The Wheel Inherent Advantage

  • Thread starter HornetX1
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Rofl. The butthurt is strong with this one. Sounds like someone is getting whooped in sport mode and needs something to blame it on. It's funny how some people lose and think "well, better get faster I suppose" and other people think "well, it must be that those other people have better peripherals than I do".

OP, your problem can be solved with two simple words: git gud.
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I'm sure you'll all enjoy reading everything I left here for you...
Laugh Lol GIF
It's about time those of you that use wheels stop lying to yourselves & starting accepting that the racing wheels have an inherent advantage over the controllers. They always have & always will.

You can be low A/S driver skill/ability wise, & easily compete with higher A/S maybe even low A+/S drivers on pads.

Basically, once you get fully adjusted to the wheel (& This could take days, or weeks or months, it's varied & certainly not an easy transition)... You will always be able to lunch above your weight skill wise until you start coming across other wheel users.

I've said it for years, sport mode should split the playerbase further by hardware...or at the very least, give us the OPTION, of joining timeslots & selecting our hardware so that we get matched with others using the same equipment.

Or maybe not selecting because you'd 100% get wheel users looking for low skill easy wins. But seen as it's a first party game I'm almost certain they could detect the hardware you're on, & then do some kind of check again a few times mid race to make sure nobody switches over.

That's all semantics anyway.

It's time for wheel users to stop trying to lie to themselves & pretend that the wheel isn't "that much of an advantage" so that they can feel good about winning raced Vs controllers.

The wheel is a giant advantage, and that gap has clearly increased on GT7.
Here are some of the advantages to using a wheel:

  • Wheels have way finer controls, allowing for more precise inputs on the throttle, brakes & steering...
  • They have a much better ability to rotate the car & easily maintain's no surprise that literally all the top lap times every week feature dumb powersliding into every corner & they're all wheel users (yes I've asked them).
  • Much better tyre wear. Controllers still have issues with bad tyre wear
  • Related to the finer controls, they're FAR less prone to making mistakes. Racing at the top end against wheel users on a controller is ridiculously difficult & feels like you're on a knife edge at all times. The margin for error on controller (all assists off apart from abs, & using manual) is TINY.
  • No stick drift! Yet another issue with controllers, especially the Dualsense, is the horrendous stick drift after a few months (4 controllers replaced already)

The only advantage of using a controller is the lack of fatigue. Depending on how you're set up, I can imagine some longer races would fatigue some people on a wheel, whereas a controller is all in the fingers so there's zero fatigue even after a few hours.

Time to put an end to the defensive myth spread by wheel users. No it's not an even playing field, yes you do have a significant advantage, & yes you should be forced to play against others with the same equipment. I don't care if it cuts the playerbase down... There's definitely more than 16 people in each major region using wheels, so there's at least one full session.

Oh, I almost forgot... Tracks with camber

Yes wheek users, not only do you have an inherent hardware advantage, but it's even more pronounced on tracks with camber. Because even on max sensitivity controller users stueggle to rotate the car on cambered corners.

I'd love the top pros do a mixed championship where half of them have to use wheels, & the other half controllers , & then mix it up & just see how they all perform to finally spread the word to all the delusional wheel users out there.

I'm sure you'll all enjoy reading everything I left here for you, I look forward to reading all your lovely little replies.
Just buy a wheel then! šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
Who else is in the boat of - could get a wheel but their partner will not allow for the extra clutter it brings? :lol:

I used to have a wheel from a young age playing GT4 / Forza 1+2 and even then there was a wheel advantage.

For now I'm a steady A/S driver on controller but know full well I will seriously struggle to make a step up again.

That being said, I don't think the solution is to split up the hardware users in game ... yes wheel will always have an advantage at the upper tiers of skill but splitting it between controller / wheel just seems too drastic. I quite like knowing that I may have beaten a wheel user on a Daily Race ... and in another sense, I also don't care / mind that they had a wheel and I had a pad.
Who else is in the boat of - could get a wheel but their partner will not allow for the extra clutter it brings? :lol:
Oh yes, my wife's face spoke volumes about what she thought of me when I said to her: "Oh dear, I'm throwing out the office chair (3 months old 300 euros expensive ;P ). I have a used car seat and a lot Ordered aluminum profiles and use them to build a rig for driving a car on the PC or console!" Even today she sometimes walks past the office and shakes her head :D
You should just punt off anyone who uses a wheel, because they're denying themselves the thrill of fair competition with pad users.
Pad Punting? Oh wait this is why @Dennisch just intentionally pits whenever I'm closing in on him.
Do wheels have an advantage? Yeah. Probably a little bit.

Are people beating you because they're using a wheel? Definitely not.

