Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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Weight reduction (Stages, and window) needs to be visually represented.


From Stage 1, Remove rear seat, racing seats (or what ever it is) all the way up to Stage 3 where there is one racing seat, stripped interior etc.

As a tie in, Body strengthening should be represented with a roll cage!

Probably could also change the shifter style when upgrading gearboxes...

One of my pet hates in GT6 is having a race ready car, with a luxo-barge interior...

Yes :D
And Drifting E-Breake and
Sparco Steering Wheel
187 pages is a lot to read, and after reading the first post I didn't see this on the list (or might have missed it).


I'd love to see dyno tuning and road tuning as an option. Unlike GT/FM, in real life if you throw a bigger turbo on your car you generally have to increase the amount of fuel needed as the car is inhaling more air. This requires tuning so your car doesn't blow up. Now I am not saying that everyone will need to be a pro and know how to read fuel maps and all of that, but maybe give us the option to have the dyno tune done by GT Auto (a performance car shop) and it is taken car of automatically, but it costs money. Inversely, for those of us who want to potentially kill our cars, in our garage we can buy a dyno and do tuning ourselves, or we can take our cars out for a drive, hook up our computers and tune as we drive.

TL;DR: Dyno/road tuning. Do it your self or have GT Auto do it for you (for a fee). GT Auto is automatic but the tune is safer as it is a "shop" doing the work. TUne the car yourself and have free reign, but could potentially damage the engine if you do not tune the car properly.
Customizable tire walls and brakes as well as rims - for example, you could choose yellow or white lettering around your tires or you could get white walls or other options, and for the brakes (assuming brakes do not get performance upgrades that change the appearance) you could select the colour of the discs and calipers.
The primary issue I have with GT5 is the lack of realism (and downright over-simplification) in term of tuning options. Obvious things like an ECU tune for a stock '60s car? Catalyst converter options for all cars, even ones that never came with one? Carbon driveshafts on a FF car? Clutch & flywheel upgrades for cars equipped with an auto transmission as stock? And the list goes on...Come on!

As a game that's promoted as a "simulator", this type of generic catch-all was OK when it was on a PS2, but they really need to address this to continue to call itself the ultimate drving simulator.
The primary issue I have with GT5 is the lack of realism (and downright over-simplification) in term of tuning options. Obvious things like an ECU tune for a stock '60s car? Catalyst converter options for all cars, even ones that never came with one? Carbon driveshafts on a FF car? Clutch & flywheel upgrades for cars equipped with an auto transmission as stock? And the list goes on...Come on!

As a game that's promoted as a "simulator", this type of generic catch-all was OK when it was on a PS2, but they really need to address this to continue to call itself the ultimate drving simulator.

I've always hated that. On the older '60, '70s, and '80s cars, where the hell are the options for carburetor adjustment and upgrading?
The primary issue I have with GT5 is the lack of realism (and downright over-simplification) in term of tuning options. Obvious things like an ECU tune for a stock '60s car? Catalyst converter options for all cars, even ones that never came with one? Carbon driveshafts on a FF car? Clutch & flywheel upgrades for cars equipped with an auto transmission as stock? And the list goes on...Come on!

As a game that's promoted as a "simulator", this type of generic catch-all was OK when it was on a PS2, but they really need to address this to continue to call itself the ultimate drving simulator.

Previous games never had the ability to equip driveshafts to anything that isn't front engine and rear/four wheel drive (well, except if you count a certain midship Venturi in GT2 - but that's a glitch). I don't know GT5 can equip driveshaft to FWDs - I better check. 💡
I got this idea after hitting my head on the sink yesterday :lol: (kidding)

Different stages of RM modification or RM modification for different purposes.

Let me explain:

You've got a car that can be race modified. You can have a stage one race modification, which includes only a roll cage, some basic weight reduction and a power upgrade, as well as fully custom transmission and suspension, Stage two would add in some aero parts and a racing number along with a greater power increase,stiffer chassis and other performance goodies, Stage three would be full on Racecar. Complete Aero conversion, Full Roll cage and all the stuff, Race livery and number, etc.

