Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
In GT4 , you can apply a filter to your car list in the garage.
Power , weight , year ... (unfortunately not displacement).
The same should be done for each track record : otherwise , you'll always see the same cars score the best laps in every track .
And what's the point in having hundreds of cars if you end up using always the same ones ?
Best times should be registered during races too : as it was in GT1 .

Anyway , next time I'm NOT going to buy the game the first day it's available in the shop ; and not at all if they will make the same mistakes (maybe TOCA 2006 wiil be my next one)
Ahhh....And one more thing... GT5 should have some kind of technology implemented to add tracks to the existing disc. Perhaps after a particular track is completed, PD could make a CD to be downloaded and saved to your memory card (or whatever method is most efficient) for in game access. This would be a good idea for car models as well. I think GTR for PC has this feature, and to say the very least, I like it... 💡

why not letting the PS2 read the tracks on your mp3 player? that would free a lot of place on the actual DVD for more tracks, higher def textures and cars...

as a tunning fan (not the fast and furious jackie's type but engine tunning)

i would love more different part to buy in each tunner, meanning instead a turbo kit level 4, i would be more realistic while you could choose the turbine from a large choise (with all the advantges and all the disadvantages they got), the size of the pipe, the spark plugs (from various constructors), carburettor and the jet size, the size of the muffler and the silencer separatedly, the wheel size and tire sizes would be great (there is a lot of changes beetween a 300 cm large tire and a 165 cm large tire in term of grip, speed and fuel consumption) sure we could also buy various tires from various manufacturers and know exactly they speed limite, their heat limit... etc

btw if dammages are included then if you quit the race you shouldn't be able to see your car in a perfect shape in your garrage, you must have to repair it for a price that could cost more than the car itself if you crashed it very well, sure. that would for you to race smoother.

they could make something to avoid the championship flood, like the masterscheifte in GT4 that is flooded a lot when you need money there could be a tempo between the time you won the race and the nex time the race is open, making the money rarer but then you would care about your car tunning, the cars you buy and those you crash.

finaly, if i find the AI is quite agressive against itself (the A guy doesn't always finish first), sometime they crash, sometime they are running far away, i think in general it's not really adapted to the car you got, IA should be alble t get tunned cars and not only the basic ones what's the moint in running in e 1200hp car if the opponents can't get more than a 900hp car?

btw in the gear setting there should be a simulation of the speed you could go displayed somewhere, because the settings have only as number the gear ratios that means noting for some one not used to work on them all the time... just a theorical speed displayed not really the speed you could get in a race with all the variables.

more cars? why not i like running with little cars sometimes just to make me feel running on a circuit with my own car, making the game closer to the reality, who never wanted to race on suzuka or laguna seca with his own car and not obligatory a 800hp monster.

weather could be nice then an interior view would be also nicer while raining with thewindscreen wiper removing the water of your view in some horrible conditions would be also quite a challenge. starting to rain in the middle of a race or rain stoping for a nice sun with a shiny softened road under your tires. also night and day for every circuit would be great...

in the dammages we should be able to get engine break, oil leak, oil leak on the track forcing you to avoid it, and also if and opponent crash then some piece of him could go in the middle of the track like a ****ing tire you you have to avoid if the the race chiefs haven't removed it. red, yellow and black flags shoud be nice too..

that was my littel 2c
1. Get rid off all those Concept/Prototip cars, i mean WTF!?? They use a lot of space and time that could be used in other things....
2. Cockpit view DEFINATELLY.. Cut the car number to about 400, and have them all have detailed cockpits, wheel moving, everything like in real car... I mean that couldn't be that much hard to do... They have a lot of time to work on that..
3. They don't have to do anything with Physics, it's perfect as it is now.. use the time for other things..
4. Better AI of course, smart, and with names..
5. Some sort of story line like in Toca, real race countdowns, not this consolish, arcadish camera that goes in different directions when counting down, 3,2,1...
6. Damage model, doesn't have to be perfect, just not forgiving, this whole No damage thing ruins the game for 50%..
7. Of course that day to night weather changes, etc...
8. More real life circuits, not this city circuits wide as one car, and you just bounce of the wall, hate those..
9. No Rally mode - for me this rally mode doesn't really fit into this game, and the fact that you can't get off the track is so NFS U arcadish.. We have RBR for raly, no need to spend time on that, better work on AI, damage, Cockpits, more real tracks..etc...
I think i am not being unreal, i think all these things are possible to do, they have time, they have PS3.. i am hoping for the best!
k besides what everyone said is a good idea..but i think it needs abit more realism like PITBABES n like women in thong bikini's infront of the cars..kinda like what i got :sly:
Certainly pitgirls aren't really that enticing when they are only virtual, not real. This is the last type of thing PD would add. I don't think a Ridge Racer style "Boyz, start your engines and drive really hard! 3, 2, 1, GO!" while holding an umbrella (even though its sunny) is what Kaz invisions for the franchise.

