The Wheel Inherent Advantage

  • Thread starter HornetX1
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Putting memes aside. All the disadvantages of the controller you mentioned are true.

However, all of them add up to very tiny difference. Maybe 1 - 2 tenths per lap in hot lap scenarios.

Extreme front tire saving races aside, if a "lower skilled wheel user" is beating a controller user, it's not the controller that's the problem. So if you are getting beat by lower skilled drivers, you're probably not driving as fast as you think you are
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Friendly reminder n°1857446354 that Daniel Solis (Lamb) is a World Tour finalist and uses pad, and he's not the only one among those. There are even top tier pad players on ACC now. It's just a matter of being used to your input device, nothing else.

To be fair, there are differences, but it's mostly situational advantages and disadvantages that compensates each other. Pad can't turn in as quickly in tight hairpins, but can catch slides / drifts more easily in GT, while wheel allows for sharper turn in in super tight hairpins and better tyre wear management.

Also, expensive wheels aren't faster than a G29 or T150. All they bring is immersion, not pace. A lot of top split drivers in several sims use little to no force feedback on purpose. I'd still recommend getting a wheel because it's a fun experience, but the hardware itself won't make you faster.
Friendly reminder n°1857446354 that Daniel Solis (Lamb) is a World Tour finalist
And indeed winner, despite being forced to use the mandatory wheel for the finals and live events...
I don't get this community, pay-to-win is a terrible thing when it's people buying microtransactions but when it's people buying more expensive and faster wheels suddenly it's fine 🤷‍♂️.

ducks 🙈
But that's a monkey... These are ducks: 🦆🦆🦆

Something something weak something small penis something.
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I've been using a wheel for years, and i find the controller for GT7 does a very good job. Some cars and tracks i am faster with the pad and others vice versa. Doesn't make sense. GT7 though is more simcade than sim imo with so many inconsistencies with physics etc.
I can say this with certainty is my wheel setups as a simulator controller keep me coming back for more Online racing. Having a difficult race with drivers using other controllers is part of online racing that can be fixable . The more drivers we have racing will make that happen .
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Actually in GT7 it is an inherent disadvantage. All the missions I was struggling with using a wheel, I could relatively easily complete by switching to controller.
and let‘s not start about the dirt tracks…
come on can we keep NSFW stuff out of the forums
I've read through the entire thread backwards and forwards about eight times now, and I can't find any "NSFW stuff", unless you think the Nintendo Power Glove is an adult toy. Or you work in a place that's banned ducks (but that's your workplace's problem rather than ours).

Did you mean to post in a different thread, or on a different site?
I've read through the entire thread backwards and forwards about eight times now, and I can't find any "NSFW stuff", unless you think the Nintendo Power Glove is an adult toy. Or you work in a place that's banned ducks (but that's your workplace's problem rather than ours).

Did you mean to post in a different thread, or on a different site?
You used word for male genitalia in your last post that's what I was saying wasn't necessary.
You used word for male genitalia in your last post that's what I was saying wasn't necessary.

"Penis" isn't "NSFW" - and if it's not suitable for your workplace, perhaps you shouldn't be browsing the internet (much less visiting a gaming site) on company time, because you're apparently working for puritans. You certainly shouldn't be trying to apply your own (or their) censors to the site's administrator.

Here's GTP's Acceptable Use Policy, to refamiliarise yourself:
It's not the hardware, it's sim-racing knowledge. If you know how to race proper, then your inputs will be correct and it doesn't matter if you are using a controller or a wheel.

  • You will not post or link to content that is obscene or sexually oriented. you should read up on your own rules talking about peoples sexual organ size would fall under that and this has nothing to do with work I just don't like to read filth like that when its completely unnecessary and against the rules
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Yeah and on that note, it’s also unfair about the tiers of the wheel. The better the equipment, the faster and better you be. A person with a T248 can’t compete with someone with a Fanatec.

