Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Youth activism. Mainly why we are letting children with no personal responsibilities have a say in how things are ran.

It reminds of when I was a kid I always complained that our AC was broken. It was easy to tell my mom to stop being cheap and buy a new one when I didn't have to worry about paying bills and keeping food on the table.

Can you give an example of youth activism?
Can you give an example of youth activism?

This is the article that triggered my post. Honestly, a 12 year old activist?

In before Greta Thunburg!

She is an odd case because while I feel she is old enough to come to a educated opinion, I also worry that her parents are using her for their own selfish gain.
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This is the article that triggered my post. Honestly, a 12 year old activist?

She is an odd case because while I feel she is old enough to come to a educated opinion, I also worry that her parents are using her for their own selfish gain.

There is a big difference between a little girl trying represent "Black women and girls who were victims of gun violence, explaining how their stories aren’t told in the mainstream media."

And a child telling their mom to "buy a new (AC) when I didn't have to worry about paying bills and keeping food on the table."

So Greta is old enough to have an opinion, but this Naomi isn't? Is her opinion on the underrepresenteation of minority groups an uneducated opinion?

What does paying the bills have to do with equal rights of minority groups?

Come on now.
So Greta is old enough to have an opinion, but this Naomi isn't? Is her opinion on the underrepresenteation of minority groups an uneducated opinion?

I don't know how educated or un-educated either opinion is, but a 16 year old is more likely to be educated and come to a rational conclusion than a 12 year old.

What does paying the bills have to do with equal rights of minority groups?

Come on now.

Nothing, but with age comes life experience which allows you to be able to properly put situations in the right light and come up with a solution that will actually work.

Let me just put it this way, there is a reason we don't allow people to drink, smoke, open accounts on credit, drive, hold jobs, rent cars, vote, go to regular court/jail (unless they really mess up) or consent to sex until certain ages.
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People who rush to get ahead of you when they see that you're about to take "their spot" in line.

Went to the gas station convenience store to pick up my boss a drink, saw some lady leave the line to browse other stuff. As soon as she saw me in the corner of her eye, approaching the register, she sprints back like her life depended on it JUST to get "her spot" back. Ended up stuck behind her while she bought 50 lottery scratch tickets and a bunch of cigarettes.... The line ended up being 6 people deep while she was picking out every single 🤬 scratch ticket. "Yeah that should be good... No wait!! I'll get ticket #11 and #32. And uh......ticket #20, #15, and #17."

Same goes for people driving and speeding up to reach the stop sign at a 4-way stop so they can get ahead....

Edit: To add to the first one, it also goes for people who run to the door and open it barely enough to slip through the crack instead of holding it open for others. I do rush to the door when I see others, but only to hold it open for them....
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People who rush to get ahead of you when they see that you're about to take "their spot" in line.

Went to the gas station convenience store to pick up my boss a drink, saw some lady leave the line to browse other stuff. As soon as she saw me in the corner of her eye, approaching the register, she sprints back like her life depended on it JUST to get "her spot" back. Ended up stuck behind her while she bought 50 lottery scratch tickets and a bunch of cigarettes.... The line ended up being 6 people deep while she was picking out every single 🤬 scratch ticket. "Yeah that should be good... No wait!! I'll get ticket #11 and #32. And uh......ticket #20, #15, and #17."

Same goes for people driving and speeding up to reach the stop sign at a 4-way stop so they can get ahead....

Edit: To add to the first one, it also goes for people who run to the door and open it barely enough to slip through the crack instead of holding it open for others. I do rush to the door when I see others, but only to hold it open for them....
I can relate to the stop sign situation.
Confuse+annoy me: how social media and much of new online stuff is more about individuals posting random crap than each profile being uniquely customisable. Sure the CSS-hell days of myspace weren’t exactly fondly memorable for some but it’s just odd (and ugh) that social media tries to make everyone look much the same now (or only give advantages where it benefits advertisers) while it didn’t before 2012-2013ish. Ugh.

Confused: as to where my GT2 disc has gone, I may have binned it as it kept crashing on my PS1 though

Annoy: the fact the only thing by Feeder a lot of people remember is the “CD player” song...
When I had a old Nokia phone and people would ask me for the charger and its always the type of person who looks like they will never give it back. I have a Android phone now and nobody ask me for charger.
To note, that song is called "Buck Rogers".
Well, I know that... I literally have every album of theirs including the limited editions of The Singles and Comfort and Sound as well as the original issue of Polythene (the one with Waterfall) - they are also the only artist I have ever pre-ordered an album of.
Well, I know that... I literally have every album of theirs including the limited editions of The Singles and Comfort and Sound as well as the original issue of Polythene (the one with Waterfall) - they are also the only artist I have ever pre-ordered an album of.
I didn't realise they recorded so much stuff. I thought they just did that song about the new Jaguar car.
I think I'm only familiar with the CD player one, and I'm only familiar with it because it was used in a TV show or movie. I didn't even know it was Feeder.



