Things You Do Not Want In GT5

  • Thread starter superfast
The AI doesn't suck as bad as most of us say, it isn't the best AI, it should be able to push harder and run faster times without running off the track, then again, we can tune down our own cars a bit.
here's one with a nod towards realism. How about the cars come with tires like the ones they have in real life instead of every car coming with sports tires. In the menu somewhere it says "...if you would like to experience this car in it's origional form you can purchase those tires from the tune shop..." Oh great, now all I have to do is guess weather N1, N2, or N3 tires are closest to my cars origional equipment. :dunce:
This thread answers that for you.

And on topic, there's nothing I don't want in the game.
Drag racing. Sorry, gents, but I can't really envision the fun in driving in a straight line to see who knows how to tune their car better, when I could simply race them around an actual course and show them the same thing, while turning.
The following things I do not want to see are:

- I do not want "Special Editions" of certain cars mostly from Japan that have the same power with the only difference between most if not all of them is a rare colour.

I find it rich that most Japanese car makers were not even following the so called "Gentlemens Agreement" anyway, If those types of Car's had different Power outputs other the so called 276 Bhp - 280 Ps limit I would have little problem with having that many "Special Editions" of certain cars in GT5.

- I do not want to be racing against Group B RallyCar's, WRC RallyCar's, Coupe's, Saloon's, Trucks, etc, in acrade while I'm driving in a Hot Hatch like a Peugeot 106 1.6 Rallye or a Ford Focus RS.

Instead I should be able to have the option of racing in my chosen Car's class.

- I do not want a Sports Car to be able to Complete a 50 lap race at the Ring or Test Track for example on a single tank of Fuel with a Diesel having to make 1 stop.

- I do not want there to be only 1 Diesel Powered Car.
I don't want to see...

A million Skylines
A million Lancers
Not two of the same car under different badges (i.e Skyline R35 vs. Infiniti G35...same car)
I don't mind handfuls of the same car, provided I cna actually tell the difference between them. If it comes down to the number of screws used to hold the head gasket in place, thanks, but no thanks.
I hate that in GT4 there are certain cars you can win and buy, but not be able to race with. The Prowler being a HUGE example. I made that thing quick as hell for the horsepower I gave it, only to find out that my efforts were pointless. I can't even race it in the arcade or in two-player battles.

I also don't like those certain cars you can't change the wheels on. I want to be able to change the wheels to signify it being different from any car like it, and that I've personalized it. It kind of strains the freedom GT3-GT4 had to offer.

I want to see more GT40's. I want to see the '69 GT40 as seen in GT3. I also want more American concepts like the Ford Mustang BOSS, GT90, and Chevrolet Camaro ZL-1 and '96 Impala. I don't want to see some weak ass American line up, and I don't want to see cars like the Supra RZ and WRX STi out-running or out-accelerating the Z06 just because its not a Viper. Seeing this made the game hard to view as an automobile enthusiast.

I don't want to ever see 20+ laps in a series race. I find this pointless. Whats the difference in a 20 lap race and a 10 lap race? I don't get it, and the reasons don't justify ****! I don't want to see any more laps than 10 in any series race.

I don't want to hear GT's notorious POS audio (except for GT2, that was nice). I don't want to fruck'in see silencers being used and what not. Their excuse for having them was shi!tty.

I dno't want some boring racing game. After awhile the buzz gets killed and I'm 50% through the game with nothing new to do. I would like to see more options like Dyno Testing, Drag Racing, and Drifting.
the main points for me that need changing is as follows:

-having to do license tests in gold to earn a car u can't buy
(e.g. skyline gt-r concept) suks real bad
- bad A.I
(e.g if you just park ahead of a straight they will come crashing into u, oblivious of where you are)
- driving missions
(because they are very hard and have put off a lot of people for completing the game)

there the things that bother me most, apart from them gt4 is perfect in every other way 👍
No offense to anyone, but some of these things that you don't want in is a bit....newbish to say the least.

Whats the difference in a 20 lap race and a 10 lap race?

There are many things I can say about that, but first of all, are you playing the game to reach 100% completion or to actually enjoy it? To me, the fun in the game is actually racing, not trying to win with as little laps as possible.

And drag racing? Its used a testing method. There is no time in the game where you are forced to do a drag race. Its more like an add-on that you're not forced to use. And personally, i'd like as many of those as possible to give variety and replayability.

Driving missions? Yeah they're tough, but if you find it too tough there are other things in this game that you can do. And for those who do like it, it offers more things to do. Again, if you can't complete it then all that it effects is your 100% completion number, which brings me to the original point of its better to play the game then to get the 100%. That said they REALLY need to get rid of the mission wait times.

24 hour races? Same as above. Plus you have the option to B-Spec it.


So basically, it seems like most poeple here want this to be a game to have only exactly what they want, and not what is gong to get more people to buy the game and add a little more flavour to the game. If you don't like something you don't have to do/use, then *GASP!* don't use/do it. For example, I hate VWs with a passion. There's no gun to my head making me buy one (thank goodness) so what do I do? Whine incessantly about how VW should be forced to relocate to Mercury, or just ignore it and move on? And then if there is a VW I don't hate to death (R32), I can always check it out if I want. However I had them banished to Mercury there would be no R32 for anyone. See my point?