I think we should have a separate lobby matching equipment. Pad should be playing against pad, T300 should playing against T300, etc.
This is absolutely not true.. I ride a T248 and a friend of mine has enough money to buy a DD Pro AND a PS5 AND an awesome rig. I keep losing against him... cry

sarcasm offline now
  • Haha
Reactions: kjb
OP why dont you buy a wheel instead of making a crying thread. No need at all to buy an overpriced fanatec or another expensive one, a standard entry level wheel with ffb is enough. Like G29 or T150 pro. Theyre very affordable and easily last several years
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  • You will not post or link to content that is obscene or sexually oriented. you should read up on your own rules talking about peoples sexual organ size would fall under that and this has nothing to do with work I just don't like to read filth like that when its completely unnecessary and against the rules
The fact that you link someone's penis to sex, before anything else, says more about you, than anyone else.

It has other uses 👍
The fact that you link someone's penis to sex, before anything else, says more about you, than anyone else.

It has other uses 👍
Sometimes exclusively other uses...
  • You will not post or link to content that is obscene or sexually oriented.
you should read up on your own rules talking about peoples sexual organ size would fall under that and this has nothing to do with work I just don't like to read filth like that when its completely unnecessary and against the rules
The word "penis" is neither obscene nor sexually oriented, and it's pretty weird that this even needs to be stated and that you're now straight-up arguing the toss with the person who knows the rules better than anyone except the guy who wrote them. Neither are other anatomical words like "testicles", "vulva", "ovaries", or "vagina". Or the word "genitalia", which you used...

Nothing in my post (or this one) is "NSFW" or "filth" unless you're working for puritans and, to restate, if that's the case you shouldn't be browsing gaming websites while on company time.

Bizarre and mildly diverting, but this is where this segue stops. If you can't deal with that, there's a button to log out if you click on your username in the top-right corner.
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I think a wheel is better overall but i still use a controller, i simply do not have the room for a decent set-up.

Also; and this might be odd, but i do not want to take things to seriously. I sort of like that i just pick up a controller and start playing. Getting a wheel and a set up makes it all a bit to proffesional to me...

finally i have been using a controller since the midd ninities, it is just to much effort to learn to adapt to a wheel.

but i will be damned if i am going to moan here over someone using a wheel and beating me or vica versa. You will get beaten by others, learn to live with it.
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Turning aside I would think pedals give way more modulation of brake and gas. The controller input only uses 50% of the actual lever throw. A setting to make the curve more linear would even things up there.
Don't forget separate leaderboards for what view you use, and another for what assists you use, then another for the size of your screen...
Was reading this and it wrapped the sentence at "...your...", wasn't at all expecting "screen" to be the final word...😁

That said, the controller -vs- wheel argument will never end. Some say they are faster on the controller, some say the wheel. Personally, I was SUPER stoked when I scored a top 50 time at BMB via the controller. I mean, sure, it was AFTER GT7 had released so most of the aliens were gone, but it still felt good. And I still want a wheel, I'm just gonna keep racing until I get one and will learn to 'cope' in the interim.

This plays-out in many facets of life. For instance, I'm not a fan of vanilla ice-cream. I've written many letters to the Dairy Board, Baskin Robbins, Brusters and all have fallen on deaf ears...bastards all still sell vanilla. So, I showed them, I quit eating ice-cream! You do what you need to do to make it through these unfair trials and tribulations of life...your move may vary.

It's a game...if you aren't enjoying it, don't do it. If your sustainability in this world is somehow impacted by what happens in Gran Turismo, there are bigger issues at play that no forum can readily solve. You've got "X" number of days to be alive on this planet, try to enjoy them. :cheers:
You forgot to demand separate single player leaderboards for wheel & pad users... 😈

Edit: For the cost of four replaced controllers you'd have been pretty close to getting a G29/G923...
It's not the money it's the space/travel.

I choose to work abroad in different countries, because I want to actually experience the world by living in these places not just going sitting on a beach for a week once a year.

So buying a wheel, & packing things like that is just not practical for me at all, rather travel light.

I'll get a wheel when I'm living in one place & ready to give up on life 😉
btw I thought it was funny, I got stuck with the Moby Dick mission with the NA Miata running over 8 cones. Between the lack of FOV and I just can't turn the wheel fast enough to cut tight enough corners, I went to try it using chase cam and pad and after about 15 min of figuring out the buttons again was able to gold that. I was like 15 sec off with the wheel....:lol::lol:
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