CFRP replacements for plastic parts that probably weigh less than carbon and in all likelihood can be removed entirely if weight's a concern.
Everyone is sensitive and easily offended by anything.. It's really funny specially when guys are like that lol
Especially when it's over things that guys caused over time historically and generally don't contribute to helping fix the issue.

Not to get overly political but I have taken quite a disliking to mtf individuals who openly talk about sexual stuff constantly in a very masculine way, almost objectifying themselves :/
I was referring to how funny is to see whiney dudes :lol: Now when I see it more often it became really confusing also.

I had to google mtf :lol: I cant talk anything political because I would be banned probably.. Don't want to offend anyone :lol:
When someone says they’re going to do something and then they suddenly decide not to do it.
When it’s something I had been looking forward to for a while only to find out they changed their mind about it for some reason, it can be pretty annoying sometimes. This is something that has bothered me for a long time now and sometimes I just don’t understand why people do this. Some examples that come to mind:
1. When I was younger, I can remember watching my brother play Nascar 2000 on the PS1 and me and him were curious to see what happens if you run out of fuel. So he said he would let it run out and I sat around for quite a while waiting for it to happen. Then once he got close, he changed his mind and decided to get fuel and didn’t want to run out. Like, I spent all that time waiting, for this?! :grumpy:
2. When I was in 7th grade, I had a social studies teacher who gave us the date for a test we were going to have. (I don’t remember what it was) However, once the day came, she suddenly decided to move it to another day. :banghead: This frustrated me and I think at least half the class. I had spent some time studying for it and I was motivated, the answers were fresh on my mind and I was confident I was going to pass. (which is something that almost never happens)

She never told us why she did this, but I have a strong feeling it was to give us more time to study. I doubt she had anything getting in the way of it because oddly enough, she did threaten to give it to us if we didn’t behave. I can understand wanting to give people more time to study, but some of us were ready to get that test over with already. If she wanted to change it, she should have done it long before then instead of waiting until the very day of the test to do so.... :mad:
3. 5 years ago, my administrator at college gave our class an assignment to do with Windows Movie Maker, one that I was pretty enthusiastic about too. We had a substitute teacher at the time and she said she would give us plenty of time to do it. However, we only got to work on it a day or two and then she somehow came to the conclusion we were finished, when in actuality we were nowhere close.

I politely tried to tell her we weren’t done yet and we needed more time, I even talked to each of my classmates individually just to verify, but she was incredibly stubborn about it and didn’t believe me no matter what I told her. :banghead: Fortunately, she was only a substitute and when we got our new teacher, she gave us plenty of time to do it and we eventually finished. However, my administrator later complained about how long it took us to get it done, but in the end, it really wasn’t our fault…

Believe me, I could keep on going, but I’ll stop here.
While I’m sure we’ve all done it before at least once, it’s still hard not to be annoyed by it sometimes, sometimes things just happen. Of course, at times it’s understandable. Like for instance if someone planned an outdoor party and then it got rained out, that’s understandable because they can’t control the weather. It’s not always a bad thing either, sometimes it’s good. Like if the vet said they were going to put your cat to sleep, then that cat miraculously recovers and they don’t need to, that’s very good. If it’s anything like the ones I mentioned above however, that’s just straight-up irritating.
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I had to google mtf :lol: I cant talk anything political because I would be banned probably.. Don't want to offend anyone :lol:
So you speak of a perceived propensity of others (sc. "everyone", per your previous post) to be offended, and yet you indicate that the decision another makes for themself (which is to say the decision to endure sexual reassignment treatments and procedures) offends you to the point that you may behave in a manner not deemed permissible according to forum guidelines to the extent that it would result in you being banned? Jeepers.
Why would you twist my quote for no reason? Are you offended? I said ANYTHING political (better not). It was not regarding the topic we were discussing. Ban is exaggeration, but I feel I have in eyes of most people unpopular opinions so just don't feel like discussing it on GT forum. I hope you understood what I wrote. Have a nice day.
Why would you twist my quote for no reason? Are you offended? I said ANYTHING political (better not). It was not regarding the topic we were discussing. Ban is exaggeration, but I feel I have in eyes of most people unpopular opinions so just don't feel like discussing it on GT forum. I hope you understood what I wrote. Have a nice day.
Taking statements in the context of a single block of text (which--when properly punctuated*--is commonly referred to as a paragraph) as part of the same thought is not "twisting". You'll need to make it clear if you intend for them to be read as separate thoughts, however you'll encounter some difficulty as transgender issues are contained within the specified "ANYTHING political".

