Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Some of the AI should have different levels of tuning, so there is a range to race against, and there should be more available for you if you come second or thirds, because in real races if you come second its a great achievement on gt4 its just re do the race.
What I, Mr. Snowman Would like to see:
o GT5 needs a clutch, and engine braking, though I dont like engine braking, I feel that if its going to be a real driving sim then it should have it.
o Tracks with wider roads for super fun drifting.
o PIKES PEAK, that track rocked in gt2, why did they take it out, on this note seeing some one way downhill and uphill tracks would be nice.
o Or include Drift world (in the drift bible) as a test course.
o Ramdom weather effects, depending what time of the year it is in each course it could have different weather.
o A real time system, as in, game reads the ps2's clock, and certain races can only be done at certain times of the day. (With the exception you can leave GT mode and change the time from options).
o A better sense of speed. Sreaming along in the gt games doesnt fell reel.
o The ability to save during a twenty four hour race.
o NO Force feed back in the steering wheel, Dont know if was just the one I was using, but I would crash in every straight.
o Battles, like one on one or One on Two (ai)
o The ability to turn head lights on or off.
o With AI improvements, beside the need for them to have common sense, It would be good if they had different personalities, like some will go all out, conserve their tires, or even drift around. Hence my statement with the battles one on one, It would be cool if you could pick which type of personality you would like to race against
o A horn would ok, sorta, for multiplay
o Maybe using the d-pad for horn, lights, NOS (only cause you really should be going straight with this stuff, hopefully they will take it out)
o Get rid of used cars area, and use the old gt2 system
o With the super ultamate god like cars eg le mans, D1 and each Companys best cars , maybe they could enforce that you have to meet certain requirements to be able to buy them, I remeber having the Escudo at 18% in GT3
o Better tire squealing sounds
o Boom Booms (Missfiring systems) Proper ones
o A good intro and outro, GT4 lacked this (except where it rotates round the fordGT)
o Different profile tires
o Albilty to manipulate replay camera's
o When in multiplay, it doesnt set your tuning back to defaults (GT4)
o THE ABILITY TO PICK YOURR OPPENTS CAR, AND TUNE IT. Such as being able to race against your own cars
o If B-Spec is still in it, You should be able to race him or her.....It
o Have a La Mans car only race, Like no La mans car in endurances unless it says other wise.
o FUN snow levels, Hence the work FUN, like Powder all over the road, with low speed turns would be good,
♪♪ Music is always good, No improvement there, love classical music while driving in gt4
o Not so much More tracks, but rather a variaty of tracks that a greatly diiferent.
o The Ability to put mp3's on your flash stick, so you can listen to them in game.
o Less, Alot less races with La man cars , I always got b-Spec to do this cause I dont like the feel of the car, Hence, If there arent La man cars as apponents, you cant use your la mans vechile to anialate them.

only 30+ Ways to improve GT........only.

EDIT: To be able to not crash into unseen walls,
o To be able to fall off the grand canyon track.
Many of thoes idea's are good, however I strongly dissagree with gettig rid of the used cars showrooms. They're a great part of the game imo. As for the Force feedback, there should be force feedback, however it should be implemeted better into GT5, I don't use my DFP anymore because it's pointless trying to drive the faster cars, you just zig zag down the straight's until you hit a certain speed, then you just lose control, even with low FF settings.
I also disagree with getting rid of B-spec mode. I flat refuse to do a 24 hour race in A-spec (or any other endurance race for that matter).
Not sure if it has been brought up or not (I'm sorry, 34 pages on dial-up = certain death).

Since GT4 has the "calender" thing, how about having a racing "schedule"? Heres a brief example of how it would work (NASCAR Thunder players know what I mean).


6th: Round 1, JGTC (Suzuka)
15th: Grand Canyon Rally
29th-30th: 24 Hours of Daytona

12th: Round 2 JGTC (Tokyo Route R246)
15th: FF Challenge, Race 1 (Special Stage Route 5)
21st: Ford Special Event: Mustang Cup

You run these races as they appear on your calender, and aren't stuck in 1 "series" until you finish it. Not only would this make things go quicker, but it would mean you would need to adapt to different cars. 1 week, you drive an 88 Honda CRX, the next week a JGTC Skyline, and the week after that, a Mustang Trans-Am car.

