I want:
-More real circuits, Nurburgring Sudschleife + Nordschleife, like in the 24 hours of
the ring, Hockenheim, Spa Francorchamps, and others ALMS and DTM...
-The return of the Complex String of GT3.
-More European and American cars. Most 70% of the cars in GT4 are japanese...
and nobody need 52 versions of Skylines (Yes, I've count them)
-More historical cars, like the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33, the BMW 3.0 CSL, BMW M1 etc...
-More LeMans cars, It would be nice to have a more complete list than just
Bentley, Audi and Courage...
-More, more and more AI! I don't want to see the B-Spec Bob smash the front car
in the back before overtaking it!
-To have more cars per race in interesting, when you think that the 24 Hours of
Lemans have 40 cars at the start and the 24 Hours of Nurburgring have 400 cars
on the track! pretty interesting.
-Damage. PD will probably try to get this point as realistic as possible, so It would
be interesting to see cars having a crash and be forced to abandon the race, and
even quit the racetrack by the tractors or by the officials of by the race officials
pushing them! It would be very frustrating to be forced to abandon, but I would
be more demanding for the driver and more challenging too. I like this idea.
-Online mode. nice.
-Shortcut on the controller to return to the main menu. I get bored of hitting the
triangle millions of times.
-Possibility of viewing the stats of a car easier, like in GT3.
-Wheather. Snow, rain.not only wet track, and more than one please. Night and
Day conditions too, changing with the hour in game.
-More realistic automatic transmission. Does Anybody saw an automatic
transmission shift at the redline even if you don't push hard on the gas?
-Sounds. Even that PD said that the engine sounds in GT4 are recorded from real-
life cars, we can found the same sound in many different cars. I would like a more
realistic Formula 1 sound. I don't feel it.
-Customization. A Paint shop, more new wheels (I want some chrome!) more
custom parts than just a wing (and lower wings, please!!) and I don't like to
waste 10 minutes watching the guy changing the oil or washing the car.
-Modelisation. GT4 graphics are close to reality. But try to improve them please,
what I saw on the video of Gran Turismo Vision is exactly the same thing as on
the ps2. We need a brand new graphic engine.
I hope that some of the Polyphony Digital devellopers read this tread!