Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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I want to see Polyphony Digital dump the slot-car wannabe-sim physics that they've been tweaking since the first Gran Turismo on the PSX, and actually produce a game worthy of the title "the ultimate driving simulator."

Konami made a more realistic driving sim than GT4 on their first try! I won't be surprised if GT5, regardless of the fact that it'll be a PS3 release, also fails to top Enthusia's physics.

I'm most likely going to buy GT5, even though GT4 really disappointed me, but the PS3 racer I'll really be looking forward to will be Enthusia 2.
Sorry if someone has mentioned this before but i would like to see a variation in prizes using the A-spec point system.

If you won the race with less than say 50 A-spec points you just got cash but no car, 50-100 a used version of that car so it has less power than normal, if you got over 100 A-spec point you got a brand new car with more power in a similar way to the 10K specials.

Obviously this would need some tweaking so you didn't end up with two of each car.

This would give players a reason to make each race competitive without penalising those who want to race for fun.
I want:

-More real circuits, Nurburgring Sudschleife + Nordschleife, like in the 24 hours of
the ring, Hockenheim, Spa Francorchamps, and others ALMS and DTM...

-The return of the Complex String of GT3.

-More European and American cars. Most 70% of the cars in GT4 are japanese...
and nobody need 52 versions of Skylines (Yes, I've count them)

-More historical cars, like the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33, the BMW 3.0 CSL, BMW M1 etc...

-More LeMans cars, It would be nice to have a more complete list than just
Bentley, Audi and Courage...

-More, more and more AI! I don't want to see the B-Spec Bob smash the front car
in the back before overtaking it!

-To have more cars per race in interesting, when you think that the 24 Hours of
Lemans have 40 cars at the start and the 24 Hours of Nurburgring have 400 cars
on the track! pretty interesting.

-Damage. PD will probably try to get this point as realistic as possible, so It would
be interesting to see cars having a crash and be forced to abandon the race, and
even quit the racetrack by the tractors or by the officials of by the race officials
pushing them! It would be very frustrating to be forced to abandon, but I would
be more demanding for the driver and more challenging too. I like this idea.

-Online mode. nice.

-Shortcut on the controller to return to the main menu. I get bored of hitting the
triangle millions of times.

-Possibility of viewing the stats of a car easier, like in GT3.

-Wheather. Snow, rain.not only wet track, and more than one please. Night and
Day conditions too, changing with the hour in game.

-More realistic automatic transmission. Does Anybody saw an automatic
transmission shift at the redline even if you don't push hard on the gas?

-Sounds. Even that PD said that the engine sounds in GT4 are recorded from real-
life cars, we can found the same sound in many different cars. I would like a more
realistic Formula 1 sound. I don't feel it.

-Customization. A Paint shop, more new wheels (I want some chrome!) more
custom parts than just a wing (and lower wings, please!!) and I don't like to
waste 10 minutes watching the guy changing the oil or washing the car.

-Modelisation. GT4 graphics are close to reality. But try to improve them please,
what I saw on the video of Gran Turismo Vision is exactly the same thing as on
the ps2. We need a brand new graphic engine.

I hope that some of the Polyphony Digital devellopers read this tread! :dopey:
One thing that has disappointed me in GT4 is the endurance racing. Who has the time to do a 24hr race? What it could do with is a save facility during endurance races. Could be added to pit options and make it a bit more reasonable for those of us who have kids and a social life to actually complete the game without having to resort to the dreaded B spec!
The vision gran turismo vid was not using a new graphics engine, just the gt4 one put on ps3 and polished a little. It will look MUCH better in the end, trust me, lol.
This is what I want:

Real Weather Effects!

What is the use in having weather if it is never changing and non stop?Every race in GT4 has set conditions that never change.I do not think eevry day at Laguna Seca it will be sunny,nor at the Nurb will it always be hot and sunshiny.We need changing weather conditions,both in-race and pre-race!Before you race,the game should just mix random conditions and slap them into a race for you.In-race for races like the Nurb 24 hours and all of that it should change from rain to sun to snow to storms...the possiblities are nearly endless!

Changing Track Temperatures!

Track temperatures should be integrated into the game,and should change!That way on your next pit stop you know exactly what tires to use to shave those precious seconds from your lap times.It would also effect radiator heat and overheating.

Car Damage (Not Crash Related)
What is a real driving simulator without overheating engines,bursting radiators and busting tie-rods?!If I am running 195 MPH in my Stang at the Nurb redlining hard,I shouldn't just be sitting there watching myself redline.Instead I should have to worry about my engine overheating!If I take a turn at the Nurb and bounce into the sand at 125 MPH I shouldn't be able to walk away with all tie-rods in tact!I also want to be able to trade some paint!Though this kinda goes with crash related damage,If Im going to rub the hell out of my opponents to win a race,I want the battle scars to prove it!