And anytime you have a "scheduling conflict", you run 1 race in A-Spec, and the other you HAVE to run B-Spec.

Amongst the smaller things:

*Ability to paint your car different colors
*Changing weather
*Throw dirt on track when you go off
*Real tire smoke when you spin out
*Skid marks (see above)
*"Racing Modifications", a la GT2. Or as an alternative, a slight ground effects kit and choice of a spoiler (but not the ricer park benches in GT4)
*Put a high-po exhaust, your exhaust outlet should visually change in size/sound
*Tire brand/type choices (not just R1, R2, etc., but Nitto 455R vs. BFG vs. Goodyear Eagle vs. Bridgestone, etc.), and they should have a unique visible tread pattern (best for photo mode)
*Along with damage, the ability to "blow" tires after extreme abuse. Spin out in a corner and flatspot the tires, you should get the vibration/handling change just like real life
*For the gauge display, have it simulate the actual car's gauges, instead of the same gauges for every car
*Cockpit view, with head swivel option (perfect for the R Joystick, it hasnt functioned much at all ever, except for Ace Combat games)
*Clutch button. They have pressure sensative gas/brake pedals, how about being able to slip the clutch on the start, or just dumping it and lighting up the tires?
I really like the idea of the specific tire brands/models w/ visible tread pattern! Good one! Regarding the clutch on a DS2 pad- Since the right joystick does nothing in GT, could it be used for the clutch? Is it anatomically possible to shift with the forefingers, throttle/brake/clutch with the right thumb, and steer with the left thumb ...simotaneously? I imagine missing the clutch on an upshift and hearing a heinous grinding. :) There should be a difference for sequential and non-sequential transmissions. 👍
the ability to make your own logos in Photoshop and import it with a memory stick in the game and use it on your cars.
But they can change what they want,if the AI s*ck* like GT4 i buy Forza2 instead.
I just drove the German Touring Car Championship,race 3.after 1 lap i was more than 3 seconds of,that's not realistic.The cars are all pretty much the same,i drove with that Silver Mercedes.PD ever seen a real DTM race??and it's not only in these races off course
not just car damage like forza has. if you run your car 65 - 80 mph on the wall head-on and your still running on the track. THATS not reallistic. i dont like that kinda damage. what i like is 65- 80 or what mph staight on the wall head-on or flip or whatever very bad damage you get, BABY the race is over for me and you. start over again. and i dont care if i have already run like thirty lap and just 2 more laps left. now thats what i call realism.
One important thing for me that has been missing since Gran Turismo 2 is the racing modifications. That's one thing that i'd like to see in the next GT.
HMMM... maybe i would expect more of the newer D1GP cars like the Apexi FD3S, RE-Amemiya FD3S, and maybe new brands like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Future cars. Probaly the most important thing i would expect is more courses! And more views when you go into the pit stop so you can see the guys doing everytinhg then watching one dude change one tire.
Day and Night Tansitions
These would be a very nice thing to have. BUT! What about this! Because the PS2 has a time and date function and can go online, it should be able to figure out what time of the day it is in real life (in your time zone) and that is what the track is set to. Also if it is rainy outside, it should be rainy in the game. Or you could manually set it. The weather should change with the actual weather outside your window. If it starts hailing, let it hail in the game. (Could be bad damage repair cost there! lol) It is just a cool idea I thought up a little bit ago.
I read about 7 pages of this damn thread and saw that people just keep on saying the same stuff, so in addition to some of whats been said (because the rest is nonsense, i dont want to drive a bike with my wheel), here is my list:

A series of licences that teaches you to tune your parts. I'm thinking something like a series of bumps with a low ceiling and the only way you can get through is if you get your spring tension and ride height just right. You get the idea, im sure PD can run with it and be creative.

Vertical loops! I would love to see a track of crazy and unreal roads like vertical loops that let you take advantage of your huge spoiler and fast engine. If you mess it up then you land upside down and its all over. This is all about being able to do something the car is clearly capable of while in the real world you dont want the challange of engineering a paved vertical loop.

