Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Makes me want to glue buttered toast to a cat's back and see whether it lands on its feet or butter side down.
Women looking for money in me.

How far do you live from here?
Me not far. (She wants to know if I live in a good area)

Where do you work?
Me I work at _______ (Asking what kind of money I make without Asking)
The word save/safe.

I mixed them up and have to look it up when I write a post and post this replies.
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The word save/safe.

I mixed them up and have to look it up when I write a post and post this reply.
You save the children from zombies to make (and hopefully keep) them safe.
That poor toast. :(

I’m gonna make toast for lunch. It’s been years since I had some good, home made toast. Hotel breakfast toast just isn’t the same. The bread is not great.
Not being able to remember a Dutch word but know the word in English. That is very confusing and sometimes very annoying as well.
You said, "Why have car makes..."

Not, "Why have the likes of Lexus and BMW..."
Well, I didn't think I would have to specify. I figured most people on here would immediately know what I'm talking about, that Subaru's front grill is fine by modern standards. Sorry.
Well, I didn't think I would have to specify. I figured most people on here would immediately know what I'm talking about, that Subaru's front grill is fine by modern standards. Sorry.
I was pretty sure I knew exactly which example prompted you to make the post (BMW Concept 4). If you think other contemporary grilles aren't also large, I disagree. Some are decently proportioned in relation to their swollen nose, but they're betrayed by logo badges that have become like the vehicular equivalent of a Flavor Flav necklace.

I also tried to roughly scale the BW Legacy against the BL to show how large the Legacy has become, plus the height of its front end. Anyway, it was worth the time to throw together a comparison for my own interest in GraphicsGale. :)

...I'm a sort of person who tends to not just read between the lines when a literal reading seems fair.
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Having to needlessly answer the same questions over and over again.
This is something that has been annoying me a lot lately and it’s something that I wish people would stop doing. I hate having to repeat myself as it is but having to repeat the answer to a question constantly annoys me even more. Sometimes I can understand it, sometimes it’s necessary, it’s the times when it’s unnecessary that annoys me most.
  • I can remember when I was younger, in a game we used to play, my brother used to ask me every single time if he was going the right way, even though the game had a flashy pink arrow that told you and it really wasn’t that hard to figure out. I eventually got fed up and stopped telling him since I was tired of him asking so much.
  • When I was in 7th grade, we had a go-kart that we were trying to sell and someone I knew at school used to ask me every freaking day if we had sold it yet and predictably I got pretty tired of it after a while. If you’re considering buying it and don’t currently have enough for it, I guess I can understand that. If not, just stop.
  • Not too long ago, I woke up one morning and my mom had a video she thought was hilarious that she wanted me to see. While I don’t have a problem with that, what do I have a problem with is she asked me at least 4 times within a very short time span if I had watched the video yet, while I was trying to get ready for school. Less than a minute after that 4th time, right when I was about to pull up the video and watch it, my dad comes around and asks the same question and by then, I was pretty annoyed about it and it ruined my mood. Like I get you want me to see the video, but give it a rest, it’s not that important! In the end, the video they were bugging me about, wasn’t even all that funny, it was just corny and ultimately uninteresting to me. I get humor is subjective, but I really don’t get why they found it so funny and why they felt the need to pester me about it so much.
  • Late last year, I had to go to a restaurant with my church group and since I’m a picky eater and there was literally nothing they had there I would eat, I had to bring something for myself. (which is nothing new) We had to wait in the parking lot before we could go in, we weren’t even out there 5 minutes and I got asked at least 3 or 4 times what I had in my hand and I had to answer them each time and explain why. I was already in a mood simply because I had to be there and this didn’t help at all. I get they probably weren’t around to hear me the first time, but still, it’s very annoying having to answer the same question multiple times in such a small span of time. Like, why do y'all care about what I am eating?! Why can’t y'all just mind your own business?!
  • Back in 7th grade, I can remember we had to fill out our personal information on notecards, things such as where we live and such, for each and every class I was in for some reason. Okay, I’m aware unlike everything else I have mentioned here, this is actually pretty important. However, my problem is we shouldn’t have to do this for each and every class because we didn’t have this problem in 6th grade or any grade level after 7th for that matter. Why 7th had to be like this, I still don’t know. Secondly not only was it a lot of writing (which frustrated me very quickly back then), but I really struggled to remember some my personal info and when I did, I would quickly forget it again. I’m sure there was a reason behind why they did this, but regardless, it was a frustrating experience for me having to go through this struggle multiple times in one day when I really shouldn’t have to. I really and truly feel like they could have done something about this.
Well, that felt good. Don’t get me wrong, not every occurrence of being asked the same question over and over is annoying. If it’s health or safety related, I can understand that because it can be pretty important. Like for instance, my mom has to ask my grandma every day if she has been short of breath and when I fractured my shoulder a long time ago, I think she used to ask me how I was feeling every day. If it’s anything like what I mentioned above though, that’s where it's just unnecessary and annoying.
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Having to needlessly answer the same questions over and over again.

Back in 7th grade, I can remember we had to fill out our personal information, things such as where we live and such, for each and every class I was in for some reason. Okay, I’m aware unlike everything else I have mentioned here, this is actually pretty important. However, my problem is we shouldn’t have to do this for each and every class because we didn’t have this problem in 6th grade or any grade level after 7th for that matter. Why 7th had to be like this, I still don’t know. Secondly not only was it a lot of writing (which frustrated me very quickly back then), but I really struggled to remember some my personal info and when I did, I would quickly forget it again.

It's fun to give a different aswer each time you're asked a question in cases like that. It's basically pointing out the absurdity of what they're doing.
It's fun to give a different aswer each time you're asked a question in cases like that. It's basically pointing out the absurdity of what they're doing.
I never thought about it like that. :sly: I wouldn't want to do it in this scenario since this stuff is pretty important, especially if something happens later on. It would be fun to try it on something else though. :mischievous:

Speaking of which, I got to thinking a little further, but to make matters worse, I remember we weren't given any sheets to do this on, we had to write it all out on notecards, in each and every class.
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Youth activism. Mainly why we are letting children with no personal responsibilities have a say in how things are ran.

It reminds of when I was a kid I always complained that our AC was broken. It was easy to tell my mom to stop being cheap and buy a new one when I didn't have to worry about paying bills and keeping food on the table.