As for Rm'ing for different purposes:

You've got an Impreza WRX, you can race modify it for rallying purposes (like the impreza RM in GT5), make it a GT300 race car, or make it a touring car.

This could apply for cars that participate in various series in different forms IRL.

But knowing PD, they won't do it :(


Not my picture.
The ability to choose different wheels for different tire types, like in gt4. I'm tired of the stock rally wheels on some of the premiums.
Previous games never had the ability to equip driveshafts to anything that isn't front engine and rear/four wheel drive (well, except if you count a certain midship Venturi in GT2 - but that's a glitch). I don't know GT5 can equip driveshaft to FWDs - I better check. 💡

I could swear I was able to do it before; I just checked, and you can buy it but not equip it...:guilty:

Anyone else notice that you can't upgrade brakes at all? Can't get bigger brakes, or better pads/rotors, or convert drums to discs?
To have every feature running through the game naturaly, and not in a separate 'special events' menu. Remember night and day racing that was promised in GT5? It turned up in the SE menu under a particularly stupid sounding 'change time' race. Wet wether racing? Again, separate menu. Nascar racing? Again.
Weather changes, night - day racing, these should happen naturally in every single race in the game, whatever event you do. It adds a bit of drama, excitement and unpredictability. Add that to accurate vehicle damage that can cause your car to break down or parts of it to fail (like the brakes) should all be in there. Of course all these things could be turned off in a menu before the race if you wish.
skill exclusives. Cars that can only be obtained by completing certain events,challenges. Example: Getting all golds in license tests gives you a car you can't buy
skill exclusives. Cars that can only be obtained by completing certain events,challenges. Example: Getting all golds in license tests gives you a car you can't buy

I don't think that is a good idea, becausesome people don't have some skills, or time to spent in order to getting Gold in some events.
I don't think that is a good idea, becausesome people don't have some skills, or time to spent in order to getting Gold in some events.

I know I haven't even tried the license tests! Mainly because I can't do well in them :(
Exactly. ^^ How'ya like my sweet car, homie!

Thats right AM, you tell em. I think licences should be mandatory again and exclusives should be non tradable too.

People who work hard to be better drivers by fully completing their tests should be rewarded, slackers should only be allowed into rooms with other slackers and this guy should be constantly shouting at them...

Also, along the lines of this, I quote myself from higher up the page...
A special gift for people who bought the Signature Edition GT5 (or GT6 if a SE ever appears) that no one else is ever allowed to have, EVER :mischievous:.
skill exclusives. Cars that can only be obtained by completing certain events,challenges. Example: Getting all golds in license tests gives you a car you can't buy

Previous games do that. All cars you get from golding license tests in GT1 and GT2 (not sure with GT3 and GT4) were exclusively available from there. 💡
skill exclusives. Cars that can only be obtained by completing certain events,challenges. Example: Getting all golds in license tests gives you a car you can't buy

I don't agree with this, every person should have access to every in game car. I think they should give you a car of your choice out the class of license you just did, but I think that the license tests should be mandatory again.
A functional NHRA drag strip. With functional I mean a christmas tree that actually works and a realistic timing system.

The ability to set a dial-in time would be neat as well.
No, they shouldn't. :

I think they should as many people have a DS3 and don't have money for a wheel and most of us with the DS3 aren't going to gold every license. It isn't exactly an achievement of you have a wheel so you don't need exclusive cars unless you want to be up yourself. Every car should be playable in the game for everyone otherwise it's an unfair game, PD wouldn't add this into their game nor Turn 10 because, what's the point in having an unfair game that overly rewards good players. It's a stupid idea to not let everyone access every car. They should have better prize cars but not exclusive cars what's the point in PD saying here you go here is 1200 cars but if your one of the majority of players, you can't drive them all, there isn't a point in that.
I think they should as many people have a DS3 and don't have money for a wheel and most of us with the DS3 aren't going to gold every license. It isn't exactly an achievement of you have a wheel so you don't need exclusive cars unless you want to be up yourself. Every car should be playable in the game for everyone otherwise it's an unfair game, PD wouldn't add this into their game nor Turn 10 because, what's the point in having an unfair game that overly rewards good players. It's a stupid idea to not let everyone access every car. They should have better prize cars but not exclusive cars what's the point in PD saying here you go here is 1200 cars but if your one of the majority of players, you can't drive them all, there isn't a point in that.
Look no further than classic GT games, GT1, GT2, GT3 was also an offender.