Cross-country or cross-continent races. LA to NY anyone? Something Cannonball Run style for an endurance race, but with different legs of it so it doesnt get boring. Can you imagine the spectacular change of scenery as you go from Mexico to Alaska?

Different generations of the Nissan Maxima. This is a mostly personal thing, but this car is an amazing performance sedan and has a very big following of racers who tune them up, do engine swaps, install turbos, whatever... and take them on the track.
First off I think that GT is a combination of simulation AND racing game
It's not ONLY about racing.
It's still fun to just get in a car you'd never be able to drive in real life and tool around.

Second, I use the NTSC-Japan release, so some of my comments may be specific to to NTSC-Japan.

I'm going to reiterate a lot things already said here, but I think this is valuable.
It adds emphasis. Sorry I couldn't just quote everyone. Too many good ideas and ideas that I already agree with.

MEMORY CARDS: Oh, wait this is just for the PS3, but They should dump their proprietery memory cards and start using Compact Flash or something portable.

RACE / TRACK RESTRICTIONS: One of the things that made me love GT1 is that there weren't restrictions like in many games. You could just sit at the Start/Finish doing donuts if you wanted to or drive the whole track backwards and the race would just go on around you. You didn't HAVE to take it seriously. You could just goof off as a stress release. SO, if I wanna take the F1 on the Tahiti Maze with slicks I think I should be allowed to do it. Who Cares? It's MY car. If I wanna race the Nurburgring with Snow Tires, that's my problem.

DAMAGE/ AI: ok, as long as the AI isn't the one deciding that I'm about to blow a gasket from excessive wear.
AND as long as the other AI cars aren't the ones inflicting the damage on me.

I mean a little tap I can live with, but as stated much earlier, when the AI is driving down the straight steering into me just because I'm in his line I think there needs to be a black flag.

Repair bills and DNFs would be good. Again, though, the AI deciding when to penalize me in the ralley events leads me to believe damage would be too annoying if the Ai isn't improved. GT2 style damage was no fun.

I have, on a few occasions, not been able to accelerate at all after a really horrendous crash into a wall. I also have noticed that I need a chassis adjustment much more quickly on cars that I'm using to race Citta di Aria B.

This is pretty good, BUT I'd like to get a chassis rebuild any time I want, like changing my oil. I feel like the chassis loosening is happening gradually and I'd like to fix it before the car is completely undrivable, not after. I know I need an adjustment about every 800km, so I'd be thinking about getting one a little before that, especially if I was about to enter a long championship.

Bottom Line: Additional damage only works if the AI works.

RACING: Bigger field. Qualifying for EVERY race. Entrance Fees. A-Spec points indicator that can change after you've changed your settings. Tune shop access during championships, just restrict the use of illegal parts when returning to the race. The game already automatically changes your tires for you.

DATA, DATA, DATA: More data about your car, etc. I'd like to see win/loss data fore EACH car. I'd like the 'Diaries' section to show what car I used in the race or free run. I does me ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD to see a time and track but NO CAR!

I liked the (kind of annoying, though) list of lap times for every lap that was in GT2.
Only it needs to be in a more useful and less time consuming format.

Also, I'd like to be able to save best times during pre-race practice Some of my best times come during these practice sessions and without slipstreaming even.

I think that race lap times are important too. Track records can be set during a race can't they?

WHEELS: Why do my wheels have to disappear when I buy new ones? I didn't get any money for selling them? What happened to them? The Wheel selector in GT3 was a nice addition to the GT2 wheel shop. I was sad to see it go. I DO think it was silly to have all of the wheels I bought for all of my cars available for any car. That was just wierd. The wheels are frivolous anyway, but I like to 'personalize' my favorite cars and also make a quick indicator of cars with mods.
WEATHER / TIME: 24hrs of daylight in France is not realistic.
If the race was in Finland in February, maybe ok.
The Sun MUST go down.....
Though.. I could have sworn that the leaves at Autumn ring changed colors at differnt times of year.... naw, can't be!

MUSIC: (yeah, I know there's another thread about this, but that's for people who LIKE the music) I don't need it. I listen to my own music when I'm racing or I listen to no music. It either distracts me from the tire and engine sounds I need to concentrate on to drive well or I am concentrating on the game such that I don't really listen to it anywy. I ALWAYS turn the music off. BUT There's always the pre-start and post-finish theme music. I HATE that. I turned the music off. I want ALL the music off. If there MUST be music in the game let us upload our own mp3s.
This gets to me more than anything I think.

