hispeedI'd like a "panic-button" to press when my wife bursts trough the door to see what I'm doing (like she doesn't!), like a power-point presentation or something.
A voice saying "you've played too long, please take a break" would also be welcome.
werd.U2fanmanWhy the hell do PD restrict the tests of max speeds of the cars to the test course. For some cars even the 10km oval is not enough to reach their max speeds in long gear ratios, so there should be an infinitely long straight with basic graphics to keep it easy to make.
I always looked at boost pressure to be set at the most you could have without causing knock/detonation, if you want less just buy the smaller turbo. But yeah, they definitely need to add options with the superchargers, imo there should be 4 levels of roots and 4 levels of centrifugal just like turbos.98cobraYeah, why can't we have boost setting and be able to turbocharge anything? And we need pulley swaps for superchargers so they are not set on one boost level.
doboyDamage is a sweet idea, but in order to work they gotta fix the AI. If you're in their way they run into you...lol...i'm not payin to fix that damage. This would be specially hard at the top without any money cheats loaded. Cause with damage your cars performance goes down, makin it harder to win in order to fix car. Which is a royal pain. Also they would have to look into how to deal with exiting in middle of race sorta thing.
Lots of good ideas in this thread.👍
kizyak6. Fuel weight to have effect on the car
How about for the top speed runs, a straight unending road. So you can really see what the top speed is.
scir16vHow about for the top speed runs, a straight unending road. So you can really see what the top speed is.
kikieglowing discs brake (haven't seen them in GT4 anymore)
1) An option to shut off the cheering audience on racetracks. That yelling gets me irritated after a few laps
Chris2XtremeI have an excellent idea if it hasn't already been posted, I think that at 50% completion, you should win the ability to race EVERY car in the game in arcade, whether you have them in GT mode or not, just so you can experience driving them.
I don't want to do De La Sarthe for 24 hours just for a Speed 8, dammit!