Car Damage (Crash Related)

Something we all want,crash damage!If I flip my car into a wall doing 150 MPH,I am doubting I am going to walk out without car damage.I want broken radiators,busted tie-rods,destroyed frames and lost wheels!I also want to have to PAY for damage to be fixed!

Driver Injuries!

Think about this:

Your at the Nurb and you take a turn at 170 MPH and your car becomes part of the wall,do you come out unscathed?


If Im going to hit a wall bad,I want to have driver injuries that come out of my paycheck or out of my racing insurance!

Sponsors and Teams!

Ever wanted to be part of Tom's Castrol Racing team?Grab your controller!It would be awesome to be a propsect for prestigious teams like Tom's Castrol,Woodone,Mugen and the like.You get paid so much a race and so much of a bonus for using their cars and you get an annual salary but to stay on you must win x amount of races etc.Make it real!

I can't think of anything else,but if I can i'll post it!
I would like for it to be possible to re spray cars and a city in the photo mode where you can drive your car around with people and other cars around to get an even more realistic picture
1. Damage. Damage rocks in Forza, especially when it affects your performance. We haven't had damage since GT1. Bring it back, please.

2. Qualifying. I do not want to be put in the back every blasted time. Even the Forza qualifying is nice, where you are placed judging on your car's performance. No more rear starts, especially when your car sucks.

3. Car info. I want to learn the history of my car, or any car for that matter. The scrollbar was annoying in GT3, but don't get rid of it altogether. Sega GT only had it for replays, which was worse. Now, info is no more. Bring it back, but not in tiny letters like GT2, or scrollbars like in GT3.

4. GT2-style dealerships. Back in GT2, you had Lineup, Used, and Special. Lineup was classics and modern/recent. Specials were rare, concept, or racing. The "Classics" are questionable, as recent concept cars were thrown in as well as recent racecars.


LINEUP: Any normal, unmodified car made since 2000
USED: Any normal, unmodified 90s car
CLASSIC: Any car made in the 80s or earlier
SPECIAL: racecars, special editions, or concept cars from the 90s to the present

5. Better unlockables. You work your but off, and all you get is an 11hp 3-wheel Daihatsu Midget? RIPOFF! Unlockables should be special cars.


1. Concept Cars
2. Rare Cars
3. Special Editions
4. Racing Cars

6. The ability to view EVERY car. No more cars that you can win, but not buy. In GT4, you can win the Midget II, but not buy it. What a ripoff!

7. Once you win a car, it's unlocked. I won an Autobianchi A112 Abarth, and it wasn't unlocked. What's up with that?

8. Cars sorted by price. It is extremely difficult to find an affordable car when the prices are random.
Why not add company trivia? For example, when you highlight a company, it should say something like how the company got its name, what the logo is supposed to represent etc. All we got in GT4 is what the company does and how they started out.

Interactive car dealerships--would make you feel like you're actually visiting a car dealership, with salesman, test drives and pricing agreements if you happen to buy another one of their cars anytime soon.

How about online ability to download more cars so you can update GT5 without it becoming outdated?

Make the dirt on the cars actually look like dirt--not just a duller reflection on the windshield as in GT3/4.

If there's no damage (there better be!) why not add blown engines, popped tires, ruined transmisions, faulty alternators etc. that's non-visual?

Gas mileage meter--don't ask, I want one on all the cars!

Trip odometer--reinclude it, PD!

The ability to shut off ABS and actually get the cars' tires to skid and lock up.

Parking lights should illuminate.

Traffic on the city courses.

(did anyone notice that the bad oil light is actually the low oil pressure light in real life?)
Traffic on the city courses? Are you nuts? Maybe in the background if you can see other roads, but this is supposed to be a SANCTIONED race here, not illegal street racing! And in broad daylight, too :rolleyes:

The company trivia is a good idea I haven't heard before, though.
While running practice laps on any circuit or course, the ability to pit and make suspension changes right there in the pit, have the pit guys do it, just change the settings. Nothing elaborate, we don't have to see the guys tearing the rear end off or anything, that way you could tune on the fly....

As for the physics of GT4, I'm convinced they're just as good as Enthusia, although Enthusia is more like what some of us want - tightened package, customization, the works... hopefully, PD will learn for GT5....
I would like to see the complex string back in GT5 and a proper arcade mode with more challenges and things to unlock instead of revolving around carrer mode
-> I'd like to see random weather and day/night effects, I'll be handy on those long endurace races. (:
When I first used B-Spec on the endurance courses I was disparaging about it and subscribed to the "real players only A-Spec" camp. But the more I've gotten into it the more fascinating it becomes. I'd like to see B-Spec developed into the third leg of GT5 along with Arcade and GT modes.

