The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Reports of a counter-terrorist operation going on in Saint Petersburg, Russia. :boggled:
Some islamist insugrents are blocked in an apartment.

Well, that attack attempt in Russia didn't go so well. No humans were killed.
You got to admire the Russians. At least they know how to deal with 'the threat'.

Haha just look at them :lol::


NOT impressed!
I wouldn't be surprised if the bombing was done by one of the Arab countries (who despise Assad) rather than the USA.
I just read on that ISIS is claiming responsibility for the Minnesota mall attack.
I don't believe this was an accident and this is more proof of the US aiding IS. Has the US already blamed Assad or Putin for this "mistake"?
Well, Samantha Power blamed Russia and SAA for bombing civilians, markets and hospitals (ha, look who's talking). With no details or evidence, just words.

The cease-fire has ended, without even having started. The Russian MoD reported the "moderate rebels" have violated the ceasefire 302 times in Aleppo. In such circumstances, the ceasefire is "useless", they said.

Looks like the US can't control their "moderate rebels". There was a video where the militants expel the American servicemen from their territory. (Luckily, they didn't slit their throats).

Latest reports say the Syrian Army declares the 'ceasefire' done and started the offensive.
Maybe it's the "Assad must go" mentality and they don't care who they aid to achieve that goal? the end goal is to weaken (destroy) Syria.
I'm sorry, but there aren't enough facepalms to express how ridiculous this is. Your theory is that the United States knowingly and willingly took military action designed and wholly intended to benefit the single most dangerous terrorist organisation for the sake of undermining the Assad regime and (figuratively speaking) stick their tongue out at Syria's allies in general and Russia in particular?
I'm sorry, but there aren't enough facepalms to express how ridiculous this is. Your theory is that the United States knowingly and willingly took military action designed and wholly intended to benefit the single most dangerous terrorist organisation for the sake of undermining the Assad regime and (figuratively speaking) stick their tongue out at Syria's allies in general and Russia in particular?
It would appear the US State Department and the US Pentagon are working towards different ends. Kerry pushes a huge stone uphill and makes a peace agreement, then the Pentagon shoots up a Syrian government position, killing scores, all the while Samantha Power smirks about it. Regime change for fun and profit, originally a British game, but perfected by us.

Kerry pushes a huge stone uphill and makes a peace agreement, then the Pentagon shoots up a Syrian government position, killing scores, all the while Samantha Power smirks about it.
Except that the position that they shot up was of pretty low strategic value. Another gargantuan effort by Field Marshall Haig to move his drinks cabinet six inches closer to Berlin?

Field Marshal Lord Haig

Butcher of the Somme, author of 2 million British casualties, synonymous with the futility of war, and fully in the tradition of Sisyphus.
Field Marshal Lord Haig

Butcher of the Somme, author of 2 million British casualties, synonymous with the futility of war, and fully in the tradition of Sisyphus.
Lord, indeed. The British have a weird way of commemorating military incompetence. Let's not forget Tennyson's "The Charge of the Light Brigade", an ode to one of the most unnecessary and avoidable disasters in one of the most futile wars of human history, executed by a man who bought his commission in the military and retired to his quarters for a steak and champagne dinner hours after the slaughter.
My opinion:
The Pentagon and CIA are discussing striking positions of the Syrian military without a UN Security Council resolution. Bombing air force runways with missiles fired from coalition planes and ships is being considered, according to WaPo. Russia is on record as saying that if the US hits government positions again, it would be met by a tsunami of retaliation. If the Pentagon or CIA acted like in a rogue fashion and struck the Syrian government positions without the full knowledge and assent of lame duck President Obama, it would likely result in an unintended shooting war with Russia.
“One proposed way to get around the White House’s objection to striking the Assad regime without a UN Security Council resolution would be to carry out the strikes covertly and without public acknowledgment,”
A meeting of the Obama administration’s Principals Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, the newspaper reported, adding that a meeting of the National Security Council could follow this weekend.

The CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff expressed support for “limited military strikes against the Syrian government,” last Wednesday, when the US discussed such “kinetic” options

“There’s an increased mood in support of kinetic actions against the regime,” one senior administration official was quoted as saying.

“The CIA and the Joint Staff have said that the fall of Aleppo would undermine America’s counterterrorism goals in Syria,”