1. When I was younger, I can remember watching my brother play Nascar 2000 on the PS1 and me and him were curious to see what happens if you run out of fuel. So he said he would let it run out and I sat around for quite a while waiting for it to happen. Then once he got close, he changed his mind and decided to get fuel and didn’t want to run out. Like, I spent all that time waiting, for this?!

2. When I was in 7th grade, I had a social studies teacher who gave us the date for a test we were going to have. (I don’t remember what it was) However, once the day came, she suddenly decided to move it to another day.

This frustrated me and I think at least half the class. I had spent some time studying for it and I was motivated, the answers were fresh on my mind and I was confident I was going to pass. (which is something that almost never happens)
She never told us why she did this, but I have a strong feeling it was to give us more time to study. I doubt she had anything getting in the way of it because oddly enough, she did threaten to give it to us if we didn’t behave. I can understand wanting to give people more time to study, but some of us were ready to get that test over with already. If she wanted to change it, she should have done it long before then instead of waiting until the very day of the test to do so....

3. 5 years ago, my administrator at college gave our class an assignment to do with Windows Movie Maker, one that I was pretty enthusiastic about too. We had a substitute teacher at the time and she said she would give us plenty of time to do it. However, we only got to work on it a day or two and then she somehow came to the conclusion we were finished, when in actuality we were nowhere close.
I politely tried to tell her we weren’t done yet and we needed more time, I even talked to each of my classmates individually just to verify, but she was
incredibly stubborn about it and didn’t believe me no matter what I told her.

Fortunately, she was only a substitute and when we got our new teacher, she gave us plenty of time to do it and we eventually finished. However, my administrator later complained about how long it took us to get it done, but in the end, it really wasn’t our fault…
Believe me, I could keep on going, but I’ll stop here.