- 95
- Southwest
- Nightkids_Corn
Hopefully we can have a replay share function. So that way we can challenge our friends to beat our best times on certain courses, or share epic battles between racers/drifters/tougers(?).
How about giving us engine swaps and a livery editor? This is something people have been asking for, for a long time.
GT6 just feels like GT5 over again.
I can see people abusing this. V8 Gold Chrome Monster Energy R34 GTR's everywhere.
I can see people abusing this. V8 Gold Chrome Monster Energy R34 GTR's everywhere.
Anyway, a strange idea. A fuel economy race (don't laugh)
Basically, you're given 1 litre of fuel and told to race at full pace compared to the AI- the most distance covered is the best, a perfect thing if you want to minimise pit stops in a race!
Also: the ability to import pictures for the (so far non-existent) livery editor. I'd have so many interesting ideas.
They did that on Top Gear UK
For Drifting, Welded Diff.
The ability to use xmb photo for the in game avatar.
You'd get the same/better results with an lsd or locking differential.
Out of all things can they bring back missions. The A.I was harder in missions and the whole mission itself was challenging.
Yes Sir! Missions were awesome in GT4. Bring them back PD!