Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
I remember a moment when I was still a toddler, maybe a little bit older when I had my very first confusing moment (that I can remember).
My late mother was talking to a neighbor, we were standing outside, and I suddenly noticed her knees. They were at eye level and I was so confused. I truly remember me thinking (I could speak, so I could think): what is that? They weren't there yesterday.
Crumbs in the bed.

Where do they come from? Nobody in my house eats in bed. Everyone showers before bed. The cats aren’t allowed in the bedroom. It’s pretty much untouched all day, I lay down at night and there’s crumbs in the bed! What on Earth?

The ceiling is perfectly intact, so it’s not debris. The house is sprayed so it isn’t bugs. The windows and doors are closed all day. The only other suspect is the air con but that’s cleaned regularly and only blows air, not crumb particles.
Maybe food crumbs get on your clothes and in such, when yoir clothes contact the bed thats how it has crumbs
Plus they absorb far more water than the underwear do.
I try to keep the temperature reasonable so I’m not sweating too much. That’s not always possible though.
I’d certainly wear PJs in a colder climate; I did in China during the winter months. Sleeping naked in low temperatures just doesn’t provide a comfortable sleep.
I try to keep the temperature reasonable so I’m not sweating too much. That’s not always possible though.
I’d certainly wear PJs in a colder climate; I did in China during the winter months. Sleeping naked in low temperatures just doesn’t provide a comfortable sleep.
I go to bed after showering with only fresh undies on.
The way the sentence is structured, it seems you do your showering with only fresh undies on.
The way the sentence is structured, it seems you do your showering with only fresh undies on.
Though that might help with convection cooling, it might lead to some awkward conversations with my wife about why there’s a wet patch around my midsection on the bed sheet.

Post edited. I can see how it might be misconstrued.
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If you're going to post a link to answer a question, then post one link that answers the question. Don't post 5 links to youtube videos where the 3rd video is the ONLY one that even addresses the topic and question. Just saw this on a reddit thread.

Also, this brings me to something else that just crushes my brain everytime. Why is it so often that I ask someone a question and they answer a completely different question? Like I could ask "what color is that?" and they'll answer "I don't like watermelon." It is literally that disconnected, to the point I feel like I'm from a different planet or something.
People that answer a serious question with a joke annoy me quite a bit sometimes (depending on my mood). I want an immediate answer and instead, someone decides to try being clever. That doesn't help me and it feels like it only gets in the way.

I get why people do it and humor is intended to lighten the mood, but it has the opposite effect on me. It just makes me more irrationally annoyed than before.
Sometimes I get upset that I keep getting told how smart I am by various people, yet I've been unemployed for nearly four months. I feel like I've yet to get a job that makes the most of my potential - or even a considerable amount of it. Meanwhile, I'm 29 and still living with my parents, while all my peers are able to at least get an apartment, and in one couple's case, even a house with a pool. I'm thinking of liquidating my shares in Ferrari (NYSE: RACE) to get some extra money so I can keep going out with friends in the meantime.
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People that answer a serious question with a joke annoy me quite a bit sometimes (depending on my mood).
And I'm such a guy. I tend to do this but I tried to restrain myself from doing this. Good to know that stupid humor is not always appreciated. Makes me want to not make these mistakes again.

Why did they call this an Eclipse? That confuses me.
I'm probably wrong, but I don't see how enthusiasts that love the Eclipse would immediately flock to this car just because it shares that name. and these are more likely to be bought by people that aren't car nerds, rendering the nameplate use pointless.
Pretty sure the 3rd and 4th gen killed off any love people had for the nameplate, which makes the revival even more confusing.
Good point, but can't quite agree with the first part. The Eclipse got worse, but I don't think the love for it ever stopped with some fans still raving about how good the first 2 generations were.
Twitter is making it more difficult to browse Twitter without registering. It's just an annoying click-through when you access a profile or post, but what's wrong with wanting to access individuals' content without submitting to Jack Dorsey? I can't interact at all and I have to manually seek out specific content without being in the loop automatically as I imagine would be possible if I followed them through the platform, but I've accepted that.

This is something else I'll have to just accept, and I do, but it sure is irritating. The sticky "log in"/"sign up" header was nuisance enough, and it hasn't gone anywhere with this change.

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That reminds me of another thing that annoys me, Social Media sites that constantly advertise you to become a member to browse or restrict your browsing until you register. Which doesn't even make sense half the time when these sites don't charge money. What's the point? I shouldn't have to give my information just to look at a picture of a car or cat on instagram.
That reminds me of another thing that annoys me, Social Media sites that constantly advertise you to become a member to browse or restrict your browsing until you register. Which doesn't even make sense half the time when these sites don't charge money. What's the point? I shouldn't have to give my information just to look at a picture of a car or cat on instagram.
The point is you are the product, by signing up and giving them your information they can then sell that info on to interested parties and use it to advertise to you more effectively. It's a lot easier to collect that info if people give it willingly by signing up than if they're just interacting with their website in a limited capacity. And what better way to get people to sign up than to gatekeep the content they may want.
The point is you are the product, by signing up and giving them your information they can then sell that info on to interested parties and use it to advertise to you more effectively. It's a lot easier to collect that info if people give it willingly by signing up than if they're just interacting with their website in a limited capacity. And what better way to get people to sign up than to gatekeep the content they may want.
Of course that's the reason, to collect data for me for stupid advertisements. God they suck.
Of course that's the reason, to collect data for me for stupid advertisements. God they suck.
It's an effective business model and you shouldn't fault them for it when it's dependant upon you giving permission. I certainly don't, but I also won't register even if they make it truly impossible to browse without doing so.

GTPlanet is the biggest social network with which I've interacted over the years. I've been on others, but the've had significantly smaller user bases.
And that includes when they restrict the content I can see? Because I personally think that's really 🤬.
I'm not certain to what you're referring here but I'm gonna include that as well. It's their product and they get to decide how they operate it. If you don't like it, you have agency enough to decide whether that's motivation enough to cease usage. Usage isn't a protected right but a privilege very much subject to their whim.
I'm not certain to what you're referring here but I'm gonna include that as well.
I'm simply referring back to Instagram's picture viewing limit. You can only scroll down a certain amount before they give you the "you have to be a member" notification.

It's their product and they get to decide how they operate it. If you don't like it, you have agency enough to decide whether that's motivation enough to cease usage. Usage isn't a protected right but a privilege very much subject to their whim.
Yup, you're right about that and I should admit that the business model makes sense as you also said earlier. Also yes, I could stop using it. However, the thing I'm now finding confusing is why it's wrong to criticize them for that decision. I don't know if I can agree to that.
I'm simply referring back to Instagram's picture viewing limit. You can only scroll down a certain amount before they give you the "you have to be a member" notification.
Free sample. Ever gone to a shop that sells ice cream by the scoop/pint/tub and will let you try a little bit on a tiny plastic or wooden spoon? It's easy to pass it up when you don't know just how good it is, but the sample entices you to buy more. This is nearly identical to the practices both you and I have highlighted.
Yup, you're right about that and I should admit that the business model makes sense as you also said earlier. Also yes, I could stop using it. However, the thing I'm now finding confusing is why it's wrong to criticize them for that decision. I don't know if I can agree to that.
Criticize it. I said nothing of criticism. My gripe with Twitter above was itself criticism.

What I said was you shouldn't fault them for the practice. It isn't wrong to fault them, but it's irrational. It may or may not make good business sense to give out free samples, but it certainly isn't good practice to give your product away without limitation.