Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Id like to see them show you the pitt crew taking the wheels off of the f1 cars.......i mean come on.....If i can see that on any other car than why not f1 cars!!!
some bikes would be kool

OMG!!! Bikes??? :scared: This is a CAR game! a gran turismo with bikes is NO gran turismo!! thats what I think...

Oh and btw... I would like to see a Drag racing Championship with just a small class like Stock/Super Stock. With real irl supe stock cars :). and you have to do the burnout and stage in and averything... :) The championship could be called: Polyphony Drag Weekend or soemthing.

This is Super Stock for you who dont know...


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**less time taken during car wash and oil changes (maybe put an option in the settings)

**compatibility with a shifter thats non-tiptronic and possibly a clutch setting. (pretty advanced)

**be able to rewind the damn replays

*******Stop giving forza or anyone else a chance. make it 2 friggin discs and bury these wannabes.


May I also add the ability to do a damned oil change IN THE PITS????

Ability to save settings per car and COURSE rather than just 3 settings? What they have now is borderline INSANE.

Lineup- The latest editions of every car made in the current decade. This will only appear under the companies.

Used- Random cars from 19 years ago to present, but not the latest editions from the current decade. Not to appear under the companies.

Classic- Another company-specific section. Limited to cars from 20 years ago or older.

Specials- Tuner cars, concept cars, racecars, rare cars, etc, from 19 years ago or earlier. Also company-specific.


Know the difficulty before you go into a race- I would like to know my chances before I race so that I can see if my new upgrade helped at all. For some people, it would be nice because it wouldn't affect your win ratio because you'd know when to not race. Also, it would help you to find races you can actually compete in. Forza allows you to at least see your opponents and their classes.

Home Region- Inspired by Forza. You select your home continent, and the unlockables, used cars, etc, are determined from there. It could also determine what used cars are available. For example, no Skylines or Boxsters for the US, no Corvettes or Miuras for Japan, and no Mustangs or Civics for Europe.

Skid marks- Cars make skid marks all the time. What's the purpose of not having it?

Damage- Damage would make it realistic. Like Forza, there should be a damage penalty. Damage should also affect your driving, also like Forza. If you damage your steering, your car should act up and start swerving for no reason.

Headlights- You should be able to turn your headlights on when driving through a dark forest. Just because it's daytime doesn't mean headlights aren't necessary. Also, many cars these days have daytime running lights.

Appreciation- When you modify a car, it should gain value. If it was previously $5,000, it should be maybe $5,250 with a minor customization.

Classes - There should be classes of cars depending on their performance. You should not be able to go up against any car significantly more or less powerfull than you.

F: 0-99 horsepower
D: 100-199 horsepower
C: 200-299 horsepower
B: 300-399 horsepower
A: 400-499 horsepower
S: 500+ horsepower
R: racecars

Career Mode - There should be racing leagues where the races average 1-3 hours. Flags, cautions, pitstops, etc. That would be awesome. You could use your winnings to acquire upgrades, sponsors, luxuries, staff, etc.

Horns - It would be fun if you could honk the horn. Unrealistic, but fun.
Car damage is a must for GT5! It may take longer to make the game with damage, but thats what the game really needs before we can call it a racing simulator. Its too easy to bounce off an opponents car, and use them to help guide you around the corner.

Another thing i get annoyed with is the braking. They never lock up. and tyre marks should be left on the track when you wheel spin. Also, you would expect a V8 to sound like a V8 even when it is tuned up. but a modified Holden Commodore sounds EXACTLY the same as a tuned up R32 Skyline. Same with lots of other cars. this, in my oppinion, is the most disappointing feature of GT4. I expected the game not only to look realistic, but to sound realistic too, and it seems like they have taken the easy way around it, and simply used the sounds of one car for others too.

Weather changes should also be incorporated into GT5, along with temperature that affects tyres and brakes. Pitstops should be planned prior to racing. i came across a magazine article the other day, and apparently a Tuners version of the game may be released. You need to be able to customise your cars more, such as bodykits, mufflers, paint, racing decals, more variety of wheels etc... maybe a tuners version isnt needed but more customisation should be available, to make your car look more like a racing car. Maybe Engine transplants?? or using parts from other vehicles??

Oh.. and also when u spend $$$ on tuning up a car you should gain money on it..not lose money. i spent over 200,000 credits on a skyline and its only worth a mere 5,000???????

bring in some more aussie V8' the V8 supercars and some historic Holdens and Fords, like the GTHO falcon and the Group A/Group 3 commodores!!!!
Mr Laocean
Don't know if this hasn't been mentioned yet, cause I don't wanna read through 35 pages...but when you reverse, the reverse light shall turn on. :D

Including the little beeping sound(like they have on 4WD's and Trucks) :crazy:
*I'd like a way to test my 0-60 (MPH) times.