They all had cars that could only be obtained by Golding license tests.

Gold Licenses are achievable with a DS3 with enough effort and without a wheel. I'm no alien yet I managed to nail all 60 licenses on gold times with a DS3.
i think they should as many people have a ds3 and don't have money for a wheel and most of us with the ds3 aren't going to gold every license. It isn't exactly an achievement of you have a wheel so you don't need exclusive cars unless you want to be up yourself. Every car should be playable in the game for everyone otherwise it's an unfair game, pd wouldn't add this into their game nor turn 10 because, what's the point in having an unfair game that overly rewards good players. It's a stupid idea to not let everyone access every car. They should have better prize cars but not exclusive cars what's the point in pd saying here you go here is 1200 cars but if your one of the majority of players, you can't drive them all, there isn't a point in that.

Look no further than classic GT games, GT1, GT2, GT3 was also an offender.

They all had cars that could only be obtained by Golding license tests.

Gold Licenses are achievable with a DS3 with enough effort and without a wheel. I'm no alien yet I managed to nail all 60 licenses on gold times with a DS3.

I see what you mean but, times change and so do the games over the years.
I see what you mean but, times change and so do the games over the years.
So does gamers intelligence and laziness :rolleyes:

I feel like we should have those secret cars that can only be unlocked by golding simple license tests. It adds incentive to beat them and makes the game more rewarding, one of my non obvious gripes with GT5 was exactly that, there was only one car that you could only obtain through license tests (The GTR SpecV Academy version) and I felt like a side of the game died :grumpy:
So does gamers intelligence and laziness :rolleyes:

I feel like we should have those secret cars that can only be unlocked by golding simple license tests. It adds incentive to beat them and makes the game more rewarding, one of my non obvious gripes with GT5 was exactly that, there was only one car that you could only obtain through license tests (The GTR SpecV Academy version) and I felt like a side of the game died :grumpy:

If the license tests are as easy to get gold as GT Academy was this year then I won't complain if they implement this. I'm not a lazy gamer I try as hard as I tried to get gold but it didn't happen in GT5 for some reason but I found GT Academy 2013 easy to get gold in. A lot of DS3 players in GT5 aren't lazy but can't gold every license in GT5 which must mean you're better than you think at GT5.
If the license tests are as easy to get gold as GT Academy was this year then I won't complain if they implement this. I'm not a lazy gamer I try as hard as I tried to get gold but it didn't happen in GT5 for some reason but I found GT Academy 2013 easy to get gold in. A lot of DS3 players in GT5 aren't lazy but can't gold every license in GT5 which must mean you're better than you think at GT5.
GT5 has way easier license tests than previous GT games, I see no reason to make them even easier. It takes the challenge away and makes the cars to easy to obtain. Plus in GT5 the licenses weren't even mandatory, A-spec/B-spec levels is what got you into races instead, I mostly ignored them throughout the game until a few weeks ago when I felt confident enough to gold them all.

The accessibility of the GT Academy Times was due to it being a competition. In the license tests of GT5, you're not competing against anyone else's times, just yourself and your own ghost.

How many golds do you have of the 60 licenses in GT5?? Try to work with the camera perspectives more, watch the examples given to you by the game, use no aids except ABS and use MT transmission. Then you have a fighting chance at golding them :sly:

People want things to be too easy these days. I commend PD for staying true-ish to their original game.