The White Dragon 360km - 01: Cape Ring (Finished)

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Application for this race:

Series name: Renault Clio Cup
Class name: Renault Clio Cup
Cars: Renaultsport Clio/Lutecia Trophy Race Car
Spec: 385hp, normal weight (which I always forget :lol: ) +100kg

The only confirmed driver so far is me in the Clio Cup, the rest are open for interested drivers.

Preferred start time: not much later than 9pm gmt :)

I approve that ^

I don't think you can get 5 classes so maybe you should consider lowering that to instead have a greater number of entries per class?
I'm thinking 3 classes by 5 like Mel once wished for :).

I think this would also make for more interesting multi-car battles due to the fact 5 drivers will be "equal".

Consider the Clio Cup my choice then 👍
So, let's find someone else interested?

Like I said, BTCCOC could be an option.

And Mel, we're not playing the "I post here while you post there"- game again, are we? :lol:
Like I said, BTCCOC could be an option.

And Mel, we're not playing the "I post here while you post there"- game again, are we? :lol:

Naturally, it happens by accident.

Here's to rubbing some red/yellow paint all over my silver Renault. :D
I can enter one. I already sort of have it planned out for a one off event at spa similar to the 1000km of spa.
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Series name: 1000km of Spa
Class name: LMP1
Cars: Peugeot 908, Audi R10 TDI, Pescarolo from 05
Spec: Peugeot- 735 hp, 930 kg or completely stock with oil change, Audi- 700 hp, 935 kg, Pescarolo- 650 hp, 900 kg

I'll use peugeot 908 team oreca.

And also traction control for lmp so it's like real life and no abs
Fair enough, however I would need you to get 2 other people ready :) (need at least 3 in each class).
Dave, no offence, but I have no idea how you impressed that guy with the MP4-12C with those driving skills of yours :lol: (just kidding, GT's a game :D )
My skills cost me 13 hours almost back to back in full rain at the ring to win us the 24hr, skills can't be that bad?
Are tye doing more than 1 24 hour of the Ring race, might try it some time.
Well I can say I HAD planned a 24 hour Le Mans.. until I found out as we can only do 200 laps the average lap shouldn't be more than 7,something minutes :grumpy:

Also Mel, doggie wants treat :D
My skills cost me 13 hours almost back to back in full rain at the ring to win us the 24hr, skills can't be that bad?

I see. So, I'm guessing Heathenpride got in the car to save your rear bumper? :lol:

I had to say it, sorry.