The YLOD Thread! What is it and how to avoid it when playing GT5.

  • Thread starter FlareKR
So you're saying my fix could only last for a short while? And yes I agree with you 100% that Sony should take better care of their customers, they should at least offer some sort of compensation for my new large paper weight.

Edit: Now I'm scared to death of it dying again!

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, absolutely do not consider it a permanent fix. The solder on the connectors under the processors is only connected with the thinnest amount. The heatgun just re-flowed the broken terminals but would have thinned the solder also making it prone to cracking whether you used flux or not.

I would suggest taking the opportunity now you've got it working again to backup everything on the Hard Drive to a separate external Hard Drive using the backup facility in the system menus. Also backup your save game data to a USB stick. All your trophy data is synced to Sony online servers so you can get that data back. Make sure you know your password to your account. Then finally, deactivated the account, under "account management".

If you get a new PS3, use restore from backup to restore your data from the external hard drive and re-activate your account for video and game content.
Just an addition to tip 3. Instead of buying a can of compressed air, use a hair/blow dryer. Almost every house has one, so there's no extra expenses. Just hold in the 'cold air' button and watch the dust blow away!
This is WINGD-OUT2
GOT THE YLoD... Lost all 266cars, the works are gone. No way to get them out of hard drive. Sony could not care less:((

So remember to BACK UP YOUR GAME.

If anyone would be kind enought to send me some cars to plow my way back, I will return them +.
I was known on line as WINGD-OUT1
I was a skeptic once. I thought that taking care of your PS3 would prevent it from eventually YLOD. I even had one of the 40gb models which were at the bottom of the list of models that got this failure. I played for only one or two hour periods twice a day, sometimes I didn't even played for a week since I have other consoles. Never played when it was above 85° F...

All of this was a futile attempt to prevent the inevitable. Five years after I first bought my PS3, it YLOD on me. 15 minutes after installing and playing Mod Nation Racers, btw.

The game doesn't really matter. Yes, some will take the PS3 closer to it's limits, but the console is made for that. And those who think that GT5 pushes it to the limit are completely wrong. GT5 is easy on the PS3. Play GTA4, Heavy Rain or MGS4 and you'll know what pushing the console to it's limits means. Proof of it is that my PS3 only went on "super fan" mode twice in a whole year when playing GT5, even on it's last day of life it didn't turn on the fans with GT5. Games like the ones mentioned made my old PS3 got to maximum fan speed after just ten minutes of playing. I'm not a techy guy, but this means something.

My recommendation for the ones that have a fat model is to save for a slim. And don't be stupid and careles like me, BACK UP YOUR GAMES. That's the only solution. It took me a couple of months to save money for one, but I finally got it about two months ago. And I'm really happy with it :)
This is a great thread! 👍

I'm having problems with my 40gb fatty PS3 as well. It's not the YOLD type 40gb ps3.(mines is the 2nd gen 40gb ps3 model no. CECHG01)

Which is green from the other codes of the YOLD ps3s out there. I had it since December 24, 2008 (it's 4 years old now :D) and now it was acting wierd when it played any Blu-Ray discs. It plays for at least a few minutes (mostly between 5-30 minutes) and just stops reading, but It will play PS1 and CDs fine for hours. I'm investing my money into a slim PS3 soon and I'm also want to fix my baby up as well.

So I want to ask some of our GTPlanet techs:

It has a special torx screw with the hexagon head in the center and I want to open it up and look at the laser and clean it out at the same time( I haven seen videos on YouTube) so what type of torx screwdriver should I look into for the operation?

And when I fix on my fatty, should I invest in any cooling products for it? Even though it's not on the yold list, what can I do to avoid it from happening?

And one more question, the OP said about getting out more often and soon you can get one of the few photos selected in your "time of desperate measures" with your ps3. But what advice can you give to a broke 20+ year old guy with no car(soon),no money and who lives in his parents' basement? :P :lol:

Thanks for any tips or solutions that anyone here can give to help out.