It seems to me there's essentially four core skill components to B-Spec'ing that could be developed,

-provide more diagnostic tools for evaluating tuning decisions
-provide more tuning options

-driver training programmes
-the ability to hire better drivers
-fitting specific drivers to specific cars/courses
-named competitor drivers with specific skills, styles, and personalities

-variable performance of the pit crews
-more pitting options (even subtle things like deciding if you'll clean the windscreen)

-more than five "pace" levels plus overtake/don't overtake, I'd like a richer menu
-subtle nuances such as penalties if you confuse the driver with excessive instructions
Ive thought of more things:

Customize your car!

What is the point in having 700 different cars when they will almost all look the same?Being able to change the wheels and add some 3 foot tall wing isn't personalization.I want decals but not rice,I want body kits but not some ridiculous rice-boy kit.I want new exhausts,hoods and all of that mumbo jumbo.I don't want to own 100 cars that are going to look all stock.I want paint.Why not be able to have different types of paint (pearl,metallic etc.) and be able to mix them together!?

Diagnostics and tuning!

A 1/4 mile drag stip doesn't tell me as much information about my car as a dyno run would.I want to be able to tune my car down to the very last little spec.We should be able to adjust EVERYTHING!

SUVs,Trucks and the Honda Odessey (and other vans)

KY must have been high on his stash when he thought of this.Who the blue hell puts these vehicles in a racing game?The Trucks and SUVs not so much as the Odessey and it's like.Soccer moms rejoice!Who the hell wants to drive a Honda Odessey around the Nurb?Exactly.Remove this crap KY,for the sake of the human race.

Hiring and Firing your Crew

I want to customize my pit crew!I should be able to train,hire and fire my crew!I should be able to train my B-Spec Bob and customize HIM.I want to be able to hire and fire new drivers with so much money.The B-Spec driver you start out with shouldn't require salary but whenever you buy a new B-Spec Bob you should have to pay a monthly salary as well as a up-front buying cost.

Lets Think NASCAR damage

If PD and KY implement damage into GT5,I want to be able to fix it when I hit the pits.I want sledgehammers,screwdrivers and everything being replaced.Not just some morphing car frame.I want duct tape and that kind of stuff!I want to see my whole rear-end being replaced if I get hit in the back at 90 MPH.
i want more paint scheme and hey look this is not a need for speed underground thing i want customizeable body kits like u buy a stock car and make it look like a JGTC car or those stuff and the body kits will improve aerodyanmics its not for style maybe a lil bit lol
ok, dunno if this has been covered but i couldnt get motivated to read 600posts of stuff.

In photomode, i want to have a studio type location.

Hopefully you would be able to have multiple cars ( i would be very happy even if it was 2 cars). unlike the current photomode; camera placement would be unristricted (except by the bounds of the studio setting)

in this you would be able to choose the colour of the background (possibly including 2 colour graidents) and also how gloss/matt the surroundings are (again, this could fade from almost mirror glossyness to matt).

I would also want the ability to set up lights in the places i chose, with light intesity that i chose and a throwing light of a colour i choose. while on the subject of lights, i would want to be able to control weather the head/tail lights were on or off.

It would be great (though not realy required) to be able to open doors/ bonnet for the shoot, to show off the interioor/engine of the car.
more damn smoke.... the most realistic driving game on the market has the most unrealistic smoke sprites and I'd be disappointed if there wasn't more smoke from the tires in gt5.

you get the same smoke whether your tires are spinning at 40 mph or 140mph and thats just makes no sense. I'd also like to see different characteristics for different compounds... i.e. the sims smoke more than sports or race... etc.

also, I'm very unhappy that the settings for the stock suspension are not shown. It would help us alot in tuning to know what the stock dampers, or stabilizers, or how much camber was used to achieve a stock-like setting on a certain vehicle.

when in settings, on the stock suspension and other components... even though you cannot change a value, the actual stock value should be shown. In real life I can find out from a manufacturer what spring rates are used on a certain vehicle, yet in this game those numbers may differ from the real life numbers for physics reasons... I'd like to know how, so I can tune my suspension acurately.

Have a city like Tokyo Xtreme Racer 0 where if you needed a little extra cash for an upgrade or car you just street race some one for it!
Even tho its illegal people still do it
1) The return of Special Stage Route 11, and in the form it was in GT1 (i.e. with the tunnel chicane section, not the coned off divert). This track was a genuine challenge and is sadly missed (BTW good to see the Autumn Ring back in GT4)

2) Automatically saved lap and race times. Again, another feature that was in GT1 that disappeared from later versions. When I'm doing the early races for the umpteenth time to raise money to buy a decent car, I want something to aim for to keep my interest. The AI racers certainly don't!