*A way to monitor gas mileage (not with just the Priuses)

*Brake fade

*More noticable dirt on cars (not just less reflections)

*Ability to rust, if the above isn't done.

*Paint Shop (sorry, had to say it)

*The ability for automatics to act like automatics in real life (upshift quicker when pressing the gas lightly, downshift when you floor it etc.)

*All-wheel-drive systems that are specific to their own vehicle (so Subaru's AWD on the Legacys and Imprezas should be different than the one on the Honda Element which in turn should be different than that on the Mitsubishi Lancer Evos etc.)

*A CVT transmission on so-equipped cars that actually changes revs depending on where you'd get the most torque as opposed to the best power.

*Electric cars (just because they're at least better for racing than the 1800's cars ;))

*Photo Mode that allows blurring of the background and no blur on the car akin to those pictures in Hyundai brochures (tried it in GT4, almost impossible to get the same effect).

*Create your own logo for cars you tuned.

That's all for now :D
*I'd like a way to test my 0-60 (MPH) times.

*A way to monitor gas mileage (not with just the Priuses)

*Brake fade

*More noticable dirt on cars (not just less reflections)

*Ability to rust, if the above isn't done.

*Paint Shop (sorry, had to say it)

*The ability for automatics to act like automatics in real life (upshift quicker when pressing the gas lightly, downshift when you floor it etc.)

*All-wheel-drive systems that are specific to their own vehicle (so Subaru's AWD on the Legacys and Imprezas should be different than the one on the Honda Element which in turn should be different than that on the Mitsubishi Lancer Evos etc.)

*A CVT transmission on so-equipped cars that actually changes revs depending on where you'd get the most torque as opposed to the best power.

*Electric cars (just because they're at least better for racing than the 1800's cars ;))

*Photo Mode that allows blurring of the background and no blur on the car akin to those pictures in Hyundai brochures (tried it in GT4, almost impossible to get the same effect).

*Create your own logo for cars you tuned.

That's all for now :D

Some good stuff there. 👍
.....*Photo Mode that allows blurring of the background and no blur on the car akin to those pictures in Hyundai brochures (tried it in GT4, almost impossible to get the same effect).......

Actually you can as you would in real photography. Try fast shutter speeds (larger numbers) and large aperatures. (smaller numbers) The aperature will control the background and the shutter speed will control the car's motion. :)
I also want to plug a web-cam into the PS3 and be able to use my picutres for texture maps.

ie. I can put my face on the driver inside the car.

That could be really silly, but sometimes I just wanna see my own face inside that hot car.

narcissism, but I think it would be fun.
Last lap time
Best lap time
Gap from car in FRONT of you (not front fo the pack)
Gap from car BEHIND you

Just giving me one of these things is no where near enough.
A way-overhauled Tuning frontend. Take a cue from NFS:U2, PD. Eventhough its a significantly less realistic game, the Tuning section of it included a ton of stuff that definitely needs to find a home in GT.

Dyno - A quick and controlled way to test and check up on the performance output of your vehicle.

ECM/Turbo tuning - So you can tweak your engine and turbo output profiles exactly how you want them.
A few thoughts,

How about automatic highlites from races being saved either by replay style or pictures. Maybe have a few differnt settings that control when the pictures or video gets taken.

For lap record runs have option to have ghost automatically saved if it set record. Have option or force record runs to only count if clean lap, like a licenses test. Have file option to have file names be named to match car name and hp and track automatically.

Record laps should be recorded and kept for different categories along with max speed everytime you run a lap ( as long as it was a clean lap )

Ability to jump in a car and be racing in roughly 30 sec's or less, you pick car, computer picks race track, maybe you have some quick options like difficulty and number of laps say 0 - 5, 5 - 10, 15 - 25, 25 - 50 etc. Or maybe you set your favorite tracks and computer can only use those when doing quick race
Be able to sort your garage how you want to and not by a list of set prefaces. Actuall drag racing.

Gt 4 has some good garage sorting methods, but they can not be saved as far as I know. Just need the ability to save the list in differnt arrangements.
Would be better if we could build folders ( sub garages ) and put cars in categories. Maybe even abilities to make custom list sortments. I think that they should of made the car purchased date the default sortable list instead of driven.
How's this for deep ... having the ability to rename a vehicle? Now I know some people will take this to the extreme, but it would only work if we are allowed to do some hybrid type functions. Forza Motorsport already allows engine swaps, so G.T. better do something similar to compete.