I'll be back! ;)👍
This is a great thread! 👍

I'm having problems with my 40gb fatty PS3 as well. It's not the YOLD type 40gb ps3.(mines is the 2nd gen 40gb ps3 model no. CECHG01)

Which is green from the other codes of the YOLD ps3s out there. I had it since December 24, 2008 (it's 4 years old now :D) and now it was acting wierd when it played any Blu-Ray discs. It plays for at least a few minutes (mostly between 5-30 minutes) and just stops reading, but It will play PS1 and CDs fine for hours. I'm investing my money into a slim PS3 soon and I'm also want to fix my baby up as well.

So I want to ask some of our GTPlanet techs:

It has a special torx screw with the hexagon head in the center and I want to open it up and look at the laser and clean it out at the same time( I haven seen videos on YouTube) so what type of torx screwdriver should I look into for the operation?

And when I fix on my fatty, should I invest in any cooling products for it? Even though it's not on the yold list, what can I do to avoid it from happening?

And one more question, the OP said about getting out more often and soon you can get one of the few photos selected in your "time of desperate measures" with your ps3. But what advice can you give to a broke 20+ year old guy with no car(soon),no money and who lives in his parents' basement? :P :lol:

Thanks for any tips or solutions that anyone here can give to help out.

I'll be back! ;)👍

get yourself this for taking the screws off, And look into a new blu ray drive as it sounds like your drive is on its way out possibly. This happened to my slim, It would not play any discs anymore, So i went out and bought new drive from ebay aswell as torx screwdrivers. fixed it myself and now runs fine
My old 60gb burnt out a three years ago thanksgiving, and I replaced it with the GT5 Racing Edition from Japan. Being overly terrified of it burning out, I used lego's to build up a base so air could travel over, under, and on the sides. It's a bit childish, but my lego's won't be used much again until I have children, and I did the same thing with my hard drives before, and it works.

WD 1.5TB

Are stacked up side ways so they take up almost no space compared to usual, and air flow is maximized. But I got an SG 3TB this past thanksgiving, and I need to get more legos to have space for it lol
My 60GB (the 4th one! two YLODs and a dodgy replacement one) is currently doing ok (touch wood) sat on it's side, with the vents facing outwards slightly over the edge of the desk it sits on. It puts out a lot of heat, so getting it away from the unit is my main concern and it seems to do that ok at the moment, looks ugly with the wires on show though.:grumpy:
Will this save my PS3 from the YLOD? :scared:
Mine is a 320GB Slim version, had it for over a year now, and it is currently sitting in a pretty tight space. (See picture :scared:)
My stand fan (it is switched on but I don't know how to use a lower shutter speed on my phone camera :ouch:) is used for it while I occasionally sweat playing GT5 on hot days.

09012012238 by kvin_lo, on Flickr

09012012237 by kvin_lo, on Flickr
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Model CECHA01 500/60 GB Refurb from Sony 2008, now suffers from YLOD Syndrome or FYFLoFD!!!! F = F bombs.

It died while listening to a CD! Pink Floyd - The Wall (DTS 5.1) Disc 1. I use an external 3 inch powered USB fan to circulate air and draw hot air away from it. I also cleaned it on a regular basis.

I will be getting it repaired at (local shop for me) for $100 when we have extra money. For that $100, PCDirect will reflow the unit and apply new thermal goop for the processors. I will have a 30 day warranty, if it fails again, they fix it again.

For now, the living room Slim (aka my kids' PS3) has been commandeered and resides in the basement.

I will take it apart to retrieve my CD though. I've seen YouTube videos, looks simple enough with no special tools needed. Caution will be used regarding the ribbons.

Samsung was sued and found responsible for using "cheap" capacitors that are prone to failure, on their 2008 LCD TV's. Even if a TV is out of warranty, before the class action law suit, Samsung would repair the TV at no cost. Ours was in 2010 I believe. After the suit, they will repair faulty displays and or reimburse those who paid for repairs.