And it also seems like actually completing the game is taking precedent over enjoying the game.
yer crazy ure points are all good but most of us including me like to have fun and play the game, christ im re-playin gt2 now but we also like to get 100% because it makes us feel like we have done something and its nice to have completion, and if ure saying people cant enjoy a game because there trying to complete it then i take it u race the same race over and over again cos u wanna enjoy it and not complete it
Actually, yeah. If I find a good race i'll do it over, I also do a lot of practice (although I still suck pretty badly :D) and time trials. And I didn't say there was anything bad about 100%, just that if that's the only goal...
There seem to be GT5 threads for just about everything. But, I've noticed that various people talk about things that shouldn't be in GT5. So, I started a thread about it. To start things off, I think GT5 should stay away from:
1. Minivans
2. SUVs
3. Ridiculously Slow Novelty Cars (eg. Midget)

Feel free to share your ideas!

First off, the only thing I would truly loved to altered for GT5 is the rediculously long "roll in" sequence used in some races/tests. Take for instance Twin Ring Motegi Full, and especially the Audi TT Nurb "B" liscense test. The TT one easily being 15second+, I want to drive, not read " full throttle" .

Secondly, the rally sections need to be cleaned up. I might be one of only a handful of people who did enjoy the rallies in 4, but the implementation of the 5 second rule is in definite need of work. Or atleast make it apply to the AI cars also. I had countless encounters where the AI would come up from behind, bump and run, while I wait out the 5 seconds. Others have said the 5 secs are there to introduce a penalty for unrealistic driving, but how is getting run into and having to pay for the AI's lack of skill realistic?

Beyond that, I like minivans, vans, SUV's, trucks, wagons and all sorts of automobiles beyond the flavor of the month's sedan or coupe. Granted, it would be nice if the whole FF/FR/4WD situation could be cleared by the time GT5 hits. I will not however miss 2hp Benz's, 13hp 2CV's and Subaru 360's, enjoyable to look at, yes, but not enthralling to drive. That being said, a wider collection of vehicles is always nice, but not at the expense of others already included.
Actually, yeah. If I find a good race i'll do it over, I also do a lot of practice (although I still suck pretty badly :D) and time trials. And I didn't say there was anything bad about 100%, just that if that's the only goal...

oh thats ok crazy i wasnt havin a go, i jus didnt fully understand wat u meant :) safe
I don't want to see...

A million Skylines
A million Lancers
Not two of the same car under different badges (i.e Skyline R35 vs. Infiniti G35...same car)

....and another thread like this.

V35 Skylines are not the same car as Infiniti G35s. The suspension is different and the intake/exhaust is slightly different, as america has stricter emissions standards. The G35 is weaker than the actual skyline.
- 5 second penalty
- lame cars (i dont want to have a car designed to take my kids to school in, for a start i dont have kids)
- a really unrealistic career mode (i mean come on, which drivers actually own f1 cars, and name a driver that doesn't use a companies car, representing a company as one of their drivers) also (when people do own cars they use sponsership on the car and other things like that to pay for it)
- special things, like when doing a renault megane race, i dont think the sponsers would be mainly peugoet.
- having to buy every tyre indevidually - say they cost 10k, i want to buy 100 for 1mil.
- also i dont like the way that you feel you have failed if you dont come 1st, there must be more for people entering in slow cars and coming second that a couple worthless points.

and remember a car you can't drive is like clothes that are too small
I'm sorry if this was said before, but one thing that I personally don't want?

Forced global damage.

Most people making the argument for damage have no idea what they're really asking for, and I'm looking forward to people crying when GT5 comes out with it - ESPECIALLY if they do not MASSIVELY rework the AI. You are going to return the game in like 30 minutes after playing it because you'll have blown 10k on a car and crashed it to bits in your first race. Oops, game over. Just like real life! Which is why we aren't all outside on freakin' Laguna Seca right now!

There's a reason professional drivers get paid to do what they do, folks.

Damage should be included, don't get me wrong! But make it adjustable somehow, or able to be turned off. That will be the best way to satisfy both crowds. I personally want the game to capture the reality as close as possible, but sometimes I race to enjoy that driving realism and not having to worry about my car getting totaled if I hit a patch of bad pavement at 200mph and blow my right rear out, causing me to slam into the armco and flipping the car several times.

Being able to adjust it is the key point.
Year Laorin, I'm agree to you, damage must include , as a option ....
And also for AI Cars !!!! All the AI's schould even learning to handle cars like the B-spec driver. Give you an expample: driving a setup turn, the in-line lap is used to warm up tieres and so on.. the AI comes from back an craches in your car, what a stupid driver, there is a lot of place for him to pass me.