REPLAYS: Yeah, come on! Play and Fast Forward?! Give me a break! If anything I want to rewind! REWIND. That's all I'm asking for. REWIND

And a bit YES to saving 2PBattle replays. In fact a big YES to even being able to watch them MORE THAN ONCE!

UI / FEATURES: I like being able to go to the tracks without entering a race. THAT's great. I really like like having the tracks available to me at a meagre price. (realistically it should be much more expensive, though)

I agree with a much earlier comment about having to 'retreat' back to my garage or wherever. SOO many screen levels! Could there be come kind of 'jump' button to go back 'home' at least.

How about being able to sort cars by km/ mi? That was really nice in GT3, but I can't do it in GT4.

Separate menus for Ralley Easy, Normal and Hard. Scrolling all the way to the bottom for Hard is too annoying.

Oh, and the money.
Let's forget about the money piling up screen. Just give it to me already!

I also want to see the prize car BEFORE the name appears. I like surprises.

VISUAL: I'd like to see my bonnet from the driver pov. A LITTLE brake glow would be nice and a LITTLE backfiring is nice, but come on, every car on every shift?
Functional headlights. More peripheral vision.

CARS: Maybe Polyphony needs to divide their fanchise. GT-Classic, GT-Test-Drive (oops that names already been used), and GT-Pro

NTSC-J: Why do we get ripped of with no 'garage' in 2PBattle and no hp rating on replay screens? (sorry if I just haven't played enough to reveal it)

RALLEY / TRUCKS: Ralley's should be time trials.
That would completely eliminate the issue of time penalties for bumping AND the fact that the AI is NOT penalized for bumping me!

Also, I wanna drive the dang Range Stormer in the 'Sport Truck' Series. Either that or name it 'The American Sport Truck Series', I mean, what's the point of having the Range Stormer in there? (right, right, the 4WD cup... I stand corrected)

The Dust and Snow clouds could lose the hard edges where the dirt meets the road or the car. A fine tuning of the layers.

How about Monster Trucks?!!, no, just kidding I don't really car about that.

EDIT: To be able to not crash into unseen walls,
o To be able to fall off the grand canyon track.
Things I DON'T care about:
MORE TRACKS: I can't even memorize the tracks we DO have

VISUAL DAMAGE: Nice, but never gonna happen anyway.

More specific CAR INFO for races: I use the 'Family Cup' and the 'opponent level meter' to work out against various levels of cars and then extrapolate based on the cars I saw when I 'scouted' the race. This is all part of the simulation, I think. True, finding a car that is less than a certain number of mm in length is a bit annoying, though.

PAINT: Other than when made impossible by the game I ALWAYS use prize cars to race, so I NEVER choose my paint job. I just get used to a powder blue RUF RGB. In fact, the last time I raced 2PBattle I CHOSE a powder blue RUG RGB. It just doesn't seem right any other way now.

CAR HISTORY: In the ntsc-japan release there's a scrolling car history at the bottom of both the 'spinning car' screen and in other race menu screens. During replay you can hear the same information read as a narration. I like the narration. You have to have already driven the car to hear this, though....Make it an option at the dealer or in your garage. The narration is also nice for those of us with literacy problems.

RACING MOD: I liked this in GT2, but now that we have wing mods it's not really neccessary.

DETAILED WEIGHT REDUCTION: I know when I choose 'stage 2' that I'm getting a carbon bonnet. I WOULD like to be able to put some of that weight back on though...
Not like with ballast, but to return the car to 'stock' trim.

PHOTO DRIVE: I don't understand this option. I mean, you can take photos in ANY REPLAY. This is totally redundant and the space could be used for a 'Go Home' button.


Ok, I'm done, sorry for triple posting. I just had so much to get off my chest about this. I wanted to give some support to folks who had really good ideas that I'd also been thinking about.

