Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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I think they should as many people have a DS3 and don't have money for a wheel and most of us with the DS3 aren't going to gold every license. It isn't exactly an achievement of you have a wheel so you don't need exclusive cars unless you want to be up yourself. Every car should be playable in the game for everyone otherwise it's an unfair game, PD wouldn't add this into their game nor Turn 10 because, what's the point in having an unfair game that overly rewards good players. It's a stupid idea to not let everyone access every car. They should have better prize cars but not exclusive cars what's the point in PD saying here you go here is 1200 cars but if your one of the majority of players, you can't drive them all, there isn't a point in that.

I have 60 golds using the D buttons, MT and no aids. A wheel really isn't vital, skill is though.

Overly rewarding better drivers would be giving them a car every 5 minutes, i'm talking about 1 car per licence or for achieving 100% completion.
Remember the black FGT from GT4? I got that with a DS3.
Nothing like a bit of deserved exclusivity and, alls fair in love and war :sly:.
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Thats right AM, you tell em. I think licences should be mandatory again and exclusives should be non tradable too.

People who work hard to be better drivers by fully completing their tests should be rewarded, slackers should only be allowed into rooms with other slackers and this guy should be constantly shouting at them...

Also, along the lines of this, I quote myself from higher up the page...


How is your enjoyment of the game and your sense of achievement affected by how anyone else populates their garage? Mandatory licenses is just silly. I, along with millions of others, have passed the license tests many times over, why force me and others into the drudgery of tests we can pass with our eyes closed and our PS3 not even plugged in.

skill exclusives. Cars that can only be obtained by completing certain events,challenges. Example: Getting all golds in license tests gives you a car you can't buy

An exclusive livery maybe, an exclusive car, no. Again, the license tests are pure drudgery for most GT fans. If you enjoy them fine, enjoy them. Want a car with a cool sticker that's the same as mine but with a cool sticker? Also fine.

So does gamers intelligence and laziness :rolleyes:

I feel like we should have those secret cars that can only be unlocked by golding simple license tests. It adds incentive to beat them and makes the game more rewarding, one of my non obvious gripes with GT5 was exactly that, there was only one car that you could only obtain through license tests (The GTR SpecV Academy version) and I felt like a side of the game died :grumpy:

Makes the game rewarding for you, not for everyone. The reward for most of us is driving and racing cool cars, not doing silly, made up, easy tests to acquire cars.
How many golds do you have of the 60 licenses in GT5??

Admittedly I have only done a few license tests in GT5(I completed all of them, but not all golds), I do have all golds though in 2-4(sometimes on more than one occasion:grumpy:).

People want things to be too easy these days. I commend PD for staying true-ish to their original game.

I don't want it to be easy, it's more of me wanting to not do the same damn challenges I have done in 4 different games.
How many golds do you have of the 60 licenses in GT5?? Try to work with the camera perspectives more, watch the examples given to you by the game, use no aids except ABS and use MT transmission. Then you have a fighting chance at golding them :sly:

People want things to be too easy these days. I commend PD for staying true-ish to their original game.

Not sure on the actual amount but I don't have many golds. I always play with no aids expect ABS anyway, maybe I need to go back to the licenses at some point to see how easy I find it now since its been a long time since I tried the licenses, I have at least silver on all of them.
How is your enjoyment of the game and your sense of achievement affected by how anyone else populates their garage? Mandatory licenses is just silly. I, along with millions of others, have passed the license tests many times over, why force me and others into the drudgery of tests we can pass with our eyes closed and our PS3 not even plugged in.

Its affected because I don't like working hard to be a knowledgeable, clean and competent driver by doing the licences just to have someone who doesn't care much get the same rewards. When I see that a player hasn't even bothered to do any licences, it makes me question their race craft.

IRL, you're not allowed to compete unless you have a certain racing licence and its all based on tests and experience.

If the tests are that easy, whats the big deal. Not doing your tests is lazy. Its worth doing, 18 cars is a good enough reason in itself 👍.

Read my other posts. My argument is withstanding.
Its affected because I don't like working hard to be a knowledgeable, clean and competent driver by doing the licences just to have someone who doesn't care much get the same rewards. When I see that a player hasn't even bothered to do any licences, it makes me question their race craft.

IRL, you're not allowed to compete unless you have a certain racing licence and its all based on tests and experience.