Google image search will fulfill any of your needs to look at pit girls. Now lets get back to the racing.
Certainly pitgirls aren't really that enticing when they are only virtual, not real. This is the last type of thing PD would add. I don't think a Ridge Racer style "Boyz, start your engines and drive really hard! 3, 2, 1, GO!" while holding an umbrella (even though its sunny) is what Kaz invisions for the franchise.

Google image search will fulfill any of your needs to look at pit girls. Now lets get back to the racing.
....*cough cough* sarcasm
Full 24 hour nurburgring configuration (plus the ability to run just the nordschleife and just the GP circuit of course).

Dynamic weather and night and day changes.


You know... the usual.
I don't want to add the same as everyone else so as well as the variable weather and daylight changes, I'd like races/series that forbid all aids, I'd enjoy big horsepower but no traction control or ABS of any kind, rear drive of course. More cars on track would be good in some series too. The only other thing is possibly bodywork damage, I'm not into running 200 laps and having to stop because of engine damage, so just the bodywork will be fine. To go along with this, I'd like to see the cars getting dirty as you drive too, look at the cars at the end of a 24hour race and they're filthy.
i hope to have the same thing as GT 1 n 2 with the racing modification that with a certain amount of money u can turn ur car into full blown racing car..that would be pretty crazy
i hope to have the same thing as GT 1 n 2 with the racing modification that with a certain amount of money u can turn ur car into full blown racing car..that would be pretty crazy

oh n drag racing..i like drag racing too n im pretty sure alot of ppl would like it there too..

they should put that viper in the game too 💡
Sorry if this has been mentioned but really don't want to read over 500 post, just put in my 2-cents. This thread is massive. Very impressive topic apparently.

They did a lot of work on the spectators in GT4, but only on certain courses. There is a lot of room for improvement, given the amount of work done on the Rallies.

On the tract position in the top left of the play screen I would personally like to see the track blown up on some of the larger tracks. I'm getting better at N'ring but man is that a large track to memorize.

I would like to be a be able to save the game mid endurance in order to be able to play in Aspec without leaving the console on for days, or some cases I've seen, weeks. I think it could easily be incorporated into the pit menu.

Speaking of pit menu, some minor setting adjustment would be nice. IRL springs, stabilizers, bound, rebound, among others are accesable in the pits without digging into the car. If there was a time penalty for those that would even be fine.

The fact that when the AI slam me it's like being hit by a Mack truck, but when I hit an AI car they are unphased and I feel as though I've hit a brick wall, just doesn't seem right.

Don't get me wrong I love the game, PD really put a lot in the game since GT3. I play EVERY day. I like the physics much better. The duck and bob is close but a little excessive. The graphics are much better, you are able to clearly see much farther down the track. The feel of speed is truly awesome. Driving the 'Ring in a car with stock suspension over 150mph is just crazy. I know the thread mentions not to mention cars, but. They did add ton of cars, but in location specific releases of the game, how about more cars from that location, ie North America. The US has had a ton of awesome sports cars over the years and in many years and versions of them. How about half as many versions of the Mustang, Camaro, Corvette, as we have Skylines.

Well, there's my two pennies.

Things that I want in GT5
  • True online mode
    also race garage cars in online mode
    ( absolute worst part of GT4 and
    it is a shame that such a great game
    has restrictions such as that )
  • field of 20 cars
  • full screen replay on two player mode
    ( one of the worst things left out of GT4 )
  • all cars should be able to race, even if
    special races need made for concepts
    but in arcade you should be able to race
    anything. Its a game for crying out loud
  • in two player mode at least be able to race
    some other A.I. at the same time.
  • more real road tracks, infineon is outstanding
  • Totally redo the way races are organized and
    the limitations. GT2 was good, GT4 approach
    is boring and limits game play. General races
    should not be restricted by manufactor. Manufactor
    races are okay as long as there are at least 6 differnt
    models that qualify for the race.
  • Saves on long races durring pit stops ( its a game folks )
  • continue and expand GT4's amazing car line-up
    more ventage race cars, more classic sports & muscle cars
  • paint shop
  • fix the vehicle sounds, sorry but im not hearing it
    we got the sight down, touch is fairly good ( meaning car control )
    lets get that other sense in line with the others
Inter 61
More European circuits like Monza, Spa, Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Jerez, Imola and the old Osterrichring.