If you spent as much time practicing, as you did posting . . (I was going to say drivel. But, I'm not sure I want to be that generous) . . You know where I'm going with this.
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It's about time those of you that use wheels stop lying to yourselves & starting accepting that the racing wheels have an inherent advantage over the controllers. They always have & always will.

You can be low A/S driver skill/ability wise, & easily compete with higher A/S maybe even low A+/S drivers on pads.

Basically, once you get fully adjusted to the wheel (& This could take days, or weeks or months, it's varied & certainly not an easy transition)... You will always be able to lunch above your weight skill wise until you start coming across other wheel users.

I've said it for years, sport mode should split the playerbase further by hardware...or at the very least, give us the OPTION, of joining timeslots & selecting our hardware so that we get matched with others using the same equipment.

Or maybe not selecting because you'd 100% get wheel users looking for low skill easy wins. But seen as it's a first party game I'm almost certain they could detect the hardware you're on, & then do some kind of check again a few times mid race to make sure nobody switches over.

That's all semantics anyway.

It's time for wheel users to stop trying to lie to themselves & pretend that the wheel isn't "that much of an advantage" so that they can feel good about winning raced Vs controllers.

The wheel is a giant advantage, and that gap has clearly increased on GT7.
Here are some of the advantages to using a wheel:

  • Wheels have way finer controls, allowing for more precise inputs on the throttle, brakes & steering...
  • They have a much better ability to rotate the car & easily maintain's no surprise that literally all the top lap times every week feature dumb powersliding into every corner & they're all wheel users (yes I've asked them).
  • Much better tyre wear. Controllers still have issues with bad tyre wear
  • Related to the finer controls, they're FAR less prone to making mistakes. Racing at the top end against wheel users on a controller is ridiculously difficult & feels like you're on a knife edge at all times. The margin for error on controller (all assists off apart from abs, & using manual) is TINY.
  • No stick drift! Yet another issue with controllers, especially the Dualsense, is the horrendous stick drift after a few months (4 controllers replaced already)

The only advantage of using a controller is the lack of fatigue. Depending on how you're set up, I can imagine some longer races would fatigue some people on a wheel, whereas a controller is all in the fingers so there's zero fatigue even after a few hours.

Time to put an end to the defensive myth spread by wheel users. No it's not an even playing field, yes you do have a significant advantage, & yes you should be forced to play against others with the same equipment. I don't care if it cuts the playerbase down... There's definitely more than 16 people in each major region using wheels, so there's at least one full session.

Oh, I almost forgot... Tracks with camber

Yes wheek users, not only do you have an inherent hardware advantage, but it's even more pronounced on tracks with camber. Because even on max sensitivity controller users stueggle to rotate the car on cambered corners.

I'd love the top pros do a mixed championship where half of them have to use wheels, & the other half controllers , & then mix it up & just see how they all perform to finally spread the word to all the delusional wheel users out there.

I'm sure you'll all enjoy reading everything I left here for you, I look forward to reading all your lovely little replies.
Yeah and on that note, itā€™s also unfair about the tiers of the wheel. The better the equipment, the faster and better you be. A person with a T248 canā€™t compete with someone with a Fanatec.

I think we should have a separate lobby matching equipment. Pad should be playing against pad, T300 should playing against T300, etc.
I definitely agree with @HornetX1, this is just madness by PD to let wheel and pad users drive together. There's so much of a difference in skill between the two that it's not even a joke, no idea what Kaz was thinking.
Controller is just so much easier, all you have to do is move the stick a cm and the game plays itself. I mean, just look at the drift missions! It's so much easier to countersteer and catch spins on pad too! I can't afford any new controllers this month after my current one started stick drifitng, I want to race fairly against the drivers who use their whole body into driving a car, not just two thumbs. Petition for a Daily Race D where wheel and controller users are separated?
So being someone who has spent decades in the fighting game community...this same topic used to come up when comparing pad users to stick users. Stick users were always seen as the top of the top and there was some data backing it up... but it wasnt even because of an inherent advantage of the actual peripheral it was in the game's original creation[fighting games were arcade games first before porting to consoles/PC] and as the arcade scene has died pad users are actually seeing more success than ever. There's a whole thing of input delay and latency issues and monitor refresh rates but we wont get into that.

All in all...I wouldnt think OP has a true understanding of what they're claiming. I feel so...relieved coming here and seeing all these wild posts. FGC went through these similar issues awhile ago so this is old news lol Hope OP can learn to enjoy the game
Since Sony knows who we are anyway, we should be divided according to the following:


Hey, and if that's not enough...

-sexual orientation
-Favourite colour
-Hair colour
-Eye color
-Marital status
You left out the BIG one on your list
Right and Left Handed.
Also the OP didn't talk any at all about how hard it is to drift with a wheel, and don't get me started on trying to do a hairpin turn with a G29 wheel!
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