The YLOD Thread! What is it and how to avoid it when playing GT5.

  • Thread starter FlareKR
Sony had to go the safe route in order to sell the console WORLD WIDE, so they had to use cheaper safe stuff, which is a plus for them, to mass produce the product. They map out a plan, make a few million of these models, a little of these and slap a big price tag on it, then in two years make a better one. Mass produced stuff is usually made of cheaper stuff, otherwise it would cost company way to much to even make it. So in about 3 years your beloved PS3 will start to break down and you'll have to service it yourself or buy a new one. Paying $150 for Sony to fix their product that could have been made much better is not worth it. I don't want to sink even more money into it.
Or, regulations prevent the better lead-based things from being used due to the fact that gaming consoles are still rated and regulated as toys and toys, at least in the US, must be lead free.

As for later models using better parts; I challenge you to find me chips that use as little energy and produce as little heat as the current model PS3 and 360, and had matches the performance, that were available at system launch. New technology in new models means you will have better ones that are cheaper to make. That is just how technology works.
Or, regulations prevent the better lead-based things from being used due to the fact that gaming consoles are still rated and regulated as toys and toys, at least in the US, must be lead free.

That's what this means:
they had to use cheaper safe stuff

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this?
As for later models using better parts; I challenge you to find me chips that use as little energy and produce as little heat as the current model PS3 and 360, and had matches the performance, that were available at system launch. New technology in new models means you will have better ones that are cheaper to make. That is just how technology works.
That's what this means:

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this?
It appeared to me that you were comparing the PS3 to purposely cheap made cars or feature creep on Apple products, none of which has happened here.

They weren't made the same way crappy American cars are, cheap and easy. They were using the best available stuff allowed by law, even developing their own technology. Especially with the PS3, nothing was made as cheaply as possible. Nor, do their new chips compare to Apple slowly adding features to iPhones and iPads. Most features Apple adds, particularly on the iPad, were available when earlier models were made, like two cameras on the iPad 2 when everyone expected it on the first iPad, or The New iPad adding a retina screen, which was available on iPhone a year before and was expected on iPad 2.

If I misunderstood the intent of your comparison I apologize.
I've been successfully running an oven baked 80g for some time, took me a few tries and I contribute it's longevity to using a lot of paste flux and now running the machine upside down. Sounds funny but it's going strong.
You guys are talking about Planned Obsolescence
This video is a bit long but its worth a look, the first time I saw it blew my mind.
I feel like Marcos from Barcelona tonight cause I just did repaired my old fatty with a screwdriver a Q tip and rubbing alcool, all repair shop told me the same thing they said to Marcos that I should buy another PS3.. pffft

It appeared to me that you were comparing the PS3 to purposely cheap made cars or feature creep on Apple products, none of which has happened here.

They weren't made the same way crappy American cars are, cheap and easy. They were using the best available stuff allowed by law, even developing their own technology. Especially with the PS3, nothing was made as cheaply as possible. Nor, do their new chips compare to Apple slowly adding features to iPhones and iPads. Most features Apple adds, particularly on the iPad, were available when earlier models were made, like two cameras on the iPad 2 when everyone expected it on the first iPad, or The New iPad adding a retina screen, which was available on iPhone a year before and was expected on iPad 2.

If I misunderstood the intent of your comparison I apologize.

No need to apologize.
I wasn't comparing the PS3 to Apple or American Cars, I was comparing the marketing strategy. They are all so similar. If Apple already had retina technology when the iPad came around, why wasn't the dual camera and retina display on the original? All for marketing to make money. Keeps you excited and keeps them on top the rumor mill.
The older model console was made cheap. When people began ripping the console apart to see what it was made of once the news got out that YLOD was more and more. So the price dropped. I get what you are saying that technology is getting better (at a rapid rate to say the least). So yes the new console did get better and is made of slightly better parts. But that doesn't mean that it does not have a short life span. My old model is starting to die and it's only been 4 years. So I'm going to assume that new console will last about the same as the old ones or a much longer 6 - 8 years. Considering it does stay cooler and it has a better processor then the last gen. I will say that Sony does do a better job at making products the best they can be the first time around.
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I probably have the second worst possible scenario, the worst being a dead PS3. An original launch 60GB, CECHA, turned on for an average of 2 days per use, stored and used longitudinally, and because the living room is carpeted, zapping action when the power button is touched..

Other than the unstable graphics, it doesn't really feel like it's going to die. :scared:
I'm just suspecting graphic card problems..
You guys are talking about Planned Obsolescence
This video is a bit long but its worth a look, the first time I saw it blew my mind.
I feel like Marcos from Barcelona tonight cause I just did repaired my old fatty with a screwdriver a Q tip and rubbing alcool, all repair shop told me the same thing they said to Marcos that I should buy another PS3.. pffft

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

I had no idea there was a word for it but I knew it existed, that is an amazing video

Somebody should create a master list of PS3 problems and ways to fix them with complete tutorials
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I spray those compressed chemical cans "Dust Off," in the vents, every now and then just to keep it clean. I still don't Know how to take the lid off. :lol: I guess I'll look it up when the time comes
I spray those compressed chemical cans "Dust Off," in the vents, every now and then just to keep it clean. I still don't Know how to take the lid off. :lol: I guess I'll look it up when the time comes

I know you don't have an imprisoned game. But, search YouTube for "YLOD disc removal". There is a acre under a sticker on the left side near the peak of the dome.
Balls.. I hope they're cheap and quick fixes :P

Probably the gpu 'peeling' off, I'd take it apart, repaste the heat sinks and place shims on the backside of the retainers. I know it sounds drastic maybe, but if you just keep running it I bet that chip will separate from the board soon.
Probably the gpu 'peeling' off, I'd take it apart, repaste the heat sinks and place shims on the backside of the retainers. I know it sounds drastic maybe, but if you just keep running it I bet that chip will separate from the board soon.

Do you have a picture step by step instruction manual? :lol:
I don't understand anything you just said.. D:
Can't remember which Fattie i have, think its a 40gb one. But, when playing GT5 (about the only game i do play) for around 30mins or so, the fan kicks in and its pretty noisy. Is this a sign of death? Its been like it for about a year and hasn't died yet... :sly:

It has pretty good ventilation, lays flat horizontally and the vents have lots of room to suck and blow air about. Should i be worried that my fan keeps firing up and sounds like a B52 on take off or is this fairly common? 💡


Guy that owns a fattie and is ****ing it! :nervous:
First thing you notice when you take apart a old fatty for the first time and clean all the layered up dust... IT'S SUPER QUIET! I bet it's very dusty inside the fan N24.

It's easy to take apart just be careful.
Can't remember which Fattie i have, think its a 40gb one. But, when playing GT5 (about the only game i do play) for around 30mins or so, the fan kicks in and its pretty noisy. Is this a sign of death? Its been like it for about a year and hasn't died yet... :sly:

It has pretty good ventilation, lays flat horizontally and the vents have lots of room to suck and blow air about. Should i be worried that my fan keeps firing up and sounds like a B52 on take off or is this fairly common? 💡


Guy that owns a fattie and is ****ing it! :nervous:

Whatever you do don't turn it off as soon as the fans kick up. That's the worst thing you can do at that point... well, besides all the psychotic stuff like chucking it against a wall... keep playing or exit to the xmb and leave it for a bit.👍