Ahhh....And one more thing... GT5 should have some kind of technology implemented to add tracks to the existing disc. Perhaps after a particular track is completed, PD could make a CD to be downloaded and saved to your memory card (or whatever method is most efficient) for in game access. This would be a good idea for car models as well. I think GTR for PC has this feature, and to say the very least, I like it... 💡
why not letting the PS2 read the tracks on your mp3 player? that would free a lot of place on the actual DVD for more tracks, higher def textures and cars...
as a tunning fan (not the fast and furious jackie's type but engine tunning)
i would love more different part to buy in each tunner, meanning instead a turbo kit level 4, i would be more realistic while you could choose the turbine from a large choise (with all the advantges and all the disadvantages they got), the size of the pipe, the spark plugs (from various constructors), carburettor and the jet size, the size of the muffler and the silencer separatedly, the wheel size and tire sizes would be great (there is a lot of changes beetween a 300 cm large tire and a 165 cm large tire in term of grip, speed and fuel consumption) sure we could also buy various tires from various manufacturers and know exactly they speed limite, their heat limit... etc
btw if dammages are included then if you quit the race you shouldn't be able to see your car in a perfect shape in your garrage, you must have to repair it for a price that could cost more than the car itself if you crashed it very well, sure. that would for you to race smoother.
they could make something to avoid the championship flood, like the masterscheifte in GT4 that is flooded a lot when you need money there could be a tempo between the time you won the race and the nex time the race is open, making the money rarer but then you would care about your car tunning, the cars you buy and those you crash.
finaly, if i find the AI is quite agressive against itself (the A guy doesn't always finish first), sometime they crash, sometime they are running far away, i think in general it's not really adapted to the car you got, IA should be alble t get tunned cars and not only the basic ones what's the moint in running in e 1200hp car if the opponents can't get more than a 900hp car?
btw in the gear setting there should be a simulation of the speed you could go displayed somewhere, because the settings have only as number the gear ratios that means noting for some one not used to work on them all the time... just a theorical speed displayed not really the speed you could get in a race with all the variables.
more cars? why not i like running with little cars sometimes just to make me feel running on a circuit with my own car, making the game closer to the reality, who never wanted to race on suzuka or laguna seca with his own car and not obligatory a 800hp monster.
weather could be nice then an interior view would be also nicer while raining with thewindscreen wiper removing the water of your view in some horrible conditions would be also quite a challenge. starting to rain in the middle of a race or rain stoping for a nice sun with a shiny softened road under your tires. also night and day for every circuit would be great...
in the dammages we should be able to get engine break, oil leak, oil leak on the track forcing you to avoid it, and also if and opponent crash then some piece of him could go in the middle of the track like a ****ing tire you you have to avoid if the the race chiefs haven't removed it. red, yellow and black flags shoud be nice too..
that was my littel 2c