And maybe the old Targo Floria curcuit in Sicily (I believe its in Sicily, correct me if I'm wrong) and real rally stages like the ones in Finland or Sweden or something.

Another idea is tire warmers. Just about every professional racing team has them in the real world so how about them in the game. That would be cool.

And of course better AI but I wont repeat what everybody else has said except for one thing: what is with cars like the Caterham and the Auto Union Streamliner not being able to race other cars. That pisses me off royally. Especially the Caterham part.

But anyways just my 2 cents.
Races with multiple different classes runnng simotaneously, like the Rolex series. GTA, GTS, GTO, GTU, etc. Then you could enter the same over and over race but in different classes, that would rock.
-Tire marks!!! When I'm lighting em up I wanna see some marks, and realistic smoke the longer you do a burnout, the more smoke is produced. When I do my 3rd gear rolling brake-torques in my Supra, I want to leave a smoke trail down the whole straight away. That would make Drifting much more exciting.

-Louder/Realistic Blow off Valve, and when the turbo is Spooling up, I wanna hear that thing scream!

-More realistic tire grip. If you do a drag race, you should have to heat up you tires, and if they are slicks on a good suspension set-up, theres no reason why the cars shouldn’t dead hook up, or atleast come close.

-2 player battle for money/credits, winner gets cash! Fo’shizzle. This would be good for drag racing friends in 2 player.

-Damage, nuff said.

-Environmental Changes; night/day, rain, snow, wet leaves, ect.

-Tuning for your car, dyno runs that tune for you in ‘GT AUTO’, or you can tune it your self, but I don’t know how well that would work out.

-And, this one I think would be really cool; computer cars react to your every move. If you cut them off, they hit their brakes. If you are driving next to them, they don’t follow their “line” and run into you.

That about it,

Damn I really want to get more tire marks and smoke!!! awwww :grumpy:
Create-a-Track Mode- That Would Just Be So Awsome.

Create-a-Car Mode- Once Again, That Would Just Be So Awsome.

Let You Take Pics Of More Than One Car In Photo Mode- I Wish I Could!

Drift Trucks- *No Comment*

One Lap Magic Mode- That Has To Let You Pick The Cars That You Want In The Race

Racing Modifications- GT4 Is The Last Time That PD Left Out Racing Modifications. If PD Brings Them Back, It Will Make Me Happier In My GT Life.

If PD Doesn't Do That, I'll Be Very Angry :grumpy:
The AI(or lack of) must be improved...

Someone mentioned something about AI cars slowing down behind them.
This does occur, but it only seems to happen when you are on the gas (ie. after a spin, AI cars dont ram you). If PD already included this ability to have AI cars not ram you while you are on the gas...why didnt they include this under braking?

Also many people mentioned a number of manufacturers not included in the game (Ferrari, Porsche). Have you ever seen a Ruf?
It has an RR drivetrain..
A Boxer engine...
It's German....
It looks like a Porsche!?!?!

IT'S A @#$%$#@ PORSCHE!!!

I dont know what Ruf is. Do some too lazy.
My updated list of what I want to see in GT5.

NO Rally Racing, Ice Racing, or Wet Racing.

Tire Marks on the Course, possibly the dirt.

With the Next Generation features, possible oil slicks in the road that will affect your control?

The sound of the exhaust that was in the freaking intro, that was amazing.

Have a paint shop, where you can color your cars the color you want.

Sell the parts you bought for your car that you don't use/need/want.

Better AI obviously. If we had a race between Forza and GT4, Forza would easily win.

Better looking smoke.

Better sounding screeching tires.

Qualifying in any race.

No cars that have no Sale value.

Yes I have seen a RUF. It's a company that tunes porsches to test on the Autobahn.

I don't know if they tune other cars but I've only seen Porsches tuned by them.
Oh yeah, I forgot.


I don't want to hear any damn whining from any car in a freaking video game. It's annoying as hell. Who wants to listen to whining?

I mean you're putting up with my whining but it's no where near as bad as the whiny transmissions in GT4 ;)
The Greatest
I would like PD to add Point To Point rallying.. like the WRC rallies... no going around in circles... that would be great!!!1
or real WRC rallies,Sony has the licence of the official WRC,why not add a small WRC in GT4?

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