*Animated emojis aren't exactly proper punctuation, but they were taken as such given the manner they were used.
Everyone is sensitive and easily offended by anything.. It's really funny specially when guys are like that lol

Thanks for demonstrating the thing I wrote in my original post here. English is my 3rd or 4th language regarding the quality so I think I'm ok. If you can't understand it than it's kind of your problem. Again, I don't want to discuss anything political. Capisci?
Thanks for demonstrating the thing I wrote in my original post here. English is my 3rd or 4th language regarding the quality so I think I'm ok. If you can't understand it than it's kind of your problem. Again, I don't want to discuss anything political. Capisci?
You're projecting. I read and understood what you wrote, but you're suggesting I didn't because what you wrote isn't what you meant (the reason for which notwithstanding).

It's similar to you projecting your own offense onto others by implying they'd be offended by the things you say, the saying of which is motivated by the offense that you take.
You're projecting. I read and understood what you wrote, but you're suggesting I didn't because what you wrote isn't what you meant (the reason for which notwithstanding).

It's similar to you projecting your own offense onto others by implying they'd be offended by the things you say, the saying of which is motivated by the offense that you take.

How cool is the fact that you know better what I meant to say than I do. Also you know that I'm offended by something (Here? On forum?). Please do more, I like to learn about myself.
Something I always wondered, but never thought of asking until now. Toyota for years has sold in Japan the Corolla Levin and Sprinter Trueno, which seem to be the same car with slight cosmetic differences. Why is that?

Something I always wondered, but never thought of asking until now. Toyota for years has sold in Japan the Corolla Levin and Sprinter Trueno, which seem to be the same car with slight cosmetic differences. Why is that?


In Japan, the Corolla Levin was exclusive to Toyota Corolla Store locations, and the Sprinter Trueno was exclusive to Toyota Auto Store locations, later renamed Toyota Vista Store in 1980.
I'm given to understand manufacturers having multiple dealer networks for models--often even those one might consider duplicates--is (or at least was) fairly common practice in Japan, but I don't know why.
I'm given to understand manufacturers having multiple dealer networks for models--often even those one might consider duplicates--is (or at least was) fairly common practice in Japan, but I don't know why.
Of course wikipedia is the answer, thanks. So it was just due to them being sold from different dealerships, I was hoping for a more interesting reason, but oh well.
Of course wikipedia is the answer, thanks. So it was just due to them being sold from different dealerships, I was hoping for a more interesting reason, but oh well.

The same reason you could have gone to Averagetown, USA and buy an Oldsmobile at one store and a similar Buick just a block away, and get that Great GM Feeling. Or a Plymouth, Mercury, or a few other brands. (Maybe Middlesburg has a catchier ad?) But whereas some brands fade away to obscurity, some hang on; luxury and/or performance (high-line) and standard offerings (mainline) exist here. And I think that a lot of the Japanese manufacturers offer a lot of niche products solely in their domestic market; they fill a smaller demand void but offer them due to their vehicle taxation structures.

In hindsight, I guess it works in some places. Probably makes sense because land might be more scarce for auto dealership space, so a large complex and giant floorplan isn't really the norm outside North America. Limit the models, spice up the marketing, make it seem that an alternate location with different paint, posters, and elevator music is offering a totally different product, for those out of the know.

So I don't think it's really anything different than what happens over here, just that we don't have quite the same various branding strata that Japan has for some of their models.
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You know what really grinds my gears? Author's taking years to complete the next novel in their saga. The most famous example is George R. R. Martin and never finishing A Song of Ice and Fire. But, there are a lot more that do it. Kings Dark Tidings, The Wakening (my current frustration, 4 years on and the second book is still likely 2 years out), the King Killer Chronicles (this one is even worse, pretty sure it's been nearly 10 years since the second book was published, and Rothfuss still says he's "working on it."
I dont expect a really good saga to have a book published once a year, good stories take some time to develop, and edit, and rewrite and have proofread, and rewrite again and then publish. I do think 5 to 10 years is a little excessive though. It makes it hard to want to get into a series that is new, not knowing if you are going to be stuck on a cliff hanger for a decade.
Flight is running 10-15 minutes late...No big deal. Time to start boarding.

"If everyone could take their seats quickly, we can have an on-time departure." Sure, now you put it on us that we might run late.

I've never been in a flight that took off late because of a passenger issue, and I'll bet dollars to donuts that only the most infinitesimal percentage of airline delays are caused by inexperienced, inept, or disruptive passengers.