I'll try to be less annoying from now on.
Day and Night Tansitions
These would be a very nice thing to have. BUT! What about this! Because the PS2 has a time and date function and can go online, it should be able to figure out what time of the day it is in real life (in your time zone) and that is what the track is set to. Also if it is rainy outside, it should be rainy in the game. Or you could manually set it. The weather should change with the actual weather outside your window. If it starts hailing, let it hail in the game. (Could be bad damage repair cost there! lol) It is just a cool idea I thought up a little bit ago.

I'm just reiterating myself. I had a good point!
Things I DON'T care about:

PAINT: Other than when made impossible by the game I ALWAYS use prize cars to race, so I NEVER choose my paint job. I just get used to a powder blue RUF RGB. In fact, the last time I raced 2PBattle I CHOSE a powder blue RUG RGB. It just doesn't seem right any other way now.

CAR HISTORY: In the ntsc-japan release there's a scrolling car history at the bottom of both the 'spinning car' screen and in other race menu screens. During replay you can hear the same information read as a narration. I like the narration. You have to have already driven the car to hear this, though....Make it an option at the dealer or in your garage. The narration is also nice for those of us with literacy problems.

RACING MOD: I liked this in GT2, but now that we have wing mods it's not really neccessary.


Paint options and race mods are two of the features that I would like to see the most. Race modifications for GT2 was incredible. With the differnt paint schemes and slight body mods it basically double the number of cars available.
My favorite part of GT2 was checking out all the race mods on all the cars. I doubt if very few ever managed to purchase all the cars with their modifications, that would of been a huge task. For GT5 though, I want to be able to take cars from the factory and then step by step turn them into road race machines. I would also like to see the ability to buy parts in packages, maybe tune up stage 1, stage 2, 3, 4 etc., but still be able to do it one part at a time if you want to. The more we can personalize are cars, the better and more enjoyable the game will be. I could imagine it now, you are in a online race against 19 others and while racing or watching the race you might get ideals on what you would like to do to your car.
What about having compulsory pitstops?

By that I mean the pit lane is closed until say lap 7, when a pit window is open. It lasts about 3 laps, and if you haven't pitted in by then, you have to wait until the next one at say lap 14.
What about having compulsory pitstops?

By that I mean the pit lane is closed until say lap 7, when a pit window is open. It lasts about 3 laps, and if you haven't pitted in by then, you have to wait until the next one at say lap 14.
1.not have a 900hp NA vette sound identical to a 300hp neon srt-4 lol
2.not as many crappy old cars that i wouldnt spend a cent of my $ on
3.being able to turbo american v8 cars like in real life
4.damage, be it an engine where the person hasnt changed the oil in 3000 miles of hard racing or hitting walls or what have you.
5.a full drag race section with actual drag racing parts like slicks/skinnies & what have you.
im sure that this has been mentiond before, but i would like to have more sorting options in the home you could sort by car type, for example:
Street car
Drift car
Concept car
GT is great how it is, but theres always room for improvement. if I had the power, heres what I'd do:

**less time taken during car wash and oil changes (maybe put an option in the settings)
**No autosave or critical mode autsave. Make it so you can turn all autosave off
**Maybe get rid of the 'shop by country' idea, possibly arrange it by brand
**RGB (red green blue) color paintshopping (possibly tokyo xtreme racer style, pixel by pixel!)

**big MAYBE on this one: body kits. maybe modest ones like lip kits. Possibly like 'racing modifications' in GT one and two. we dont need rice.

**heres the one I feel strongest about: drifting mode. Nothing like need for speed or something, but tandem attacks like D1GP. Completely revolutionary scoring and/or timing system needed, but well worth it.

**More mountain/touge races like the 2nd one on special conditions. GREAT format was used with the 5 second penalty rule, gets u at times but going up a dark windy road while drafting past someone is just orgasmic.

**2 player possibilities in regular simulation or 'gran turismo' mode

**Car setting presets per style or course (race, drift, rally, etc)

**compatibility with a shifter thats non-tiptronic and possibly a clutch setting. (pretty advanced)

**be able to rewind the damn replays

**more D1 or special edition cars. possibly like a 'movie cars' section. gt500 eleanors, fast and furious cars, initial d cars.

*******Stop giving forza or anyone else a chance. make it 2 friggin discs and bury these wannabes.