Why have we not sued Sony for this? There is no cost to the class, attorney fees are paid separately.
Yay, just got ylod for the fourth time, haha. Man, I think it's finally time to get a new PS3 instead of just fixing the one I have every time it breaks.
Yay, just got ylod for the fourth time, haha. Man, I think it's finally time to get a new PS3 instead of just fixing the one I have every time it breaks.

How frequently is it failing?
No matter how much you may take care of your baby, If it's faulty it will eventually die. Simple as that. It's only a matter of time. Even if you clean it daily and have it located in a state of the art clean room that's cooled to -100C. Ya, I over exaggerated but you get my point. If you're a fat owner, make sure you've got a nice backup in case your PS3 goes all mellow yellow.

There are things you can do to prevent your PS3 from getting hot and one of those things involves replacing the thermal paste. The one SONY uses is really not of good quality and after a year or so it begins to crack. It's in your best interest to replace it with a high quality substitute such as Arctic Silver Ceramique (Non - Conductive and just as good as AS5).

Now if you do decide to do this, keep in mind it means disassembling the PS3 and then putting it back together. If you’re not good with such things, it’s best not to attempt it as you may end up with a non-functional PS3. It’s not hard..but it requires patience and time. There are many tutorials available on Youtube that will guide you through the process of disassembly. I replaced my second PS3’s thermal paste several months before it kicked the bucket (Unrelated – Just a coincidence).

Before doing the maintenance my PS3 was pretty loud. Even sitting in the XMB would kick up the fan into the second load level. After extended gaming it would become quite loud (Not maximum level or anything, but you could hear it whirling away) and this is in an A/C (68F) room. Once I replaced the old paste, it was quiet as a mouse. Massive difference. Sitting in the XMB, playing Games and all that rarely made it go up to Fan speed 2-3. I've put some pictures below to give you an example of just how BAD the old paste had gotten after a year or so.



Heatsink 1

Heatsink 2

As you could probably tell, it's not suppose to look like that. It's suppose to look like the picture below. An even and very THIN layer of white stuff.

Now if your PS3 goes, What can you do? Well..You could try the hairdryer method. That will net you around a month more use at most. Once my second PS3 hit the bucket I kept it alive with the hairdryer method. This method really won't damage anything, at least it didn't for me and there's no way for SONY to know what you've been up to.

This leads me to my next point. Once your Fat PS3 is out of warranty SONY won't care if you've opened it, if your warranty sticker is missing(You can remove the warranty sticker by using heat and a sharp edge - It won't show void if you do it right). None of that. You can tinker without fear. Now I'm not advocating you do, but this applied in my case. As long as there's no visual or internal damage caused by human hands, you're in the clear.

Best option if your Fat PS3 goes is just to pay SONY $100 and they give you a New(ish) Slim PS3 for your OLD Fat PS3 (60GB ONLY)(US ONLY).

I've had TWO 60GB's go on me (1st was a Launch Model - Second was a refurb "Made in Japan" I received from Sony). I'm currently running a 120 GB Slim.

Any questions - I can help out just ask.
As far as I'm aware SLIM PS3's are rarely affected by YLOD.
This is a great thread! 👍

I'm having problems with my 40gb fatty PS3 as well. It's not the YOLD type 40gb ps3.(mines is the 2nd gen 40gb ps3 model no. CECHG01)

Which is green from the other codes of the YOLD ps3s out there. I had it since December 24, 2008 (it's 4 years old now :D) and now it was acting wierd when it played any Blu-Ray discs. It plays for at least a few minutes (mostly between 5-30 minutes) and just stops reading, but It will play PS1 and CDs fine for hours. I'm investing my money into a slim PS3 soon and I'm also want to fix my baby up as well.

So I want to ask some of our GTPlanet techs:

It has a special torx screw with the hexagon head in the center and I want to open it up and look at the laser and clean it out at the same time( I haven seen videos on YouTube) so what type of torx screwdriver should I look into for the operation?

And when I fix on my fatty, should I invest in any cooling products for it? Even though it's not on the yold list, what can I do to avoid it from happening?

