you come to a conclusion that Assad's government was very serious about healthcare: hospitals are EVERYWHERE.
Reading all of this "Russia bombed X hospitals in N days", you come to a conclusion that Assad's government was very serious about healthcare: hospitals are EVERYWHERE.

Err... I hate to point out the obvious but MSF et al do actually create new hospital facilities... perhaps it's not the same "last hospital" every time but actually the last hospital each time?
Err... I hate to point out the obvious but MSF et al do actually create new hospital facilities... perhaps it's not the same "last hospital" every time but actually the last hospital each time?
Are MSF actually still in eastern Aleppo? I doubt it.
Ohio state attacker seems to bare the hallmarks of being IS inspired (to be confirmed of course):

It's been quite calm since late summer luckily, but i fear that with ISIS being cornered in Syria and Iraq and the overall presence of wannabe Jihadi's in our midst we might see new attacks during the end year period, Christmas markets or other mass gatherings of people... hope i'm wrong.
Ohio state attacker seems to bare the hallmarks of being IS inspired (to be confirmed of course):

It's been quite calm since late summer luckily, but i fear that with ISIS being cornered in Syria and Iraq and the overall presence of wannabe Jihadi's in our midst we might see new attacks during the end year period, Christmas markets or other mass gatherings of people... hope i'm wrong.
I feel kinda lucky I likely won't be in the path of those, the events of the past years really make me feel that those large gatherings of people in big cities are not places to be at this point of world history.
I feel kinda lucky I likely won't be in the path of those, the events of the past years really make me feel that those large gatherings of people in big cities are not places to be at this point of world history.
I still get a horrible feeling when i think of those folk enjoying a glass of wine or a concert in Paris, or those families going for a stroll at the promenade in Nice before their lives were destroyed by one of those sadist devils.

On the one hand you have to go on living, and the chances are like 0.0001% luckily, but i take my precautions too and try to avoid large gatherings also if i can.
I'm the oposite, the maths just doesn't possibly add up for me to give a flying you know what.

When we had a shooter up in Sydney who at the time seemed to have ISIS connections, Showing an IS flag on the window, I was working in the city a few hundred meters from it and didn't really think otherwise of it, given there was probably 20 to 50 Heavily armed Military trained police officers in the way.

Obviously I'm concerned with the blow back of the wests foreign policy is bringing, but your still more likely to kill your self on accident then get killed by a terrorist.
US Admits ‘Mistake’ in Killing Scores of Syrian Troops in Airstrikes
Centcom: Killings Were 'Regrettable'
by Jason Ditz, November 29, 2016

On September 17, in the middle of a ceasefire negotiated by the US and Russia, US warplanes attacked a Syrian military base in the Deir Ezzor Province, killing at least 62 troops and setting the stage for an ISIS offensive into the region.

US officials have finally gotten around to issuing a report on the matter, calling the attack a “mistake” that was caused by “human error.” Centcom further labeled the killing of all the Syrian troops as “regrettable.” Lt. Gen. Jeff Harrigan added that US forces must “do better than this.”

The weekend attack did major harm to the Syrian military’s position around the key city of Deir Ezzor, and the Syrian government withdrew from the ceasefire just days after the US attack, saying there was no point to keeping the ceasefire in place given how much they were getting attacked.

Britain, whose planes were also involved in the attack, were even less contrite about it than the US officials were, insisting that they had attacked the “Syrian Regime” in the middle of a ceasefire “in good faith,” and insisting the US report proved that the attack “was reasonable.”
Wikileaks Obtains Proof that Turkey Does Smuggle in ISIS Oil (Link is for an English Language report as the original is in Farsi.)

The proof is obtained by way of the Turkish group Red Hack, who got the emails from the Goat Lover's Son-in-Law's personal email account. The cache is around 20 GB, and contains over 57,000 emails.

Once the emails, and articles about them, start to go public, the Turkish justice system classified them, thus implying their authenticity.
While it has not been a confirmed ISIS attack, I'll post this here and move it if necessary.

Istanbul explosions: 38 killed, 155 wounded in twin blasts

My thoughts and wishes for the families of the victims.
Not even a day later and they already made arrests and are blaming the PKK.