This is a japanese game, and we see it at the tuner place, know someone "Hardtge" , "Alpine" , "AMG" , "Wiesmann" , "Ferrari"(ok manufactor ) , "Lamorgini" (ok manufactor).
Year Laorin, I'm agree to you, damage must include , as a option ....
And also for AI Cars !!!! All the AI's schould even learning to handle cars like the B-spec driver. Give you an expample: driving a setup turn, the in-line lap is used to warm up tieres and so on.. the AI comes from back an craches in your car, what a stupid driver, there is a lot of place for him to pass me.

This is a japanese game, and we see it at the tuner place, know someone "Hardtge" , "Alpine" , "AMG" , "Wiesmann" , "Ferrari"(ok manufactor ) , "Lamorgini" (ok manufactor).

I dont want any s**t cars like in GT3. Those stupid little cars from Japan that do 50 mph. What a load of s***e.

And i want Grand Valley East back. :mad: N O W ! :mad:
I dont want any s**t cars like in GT3. Those stupid little cars from Japan that do 50 mph. What a load of s***e.

And i want Grand Valley East back. :mad: N O W ! :mad:

grand valley east is back, its in gt4, i can tell u havnt played it then, im sure PD will keep that track intact to the game from now on
......"Hardtge" , "Alpine" , "AMG" , "Wiesmann" , "Ferrari"(ok manufactor ) , "Lamorgini" (ok manufactor).
This has nothing to do with the thread, but seriously?! Lamorgini? Just for future reference, it is "Lamborghini".:banghead:
Classic Anycar
One car company pages- One whole page for one measely car? You gotta' be kidding me.

So I'm not the only one that thinks this is also a wasteful practice? Blame the Lister Storm in GT2 for all this...

Stop running over post-information that we can't read or record in 5 seconds.
I want 30 seconds after the race is over to record my times.

Fastest and current lap time needs modification.
I want the fastest lap plus my last 3-5 laps recorded in the corner.

I don't need an analog speedometer.
There's no point. The digital one is fine. Race cars don't have analog speedos.

Can't sort garage by mileage, like in GT3.
I want to see my mileage without looking at each car.

I don't want the mysterious auto-sorting feature for unused cars.
Let me save the order I want to save/move them (GT2 did this perfect), or just default to aquired order (GT4 search feuture is okay, but needs work).

Go back to 10 license tests with 5 licenses.
This is a game, right?

Get rid of the Driving Missions.
This is a game, right?

Anything over a 3-hour race.
This is a game, not a job, right?

Let me decide if a car is worthy of racing against the competition.
Stop black-balling cars for no good reason (concepts, old cars, et cetera).

Prize cars that aren't worth anything and can't be raced anywhere.
Come on, even that pink Trueno from the original GT could be raced. And was a prize car worth something.

One prize car only.
A randomly awarded prize car (from a known set, like GT3) gives you another reason to return to the race series.

So many cars that look and act alike, you don't know what you've bought or won.
Duplicate cars for duplicate people, I say. I'm not a duplicate person. Or a number.
This has nothing to do with the thread, but seriously?! Lamorgini? Just for future reference, it is "Lamborghini".:banghead:

thanx to you, my failure. "Lamborghini" is the right string.

And the germany tuner was an example , there are always other , but i want to refer to the japanese style ....

I don't need an analog speedometer.
There's no point. The digital one is fine. Race cars don't have analog speedos.

I'm hoping that in GT5 they will change the instrument cluster to look like that of the car you're driving. I hate the way every car's gauges look the same, except for the carpy Prius of course.
I hope they get rid of the Used Car Showrooms. I want every car to be available to buy anytime and anyday. There are a lot of cars that I want in GT4, so now
I have to wait on a specific day to buy it.
I love the endurance races and I know there are many more like me. With the help of B-spec feature it's not unpractical to finish a race. I will hate seeing the long endurance races go.

It's a driving simulator not Need For Speed or Burnout. Endurance races and License tests are what separate a casual racer from a enthusiast. You can always skip the endurance hall if you don't enjoy it. Why get rid of it ??

PS : Don't confuse the GT Mode with a career mode.
the little g-force bar tht was at the bottom of the screen in gt4.... do i care tht im turnin at 2g's?? no!!! waste of space!!!

Personally, I think the G-Force bar is kinda cool. But it would have to go past 2gs, because when you're really crankin' at Sarthe, a slight tap of the wheel maxes out the meter.
yer crazy ure points are all good but most of us including me like to have fun and play the game, christ im re-playin gt2 now but we also like to get 100% because it makes us feel like we have done something and its nice to have completion, and if ure saying people cant enjoy a game because there trying to complete it then i take it u race the same race over and over again cos u wanna enjoy it and not complete it
Yeah but if it is all short, then there is NO accomplishment. Thats what i feel like after every arcade racer, or FPS game. WAAY to short.
Classic Anycar
Oil change & car wash animations- It takes over 20 seconds to change the oil. Way too long. Why not just do it in a few seconds like everything else?
How long does it take in REAL LIFE? A little more then 10 minutes. And if they want to make it realistic, your going to be sitting for a LONG time. I think we can all wait 10 seconds. Seriously how much in life are you going to accomplish in 10 seconds? other then a quick reply on GTP...