If the tests are that easy, whats the big deal. Not doing your tests is lazy. Its worth doing, 18 cars is a good enough reason in itself 👍.

Read my other posts. My argument is withstanding.

Complete strawman argument. Racecraft is learned in races, on a track, with other drivers, not in a license test, driving the track alone. License tests bear no relation whatsoever to racecraft. The tests being easy is the big deal. Like most GT fans, I work for a living and don't want to waste time on license tests devised to be challenging to noobs. Lazy is when I go don't want to go to work in the morning, it doesn't apply to a videogame.

IRL I would have passed my license tests already, 15 years ago. What racing do you know of where you have to redo your license tests every 3 or 4 years?
Its affected because I don't like working hard to be a knowledgeable, clean and competent driver by doing the licences just to have someone who doesn't care much get the same rewards. When I see that a player hasn't even bothered to do any licences, it makes me question their race craft.

IRL, you're not allowed to compete unless you have a certain racing licence and its all based on tests and experience.

If the tests are that easy, whats the big deal. Not doing your tests is lazy. Its worth doing, 18 cars is a good enough reason in itself 👍.

Read my other posts. My argument is withstanding.

Complete strawman argument. Racecraft is learned in races, on a track, with other drivers, not in a license test, driving the track alone. License tests bear no relation whatsoever to racecraft. The tests being easy is the big deal. Like most GT fans, I work for a living and don't want to waste time on license tests devised to be challenging to noobs. Lazy is when I go don't want to go to work in the morning, it doesn't apply to a videogame.

IRL I would have passed my license tests already, 15 years ago. What racing do you know of where you have to redo your license tests every 3 or 4 years? There is no benefit to the experienced sim driver of doing license test at all, it's a complete waste of time. Forcing me to do it is the complete opposite of what this game should be about.
How about a compromise, where licence tests are racecraft-orientated? There were overtaking tests in GT5 anyway.
OK mate, keep your hair on Shatner, its just an opinion. I too work full time, live with my GF and have a kid on the way. Time is short here as well.

Every GT is a new start to a career (mode). Every rookie at the start of the game is on an even playing field. Rookies who work harder should go further quicker and, get some perks along the way.

Personally, optional test taking kind of blighted GT5, licences take time, time makes you a better driver and there are countless bad drivers out there, a few licences could do them good.
Doing licences in all GTs benefited me, new physics, new track sectors, several free cars and satisfaction.
I don't see what the rush is to do everything immediately, the game's not going anywhere.

I'm not arguing this point anymore, i'm starting to repeat myself.
Good drivers do their tests and it often shows.
Please oh please oh please...GET RID OF B-SPEC!!! It's more excruciating than watching someone murder your pets! I know you don't "have to" to do it, but then they dangle that carrot of prize cars that's useable in front of you, and bam! thing you know you are screaming at the TV and throwing your controller.
I just saw the Nurburgring 24hrs race from 2012 and i realised that GT needs more emotions and soul into the game, it feels empty.
PD should add car errors to the game and allow you to press the PS4's Options button or use the PS4's touch pad to communicate with your team in the pit, give them information regarding the status of the car.
e.g. The front tires are losing pressure.
The front headlights are damaged, my visibility is limited.
The engine feels dull.

Basic information, after you message your team should reply to you with advice and prepare a different strategy for the race. You should have the option to choose how many drivers you want to play as because obviously one driver doesn't drive a full 24hrs race, at the start of the race you should be able to mark each driver that will take part in the race as "A-Spec Driver" or "B-Spec Driver" so you can take a break while the other driver is racing and you should be able to give him advice to change the way he drives, encourage him and things like that, and also include the save option in endurance races, also they should make the AI be really aggressive sometimes so that it feels different and doesn't get repetitive, by communicating with your team and getting advice from them judging by the condition of the car or the weather, it would result in faster pit stops because you informed your team of the car status and the team will know what they have to do when you come to the pit.

(This won't be implemented in GT6 but i hope the future of GT on the PS4 has these features)

What do you think? i'm really curious to know what you guys think about the ideas posted above.
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Okay guys. This one's gonna blow your mind.
What I want to see in Gran Turismo 6 is a GODZILLA HORN.
Just imagine it! You're racing and a slower car is ahead of you. You hit your Godzilla horn, "SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and he's out of your way immediately.
The only catch would be that it would be extremely rare.
Turbo noises!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please give us better turbo noises, i havent found any of them in gt5 yet!