And one more question, the OP said about getting out more often and soon you can get one of the few photos selected in your "time of desperate measures" with your ps3. But what advice can you give to a broke 20+ year old guy with no car(soon),no money and who lives in his parents' basement? :P :lol:

Thanks for any tips or solutions that anyone here can give to help out.

I'll be back! ;)👍

I couldn't help to read the whole thread and pay special attention to your post. As I'm writing this I'm holding in my lap my first PS3 (40gb) and reading the model number I see CECHG01... Mine was 5 years old and it YLODed. So there is a slight chance that it might happen to you. Start saving for a new one so you don't have to go through the torture of not having a PS3 for a while. And just in case back up all your files.
I couldn't help to read the whole thread and pay special attention to your post. As I'm writing this I'm holding in my lap my first PS3 (40gb) and reading the model number I see CECHG01... Mine was 5 years old and it YLODed. So there is a slight chance that it might happen to you. Start saving for a new one so you don't have to go through the torture of not having a PS3 for a while. And just in case back up all your files.

Yep, I'm saving up for a new ps3 right now. Man I thought the system wouldn't give out with the Blu-Ray laser soon, but here it is :(. I'm still reading up on how to repair the system. Since its old and it's been reliable for all these years, I'm thinking of opening up the system cleaning it out and replace the laser with a better one later.

But it still plays PS1 games with no problems, but when I put in a PS3/Blu-Ray movie, it plays until 5-30 minutes, it could be the laser or maybe something else :confused:.
I have a 120 GB PS3 Slim and never experienced YLOD. However I experienced a damaged HDD, where when you turn on your PS3, it will just show a black screen. I had to reformat the HDD and lost all my save data. Luckily, I only had 2 games at the time, Tekken 6 and NFS Shift 1.
My 40gb just died about 3 weeks ago. Bought in April 2008. CECHH01 manufactured October 2007. I just bought a new 160gb slim to replace it. Luckily mine did turn on two more times after the first ylod of death so I was able to back up most of my saves to a flash drive.
Unless they changed the solder they use the same thing is going to happen to the slims in 3-5 years also. I think any ps3 is susceptible to the ylod, it's due to age not model. The older ones of course are going to start dying off with age and use.
Take it apart, remove old thermal paste,heat chips with a heatgun, re-apply new thermal paste, put it back together.

I'm the local ps3 guru, I've done about 8 fats and never had one that was completely dead.

I also smoke near my ps3 so the laser stops reading discs about every 6 months. I need to open up the disc drive and clean the laser with alcohol and a q-tip.

Always works fine afterwards.
I've never saw a YLOD, instead its the Blu Ray reading eye that go Doom, I've seen many with this problem. The local repair shop tells me it would cost over 200$ but I know hes full of it. I've long since bought a slim one. I will try to open them to see if I could get a few more trades a day lol.
I used q-tips to clean the dust out of the vents (with it off, of course) when I start to here the second level fan speed kick in.
Long Post Warning

It's a marketing strategy. If you think about it.

Ford, Chevy, & Dodge manufacture their (modern day) cars to last about 100-150,000 miles. After that they begin to break down. You have to start buying parts and getting it serviced. There is only so much of that you can do before it really starts to get old. That's the reason why so many american cars are made of plastic interiors. It's cheap and easy to get, no to mention it can be recycled. Plus since the car has to meet new safety requirements, it technically has to be made of plastic so all the energy from a crash gets expended and crumples; saving you from the drunk driver last night.

Apple has made how many iPads?! One or two is enough.
Instead they released the first with one processor, and fair graphics. Then they release a second one with the SAME graphics just more processors. Finally a third one hit the market with HD graphics and even more power. What's wrong with just two? What happens to the old ones? Well they end up on eBay and craigslist (or in closet or landfill) because all the the Apple wh**es just HAVE TO HAVE the new one. Besides Apple buys parts from Samsung and other people anyway. So it's not really all Apple.