3) More tracks unique to GT. The real world tracks are all well and good, but there's a limit to how many of them you can get licenced (e.g. all the F1 tracks are already locked into F1 games. I suspect this is the same for touring cars, NASCAR, CART, etc.). The designers should just go for it and create some wild tracks in exotic locations.

4) Specs on the entry lists for races. Wasting time entering a stock car into race where all your opponents have stage 4 turbos is VERY annoying. Again, another feature from GT1 that has bizarrely got lost along the way.

5) The return of a qualifying option. 95% of the time I never bother qualifying, but on some really tight races it would be good, particularly if you are losing a race by 2 seconds having passed the start line 6 seconds after the clock starts!

6) The return of the racing modification. It's more fun to take a road car and tune it and race kit it than it is to blow 500,000 credits on an actual racing car.

7) Quicker menus. They seem to get more cumbersome with each evolution of the game....

8) Shorter endurance races. Two hours seems plenty enough time for an endurance race. If you're winning at that stage, you'll probably win a 24 hr race comfortably or vice versa.

9) Less model specific races. They're mostly very dull.

10) Day and night and weather variants, ideally for all tracks.

11) Someone on this thread (I won't claim it's my own work!) suggested having a pool of AI rival drivers with their own skill levels and possibly with "memories" in case you punted them off in a previous race. This would be a great idea, but there would need to be a decent amount of these drivers to keep some variety (50+?).

What SHOULDN'T be in GT5...

1) Damage. No, no, no, no, no. I know lots of people would like to see it but I remember playing F1 games with this feature and it takes the fun out of it. It all gets TOO serious and you can be horrendously punished for the most minor error. Yes, it does happen in real life, and yes the game is supposed to be a simulation, but most of all it's supposed to be entertaining, not frustrating.

2) Licences. How many ****ing times??? I must admit that the difficulty level seemed to be pitched right this time and the pace car laps were actually quite fun and were a good way to see new tracks, but overall I'm pretty sure everyone's heart sinks when they get their new GT game home and realise that the have to do all the licences. Again.

3) Unnecessary repetition of tracks. Do we really need half a dozen slightly different versions of Fuji Speedway? I doubt it. The same goes for Skyline variants...

4) Street body kits, chrome wheels, neons, etc. Go and buy Need For Speed or something.
I'd like to see a slightly more realistic or at least indepth "racing team" set up. The ability to buy more then on B Spec Bob, each with their own strengths and weakness. Pit crews with the same. And the ability to use real life racing strategy, like having two Bob's on the track and having one hold up the pack for your #1 rated Bob to get by...

AI that makes mistakes so you have to dodge a pill up here and there because one of them bailed out...

Voice comands for Bob, or for the pit if you're driving...

2 Player team racing...

HP restrictions for races a la "GT2"

Have more then one car as a prize car for races. Not like in the GT3 where it's random, but have it set out... 1st time Orca Viper, 2nd time Opel Astra, 3rd time ect... This would boost the replay value of the game I think...
I would like to see 'Brands Hatch' (England) as a track, cos it kicks ass!

Also, I'd like to see skid-marks left from cars etc.

Oh yeah, and 'Mildenbrook' (England) as a test track...
More realistic burnouts, when you stomp on it the needle shouldn't go bouncing off the rev limiter, the torque curves need to be redone too, most old muscle cars made all there torque at low rpm not in the redline
Now if PD FAILS to make an AI that you CAN'T lap 50 times in an 24 hour enduro, I wanna be able to do VVVERRRRRYYYYYY MUCH DONUTS before I finish and let him catch me up on his 50 lap loss. I wanna keep smoking him everytime he goes for ANOTHER round in a hopeless way to try and catch me.:mischievous::mischievous:
If I don't get a fair racing AI, I wanna be able to DO something during the time that I decide to wait for him to catch up with me.:crazy::mischievous:
Diesel performance. I would like to see them expand on the pickup truck idea and include diesel pickups as well as diesel cars. It also could provide a more technical, DIY atmosphere, which I think would be a great idea for games.
This has nothing to do with GT5 directly. I would like to see the BRD hardware being compatible with the PS3!!!
Imagine the speed7 pedalbox, speed7 wheel and shifter, compatible with GT5 (which should have a real working clutch)
I want them to have a function in which you can upload cars from your ps3 onto the pc in the same way that you can with photos in gt4 and then you can trade cars over the net or even buy them with credits from the game. This would be sooooo good and I really think PD should do this.