Example: Start with the 1970 Chevelle SS 454 but then alter its engine in such a way that its displacement is no longer 454 cubic inches. The title of the car will still have the "454" in its name, when in reality you have swapped the 1970 LS6 out for the smaller 350 (really a 346) LS6 of the 2001-2004 ZO6.

Another example was the one-off creation based on a fourth generation Camaro SS that stripped down the LS1 from 346 cubes to 302; ( ) it was called a Camaro SS 302. I'd like to add the "302" to the end of the Camaro SS name to separate it from a standard fourth generation Camaro SS.
* Ability to swap cars without leaving the track
* Ability to race in a series ... and then go and do other things like buying tires, having an oil change or playing in Arcade mode without leaving the series.
* Ability to save settings per car and track, and not just 3 settings per car.
* More than 10 top scores for each track, sortable by car, power and etc.
* Restart a hotlap without going back to the main menu first.
* Freecam mode in photomode ... why be restricted to 64 angles?
* Forget having to drive in photomode to snap pictures or having to save a replay and then viewing it later in the replay theater ... just let me get out the camera at anytime during any replay.
* Let me jump to any lap during a replay.
* Let me pause and move through replays frames at a time ... let me put the replay in reverse!!!
* Let me pick a race according to car types or theme ... let me pick weight/power/country and 'type' restrictions, so I can really get the field and race I want.
* There are too many button clicks to do anything in GT4 ... improve the UI so I can get to things quicker, or in multiple ways. Be consistent with the buttons, so the 'back' button goes 'back' in every screen and don't change it to an "exit" icon in random places.
* 3d "my garage" with walk around and photomode ability.
* Test track just off "my garage" so I can test cars without multiple button clicks to get to the test track.
* much better statistic data and analysis, so I can really see what my tuning is doing.
* Much better handling of replays and ghosts, because right now if I import a replay from a friend the chance of the names conflicting is too great.
* When I overwrite a replay with another, I typically want to take the same name and maybe modify it slightly ... I don't want it to fill in the 'blank' with something I have to delete all the time. Stop thinking for me ... and doing so badly.
* When I pick 1080i as a display option, remember it! If you don't want to do this, at least give me a message at the beginning when the game loads "Would you like to use your selected HD display choice?" Repicking this everytime is a CHORE.
Would be better if we could build folders ( sub garages ) and put cars in categories. Maybe even abilities to make custom list sortments.

Exactly I would rather group all F1 cars together, all LM's together and so on, just makes it easier to find what I want and I'm sure there are allot of others like that too.
online GT MODE, for real time championships, and used list cars availeble for the comunity, for buying and selling cars...

more wheels, diferente sizes!

pay for gaz, for tyres, like the oil...

create a team for compete in ONLINE GT MODE

mutch more hardness to acesse the "big" cars! and sepend more time with the "regular" cars

the game dont need any AI if the online GT mode be inclued

better sound from the cars...and no music, i never use the music! this is all about driving!!!

drive in city map, to acess diferent areas in the game!!!

costumize your screan info, like lap times, GAP's, fuel, etc, what is that bar under the car in the out side view??? why i need that???

please, i know its to much but at leats the online mode!!!!!
1. There has to be damage. (Maybe you could buy insurance?)
2. Weather/ Climate changes. (8+Laps)
3. Better AI
4. Better user interface.
5. More cars...even though 700 is a lot....NOT!!
6. Not a lot of Japanese tuners.
7. More courses.
8. A system that adds cars and tracks, when connected online. (Like a patch)
9. 100+ cars in 24 hour races.
10. More unique people. (I see the same people right next to each other in GT4)
11. Less loading.
12. Controlling and managing your race team.
13. Fictional stores that offer tires, for example, at competing prices.

Am I little to demanding? I think not, since the new Blu-ray disc is coming out and the PS3 will be a lot better than the PS2.
Passing of time (day to night etc.)
Weather (even if it just went from sunny to cloudy)
More cars in a race (even 2 more would suffice)

I really dont think we need damage. There's plenty of other games out there if you want to destroy things.
Passing of time (day to night etc.)
Weather (even if it just went from sunny to cloudy)
More cars in a race (even 2 more would suffice)

I really dont think we need damage. There's plenty of other games out there if you want to destroy things.

the GT series is a car racing game. if you want to drive bikes that bad go play midnight club.