PD have yet to simulate proper exhaust sounds yet, GT5 had horrible sounds full stop (as everyone already knows).
I've come to a conclusion about the licenses in GT6. I personally think to make it a fair game they should make licenses mandatory and improve the prize cars for golding all licences but, you shouldn't get exclusive cars as it makes GT an unfair game for those who really put a lot of effort into the licenses but can't gold every licence. I do think that those who can gold every licence should be awarded with on of the rarest cars in each of the classes and they also have to be useful for the actual A Spec events. I think PD wouldn't implement an exclusive car system anyway, as they would gain more hate and lose sales on the next game they bring out. Sorry to bring this back up, this is just my opinion based on GT5s licence tests, the BMW one is impossible for me, I salute you people who can get all gold with a DS3.
not sure if its do-able with the fia and licensing but including the world endurance championship would be cool. completely get rid of b spec and give us alot more a spec to do. also on gt tv can we get a live stream from every race of the world endurance championship since nissan/gt academy are involved. how about the dakar rally aswell or am i pushing it now ??
Please. Ditch the pointless license tests altogether. All they do is frustrate and stop you from accessing the harder and more interesting events.
Please. Ditch the pointless license tests altogether. All they do is frustrate and stop you from accessing the harder and more interesting events.

Licence tests are the whole point of GT, in GT5 you don't even have to do them. Anyway if you don't want licenses, go play Forza.
When viewing in car mode, you can't really see some things like the sides or the opposite mirror, sometimes not even the middle one.

I think the best thing would be to do it like in Toca 2 Touring Cars, which was a GREAT game, to be able to turn the head left or right or look a little bit up to the middle mirror, without loosing the complete contact with the front image.

Who played that game, knows what i'm talking about.
Also in that game, the pit crew told you when you were gaining or losing gap from the car in front, behind or the race leader and also other information.

Some touring cars from BTCC, ETCC, WTCC, and other championships would be great, especially for the online competitions...

PS: there is also a car i beg for, to be in GT 6:
PANOZ LMP1 , the first gen, which destroyed Audi R8 in many races (the first generation, the second was a mess and was slower, so slow and unreliable it was replaced quickly by the previous model).
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better license handling.
They should play am role in your career. They dont have to be so restrictive as in previous GTs (I can see players getting put off if they cant proceed in career if they dont gold all licenses) but they should count in some way towards your career.

regarding online lobbies:
- chat filter in lobby
It's okay that they filter dirty talk, but they are going way over the top with the filtering. For Example in german the word "nicht" (meaning "not" in english) gets filtered out which as you can imagine is a word you just need to use!

-let me host a private lobby as fixed host. please PD!!
either enable the fixed host option for "my lobby" or allow open lobbies to be password protected. The experience will be better for everyone.

-reputation system
mark a lobby as "clean driving" lobby. player gets kicked a number of times in a number of days out of clean lobbys and thus is unable to join clean lobbies for a period of time.

-better voting system
host picks a number of tracks and all players vote from that choosen set of tracks instead of all.

- better filtering in garage
"show me all italian premium rear wheel drive cars not later then 2003 with 460PP +/- 25 and 1100kg minimum"

oh and another thing although i know its somewhat over the top, but if not for gt 6 then 7 or 8 or 9:
More cars. Still, way more cars.
Its obvious that even 1000+ cars are not enough. People complain that there are not enough cars from their region, that the xyz is missing and so on. People complain about the 40 skylines, yet other people are happy with all of them.
In the long run, GT still needs way more cars.
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When viewing in car mode, you can't really see some things like the sides or the opposite mirror, sometimes not even the middle one.

I think the best thing would be to do it like in Toca 2 Touring Cars, which was a GREAT game, to be able to turn the head left or right or look a little bit up to the middle mirror, without loosing the complete contact with the front image.

Who played that game, knows what i'm talking about.
Also in that game, the pit crew told you when you were gaining or losing gap from the car in front, behind or the race leader and also other information.

Some touring cars from BTCC, ETCC, WTCC, and other championships would be great, especially for the online competitions...

PS: there is also a car i beg for, to be in GT 6:
PANOZ LMP1 , the first gen, which destroyed Audi R8 in many races (the first generation, the second was a mess and was slower, so slow and unreliable it was replaced quickly by the previous model).

Try the other stickied thread mate! 👍 This one isn't for cars :)