Our intelligence services should go on a training course in Turkey, seeing they can solve these crimes ultra fast lately :dopey:
ISIS has counterattacked in Palmyra and retaken the city. What a shame. :embarrassed:

The pro-government militias have given Palmyra up. That means the surviving sights of the ancient city are under threat again. SAA is regrouping, the Russian Air Force is preparing to provide support (today, the weather was too bad for doing airstrikes). The Daesh won't hold the city for too long (let's hope), but that's still a mess-up. The recent success in Aleppo was more significant, though...
A bomb was defused today in an apartment in southwest Moscow. :boggled:
The terrorists were arrested. Three immigrants from Tajikistan and one from Moldova (!). They were preparing terrorist attacks in public transport and malls of the city as an "objective" from IS.
More explosives and guns were found at their home.

Ooof... Gotta look around.
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Vehicular Jihad is the way to go it seems:

After five minutes of his usual selective Koran-rant inexplicably cut with scenes from films I gave up. I doubt it's going to be a good history of vehicle-based terrorism though, you can go back to the 60s/70s to find it as a commonplace theme in Europe... and I suspect his agenda is far narrower than that.
Vehicular Jihad is the way to go it seems:

Sorry but is the idea that terrorists will use the tools they have available to them the easiest, that will minimize the chance of detection leading up to the act and cause a significant impact a new revelation to the creator of this video and yourself? Its also total ******** to claim that the media has ignored it or not tried to understand it, does he not think that people will bother to even check such a blatant lie?

Personally I see a bunch of selective nonsense, the repeated miss-use of the word Jihad (because it can of course only be used in one context) and then a very earnest man state the blindingly obvious as if its a revelation from upon high.

I want those ten minutes of my life back.

Tell you what can you do us a favour and start providing a short summary of what they numerous videos you post contain so we can get an idea of the level of useless they contain in advance.
Tell you what can you do us a favour and start providing a short summary of what they numerous videos you post contain so we can
Or just cut and paste the following: all Muslims are evil, all liberals are in cahoots with them, and the only people brave enough to save Western culture are conservatives with the balls to call political correctness the evil that is plaguing society and the nerves of steel to something something something Swedish rape statistics.

Welcome to the temple of navel-gazing. It's not enough to seek out evidentiary fact of the unprovable - that you are living life "correctly" - you have to advertise it and expose anyone who disagrees with you of being a threat to society because they secretly want nothing more than to take everything that you believe in and to subvert it, to twist it into a dark parody of itself and then force you to continue to identify with it like Cthulu if he ever decided to run for mayor.
Except for the tiny number of victims, vehicular jihad is a trivial/meaningless response to western political, economic and military activities in the Middle East. 9/11 counted for something, sure, but we have it sussed out and nothing like it has happened since. So it looks like we can have our cake and eat it too - a free pass to dominate the Middle East as our military and intelligence agencies see fit. Imperialism perfected and here to stay.
Tell you what then let me phrase it another way.

If you continue to post videos with no context or description in multiple threads they will be removed and a formal warning issued.

This is not your personal blog and you don't get to simply flood the place with videos that may or may not have context.

Members have tried this in the past, simply posting video or links to articles or just the text from articles with no supporting explanation. They got removed and/or warnings were issued.

This is not a point of debate or discussion, it's how the site has worked for a very long time.
Tell you what then let me phrase it another way.

If you continue to post videos with no context or description in multiple threads they will be removed and a formal warning issued.

This is not your personal blog and you don't get to simply flood the place with videos that may or may not have context.

Members have tried this in the past, simply posting video or links to articles or just the text from articles with no supporting explanation. They got removed and/or warnings were issued.

This is not a point of debate or discussion, it's how the site has worked for a very long time.
Can you demonstrate where I breach the AUP please?
Can you demonstrate where I breach the AUP please?
No problem at all.

You will, if asked by a representative of the forums, cease posting any content

You will cease posting videos without context or explaination.

Fail to do so and they will be removed and you will be issued a formal warning.

I asked politely, you have chosen to reject that approach, you will not be asked again.

Have an issue with this feel free to take it up with an admin, but it's not for debate or discussion here.