Sony had to go the safe route in order to sell the console WORLD WIDE, so they had to use cheaper safe stuff, which is a plus for them, to mass produce the product. They map out a plan, make a few million of these models, a little of these and slap a big price tag on it, then in two years make a better one. Mass produced stuff is usually made of cheaper stuff, otherwise it would cost company way to much to even make it. So in about 3 years your beloved PS3 will start to break down and you'll have to service it yourself or buy a new one. Paying $150 for Sony to fix their product that could have been made much better is not worth it. I don't want to sink even more money into it.

So it's best to buy a compatible Portable HDD or SSD and perform a backup once a week. Buy a USB Drive and backup save data EVERY-TIME you are done with your game. And take the time to open it up and clean it out. I voided my warranty a month after just buying one. That thing was loaded with dust and cat hair. It's like a vacuum. Its internal temp dropped after that. Anything electric is a dust magnet due to static.

Oh, here is a good tip. When a disc gets stuck in the older model (fat) PS3, there is method to remove the stuck disc by force.
Flip the power switch on the back to OFF. Place your finger on the Eject button and keep it there. Flip the power switch to ON. The fan will turn on and max its RPM speed. Now watch that pound of dust fly out. ;)

The downside is you have to continue the eject process. So once the fan kicks on, repeatedly tap the eject button until the disc comes out. the console will remain on for a few seconds then turn on off with 3 beeps. Only do this when the console is cool. The fan itself generates a good bit of heat at full speed and your console will vibrate a good bit. Don't freak out.
Long Post Warning

It's a marketing strategy. If you think about it.

Ford, Chevy, & Dodge manufacture their (modern day) cars to last about 100-150,000 miles. After that they begin to break down. You have to start buying parts and getting it serviced. There is only so much of that you can do before it really starts to get old. That's the reason why so many american cars are made of plastic interiors. It's cheap and easy to get, no to mention it can be recycled. Plus since the car has to meet new safety requirements, it technically has to be made of plastic so all the energy from a crash gets expended and crumples; saving you from the drunk driver last night.

Apple has made how many iPads?! One or two is enough.
Instead they released the first with one processor, and fair graphics. Then they release a second one with the SAME graphics just more processors. Finally a third one hit the market with HD graphics and even more power. What's wrong with just two? What happens to the old ones? Well they end up on eBay and craigslist (or in closet or landfill) because all the the Apple wh**es just HAVE TO HAVE the new one. Besides Apple buys parts from Samsung and other people anyway. So it's not really all Apple.

Sony had to go the safe route in order to sell the console WORLD WIDE, so they had to use cheaper safe stuff, which is a plus for them, to mass produce the product. They map out a plan, make a few million of these models, a little of these and slap a big price tag on it, then in two years make a better one. Mass produced stuff is usually made of cheaper stuff, otherwise it would cost company way to much to even make it. So in about 3 years your beloved PS3 will start to break down and you'll have to service it yourself or buy a new one. Paying $150 for Sony to fix their product that could have been made much better is not worth it. I don't want to sink even more money into it.

So it's best to buy a compatible Portable HDD or SSD and perform a backup once a week. Buy a USB Drive and backup save data EVERY-TIME you are done with your game. And take the time to open it up and clean it out. I voided my warranty a month after just buying one. That thing was loaded with dust and cat hair. It's like a vacuum. Its internal temp dropped after that. Anything electric is a dust magnet due to static.

Oh, here is a good tip. When a disc gets stuck in the older model (fat) PS3, there is method to remove the stuck disc by force.
Flip the power switch on the back to OFF. Place your finger on the Eject button and keep it there. Flip the power switch to ON. The fan will turn on and max its RPM speed. Now watch that pound of dust fly out. ;)

The downside is you have to continue the eject process. So once the fan kicks on, repeatedly tap the eject button until the disc comes out. the console will remain on for a few seconds then turn on off with 3 beeps. Only do this when the console is cool. The fan itself generates a good bit of heat at full speed and your console will vibrate a good bit. Don't freak out.

I agree with this. And also with Chrysler, the old ones(don't know about modern) went with the warranty.. as soon as it expired things started going horrible wrong. My experience of course.

I'm wondering if the slims will start going soon..