I'd like to be able to use cars from my garage in license tests after I've passed the original test.
I'd like to create my own cup/championships. I want to be able to determine which cars are eligible (including the option of using cars from my garage as competition), how many races there are, where those races are held, how many laps, etc. The prize money can be variable by length and difficulty.
I'd like every manufacturer to have one make races, and for the length of those races to be customizable.
I'd like for the length of every race (non enduro) to be customizable after I've beaten it the first time. If I want to race the Japan 80's cup in a 1000 miles format, I'd like the option.
I'd like for the tracks in a cup/championship to be customizable after I've beaten it the first time. If I want to switch out Opera Paris and replace it with Suzuka, I should be able to.
I'd like to have Racing Modifications again, and I want them to be available for every production car. Every last one, especially TVR's and RUF's.
I'd like to drive the 'Ring backwards without having to turn around to do it.
I'd like to have the option to practice with tire wear.
I'd like to be able to turn auto save off completely.
I'd like to be able to turn ghosts off completely.
I'd like for the arcade mode to be done away with, or at least returned to it's GT3 form. Quick tuning and the absence of my garage make it a waste.
I'd like to be able to race any car in a cup/championship after I've beaten it with whatever is specified. I want to race the Jaguar S Type R in the Schwarzwald Liga B, to see how the UK stacks up against Germany, but I can't.
I want to be able to buy and sell cars with you online.
I want to be able to change drivers in an endurance race, not from A Spec to B Spec, but from me in my house to you in yours.
I want to be able to track all of the times I've ever run on Nurburgring Nordschleife, not just my top ten. (just because I drove a faster car doesn't mean it was a better lap)
I want there to be a 'Ring license. It can be made up of tests for sections of the track, a pace car test, and a free run test. This way I can practice on the ring or specific sections quickly and easily.(I'll still want to be able to use my own cars for once I pass)
I'd like to be able to skip dirt and ice racing if I so choose. I mean completely remove it from my Turismo experience and still be able to complete the game.
I'd like to see qualifying as an option for every race, not only in championships.
I'd like to see a "used parts" option, where I could exchange entire engines and transmissions from make to make, where feasible. (ie the same kind of enginuity that produced the Exige, but an open format for all the cars to do so, like putting a Jaguar transmission in a TVR, etc)
I'd like for every convertible in the game to have the "top down" feature.
I'd like to be able to race "top down" as well.
I'd like for the top to be an option in settings, so whether it was up or down was up to me.
I'd like to know the names of the drivers I'm up against in races, so I can gain a sense of rivalry.
I'd like for every car's vital information to be included in the game. What drivetrain does the Stryker have? It's ridiculous and pathetic to delay the game an extra year and not have all the SIMPLE data filled out.
This post has been very therapeudic. I'm sorry if I've repeated things but I wanted to get it off my chest too. Peace, and have a wonderful day.