The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Rainy season is already approaching, which can be felt here during late afternoons and hence, there is also a drop in temperature.
Very sunny, no clouds and practically no wind. It is going to be around 21°C.
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It is raining already every late afternoon until night time, which is becoming more apparent as May nears its end. Good thing there's a noticeable drop in the temperature as well.
Not a fan of the wind but it brings temps that are 20 degrees below normal and I have no complaints about that.

Some of you probably heard about the tornadoes in Ohio last night. Luckily everybody I know is fine, but I have at least two close friends and some family members who were within a mile of the tornado's path. Somehow my uncle's house in Old North Dayton managed to get skipped, while the Amber Rose restaurant 1/4 mile away got damaged enough to close down. I'm up in South Bend Indiana for now but there were plenty of warnings here as well.
We had a lot of rain yesterday, finally. At the moment it is 10:29 am and it is very sunny and a little over 20°C. It was colder than 21°C.
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It would have been nice to have had a few 80 degree days to ease us into hot...
Strange thing happened today. Water fell from the sky. Looks like we might get some more tomorrow. (Hopefully).

Screenshot Wheatherl.png
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Overcast and around 20°C. It feels very humid and sweating is not a problem with this weather.
It should be raining more already but for some reason, it's sunny right now. I'd like to rain because at least temperature will get cooler.
Looks good so far. 10:22 am very sunny, warm but not hot, a few clouds and a South-west wind
Rain. So much rain. When will it end? Areas are already flooding and it's due to continue for the rest of the week

This was in Kent today:


And in Wales:

It has been raining a lot. Yay.

It is still overcast, very humid and rainy.

The grass is green, nature is smiling and the air is breathable again.

