Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

  • Thread starter Earth
gt6 needs to have a auction place like in fut. that would be useful for traders and stuff.

in more detail if you don't play fut, you could set a start price and set a time for how long it is on auction. then if no bids you get the car back. there is also a buy bow price for less waiting.

another idea is custom soundtrack so you can import your own music
gt6 needs to have a auction place like in fut. that would be useful for traders and stuff.

in more detail if you don't play fut, you could set a start price and set a time for how long it is on auction. then if no bids you get the car back. there is also a buy bow price for less waiting.

another idea is custom soundtrack so you can import your own music

well Earth kindly put my idea down of a car action were you can see online players around the world with their driver avatars sitting in rows of seats.

Also you can make online rooms for car auction & at different places. Changing the location would change the style of the looks and layout of the car auction.

Maybe this would work nicely
gt6 needs to have a auction place like in fut. that would be useful for traders and stuff.

in more detail if you don't play fut, you could set a start price and set a time for how long it is on auction. then if no bids you get the car back. there is also a buy bow price for less waiting.

another idea is custom soundtrack so you can import your own music

GT5 already has that feature
This may sound trivial and pointless, but I want working windscreen wipers on standard cars.

I like that idea! But I highly doubt any "standard" cars will be seen in GT6. So don't fret! :)
I would like to see a few things
1: A full leaderboard system that allows times to be posted on all tracks in any car.
2: Allow an oil change to done in the lobby or pits during an online race
3: Bring back the old ASpec points like in GT4, the game was much more challenging when trying to win a race with an under powered car, even better add an ASpec leaderboard
4: Make the single player races harder, one big draw back to GT 5 was the fact that it basically allowed you to use soft race tires in every career race which made them to easy.
5: Make sure the tire wear is correct so that soft tires wear out quickly and hard tires last longer.

6: Allow AI cars to be added to online races.
7: Allow us to sell the prize cars for a reasonable price and win them again as in GT4.
8: Allow the use of BSpec drivers in ASpec mode as in GT4
Minor feature, but I'd love to see the driver turn the wheel hand over hand, and not look like hes bolted onto it

I totally agree. I wished for this earlier, in fact. It's sad that a driving simulator doesn't include full steering rotation.
I totally agree. I wished for this earlier, in fact. It's sad that a driving simulator doesn't include full steering rotation.

It just plain bugs me, and whats more annoying is that most racing sims nowadays do that, and it makes no sense why they do it, its really disorientating when drifting, or rally racing.

Also, another feature, the ability to save our replays as MP4's so we can export them onto our computers.
1. Damage/Debris stays on and can be washed off at GTAuto's Car Wash
2. 180 degree steering driver animations
3. Improved Track models
4. Livery Editor (Come on Kaz, everyone's asking for it)
5. Ability to pause and take pictures instead of going to replay and doing so
6. Better car sounds (Forza OWNS at the sounds)
7. No pixelated mess while drifting and smoke flies
8. More Pixel count (Forza has around 30,000!)
9. Better menus.
10. No paint chip nonsense.
11. Actual races like ALMS, FIA-GT, Formula Drift, D1 GrandPrix
12. Monthly DLC (I've seen the new Pennzoil Car Pack with the awesome Viper GTS-Rs, and PD, step up your game)

Come on PD, Turn 10's beating you at almost everything except the wonky physics!
I'd like an improved or just completely removed Performance Points system. I'd rather see more regulations in the races like only 4cyl FWD NA cars up to 2.5l, or only V8 RWD Supercharged up to 6l or something like that, but not this specific on all races though.

I'd also like to see B-Spec integrated into A-Spec like it was in GT4, but not so that you can complete for example all the endurance races with the B-Spec drivers. More like, you can choose fewer B-spec drivers, one or two per endurance race and keep the physical and mental strength system. But make it so that you have to do some of the racing yourself, in order for your B-Specs to rest.

One of my ideas is the ability to create you're own used car lot that you share online. Where you could choose up to a set amount of cars that you can put up for sale. So that any of your friends can visit your used car lot and buy your cars from you with their own credits. Have a buy-it-now price listed and also the ability to make and offer which you must accept or decline. Other cars could be offered for trade or a slightly lower price, but still keep a limit of how low you can go so people won't exploit this and use it to sell expensive cars to friends for 1 cr. or something like that.

These are just simple ideas that pop to my head while I'm playing the game, which I think could add some more fun factor to the game :)
I'd like an improved or just completely removed Performance Points system. I'd rather see more regulations in the races like only 4cyl FWD NA cars up to 2.5l, or only V8 RWD Supercharged up to 6l or something like that, but not this specific on all races though.

Hate it when you do a certain pp and you get a truck racing hatchbacks and once AI get tail happy, they take you out. Or GT500/300 race cars against LMS/Group C cars, they just get lapped a lot. So yeh, a capacity/drivetrain/engine selection instead of pp may even it out.( It's ok for Japanese 450/420pp cuz there hundred of them)
Hate it when you do a certain pp and you get a truck racing hatchbacks and once AI get tail happy, they take you out. Or GT500/300 race cars against LMS/Group C cars, they just get lapped a lot. So yeh, a capacity/drivetrain/engine selection instead of pp may even it out.( It's ok for Japanese 450/420pp cuz there hundred of them)

Errr... Obviously a 911 in a GT2 Class in a endurance race will never beat an Prototype LMS Car. That is why they race in different classes. To see if they get to the podium in their class... not the entire field! Otherwise its impossible and completely unfair.
If they're going to have a random used car lot, stop being lazy and make the cars random then. Why are all the used cars the same color and mileage? Did the owner keep changing his mind about selling the car, and is that why the exact same car keeps appearing and disappearing in the GT5 used car lot?

Make the used cars random in terms of color, mileage, and condition.
Races should not give out a large wad of cash untill the very end of the career mode. You shouldn't be able to buy every single car in the game without ever starting an endurance race. You should never be able to repeat a race over and over for money.

This is one of the key crippled features of any GT game, and even most other racing games. Any sense of accomplishment is demolished by making it possible to grind an easy race over and over again, making earning new cars in the career mode simply mean nothing, nothing at all, making the entire upgrade system and it's various tiers of items completely meaningless.
Real Currency (dollar, pound, euro, yen etc)

I have to say that this is potentially game breaking, especially if there won't be a free mode. There is absolutely no reason to force this, and I very highly doubt that it would be universally accepted. Especially the bold.

Some people get a sense of accomplishment from credits and stuff sure, but other people only get frustration. There is no point in buying a simulator if you can't actually use anything in it. Earning new cars means nothing by default. The tuning system tiers only mean nothing because PD decides that it means nothing. There is nothing stopping them from limiting the types of upgrades that can be used in races or allowing players to do the same. Also, PP actually makes a lot of the lesser tuning parts useful, at least those related to horsepower. The lazy or those who want to tune things quick will just limit the power, but the people who want to go as fast as possible will try to use the best parts for a given PP.

I think the only way to have such a restrictive and potentially game damaging system is to make it optional. GT, and sims in general, need the opposite. A free mode where you can do absolutely anything free from career mode, credits, and unlocking secret items. And online needs to extend from this mode. This free mode can't just be arcade mode with all cars unlocked with arbitrary restrictions such as no ability to tune, no livery editor, and no ability to take the cars online. It needs to let people completely bypass parts of the game that they have no interest in.

Also for aerodynamics, add ground effect. Ride height should affect the underbody aerodynamics.
GT games have never been rated below 90 or 9.0 on all game critic websites. Raging just means that you don't play the game well.