Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

  • Thread starter Inkil
Okay, if I am repeating any suggestions I do apologise, I will read through the topic once I have given my opinions...

Paint jobs, if I win a car with a boring colour I would like to repaint it from the colours available at the dealership for that car. Or perhaps choose from a range of custom paint jobs? Flames running along my Dodge Viper would be very nice!

Better info in B-Spec mode, with trajectory readings for throttle and brakes, and gears. A list of laptimes for the WHOLE race, not just the last lap. Also, a better way of seeing the fuel load... numbers instead of the bar graph.
these are all great idea, specialy the weather and time effect

but what about a little more car ''physics'' tuning, such as body kits and sponsors stickers. I would love to see my impreza that style

for the damage effect, i don't want any of them. I play SRS and I just hate it
glowing discs brake (haven't seen them in GT4 anymore)
It's in GT4, you just aren't looking hard enough on the replays.
Watched the replays carefully, no glowing disc brakes. Even compared replays from GT4P with GT4.
GT4P = glowing disc brakes
GT4 = no glowing disc brakes (PAL version)
Should be nice to see them in GT5 again
Chris Criswell
Oh yeah, I forgot.


I don't want to hear any damn whining from any car in a freaking video game. It's annoying as hell. Who wants to listen to whining?

I mean you're putting up with my whining but it's no where near as bad as the whiny transmissions in GT4 ;)

I agree with you on what appears to be very excessive and most likely unreal noices. Tire spin seems to be excessive also maybe part of that is due to hammering the throttle instead of proper use of gas pedal. Anyway it would be nice if the tire spin sounds could be turned down, but have the engine sounds normal or louder then rest of race sounds.
- more real courses (ex:
- Red Rock Run from GT2, Special Stage Route 11 from GT1
- Pikes Peak Hill Climb, and other point-to-point rallies
- more street courses

- paint shop at GT Auto
- sell unused/unwanted mods

- better AI
- damage
- cars actually get dirty, instead of just less shiny
- weather conditions for various tracks in various seasons, depending on track location and local environment
- ambient lighting changes as time passes (it isn't light out 24/7)
- qualifying for all races, w/o cash bonus
- no 5 second penalty in rallies
At this moment I am saying that the A.I. is the most important element that needs serius work. That is if they want to work on the racing aspect of the game. If GT series continues to just be a driving game with a few other cars on the track then not much needs changed just more of the same. I suspose for me that the driving has become less entertaining then in the past. It really is to bad that the two player mode is ruined by lack of single screen or save replay.
Maybe I need to spend some more time at the individual tracks and race family cups so I can tweak the difficulty. Anyway maybe having differnt menu lay-outs to choose from would be nice feature. Hey how about taking your favorite pic and making that the menu background. Lots and Lots of great ideals on the GT5 topic has anyone tried or would be willing to compile them all into one list.
PS3 scheduled to be released in the US in 2006. It's said that it will process at twice the speed of Microsofts new X-Box 360. It'll have built in lan/ethernet and a small removable harddrive as well as wireless and HDTv compatibility. So asking for all this stuff doesn't REALLY seem like it'd be out of the realm of possibility.

As for one more thing that I'd like to see: Canonball Run style race along Route 66 from Chicago to California. That WOULD be next to impossible to do.
The things I'd like to see in GT5

- Damage model
- Descent A.I.
- More opponents
- Dynamic weather/ day-night changes
- In car view

less important stuff: flags, cars on N tyres by default, Less irritating Menu BGM, More European racing circuits, on line play
Don't know if this has been suggested or not, but what about safety cars? I know the Pace Car has been in the series since GT Concept, but it dosen't really do anything. What about if, when a crash, it came out and held the rest of the pack up whilst the damaged cars get towed away?
im not sure if it been said or not, but i want to see all seven of Ebisu's god that would be awsome to have all of those!...for drifting anyways...

i wouldnt mind having some damage physics, a paint shop(ive been wanting one of these forever!), variable weather, of course, better AI, and take out the damn ice racing!
yeah, maybe some aero kits and stuff for ground effects and downforce. A paint/ detailing shop would be nice too. 👍

PD claims they are gonna have damage in gt5, so we should get incar views, since the front window can be possibly smashed.

💡 💡 NO INVISIBLE WALLS!!!! 💡 and umm.. a more diverse selection of cars "maybe ferrari porsche and lambo too"

Driving in actuall rain would be awsome.
Imagine driving on the nurburgring in a thunder storm :scared: in a 500hp chateram.

More Realistic upgrades. getting turbos that lag less maybe costing more than those that lag more. things like that.
would be cool too if the GT5 would be possible to update.when the PS3 would have a network connection like a computer(just the password user and a modem and connect) , a hdd with like 100 gigabytes and more.then like you add new cars, tracks, places to photoshoot and a mod kit. and when they(PD) see a bug you can download the patch and update.
is the list in post 1 actually getting updated with everyones ideas? or is this more of a heres what id like to see, lets see your ideas type thing? If the list is actually getting updated i have a quite large list of great things that should be in GT5 that hasnt been mentioned to my knowledge. It would also help everyone come up with ideas to. LMK
for sure better ai,more cars (particularly different brands not just another 10versions of an s2000) ,more cars especially some australian circiuts, drag racing cars and events ,maybe a free run option on a salt lake or even racing on one, grid girls :dopey: ,paintshop and window tinting,more cars on track ,more realistic croeds breakable fencing with enough speed, variable weather and even real time world weather and times for each track(i mean the gt carrer should be measured down to the minute not just the day so if in carrer mode it is midnight the track will be dark and therefore headlights are needed, or if raining you need to pit for wet tyres),dirty winscreens that can be squirted with water in race and wiped off,more realistic engine sounds, and a control that vibrates in tune with how the car idles ie:if smooth idle smooth vibration but if lumpy idle then lumpy vibrations. i can think off heaps more stuff but cant be bothered typing no more for the moment
Someone said sponsers before, which i think is a great idea.

In exchange for discount on parts or money, you would have to display that company's sticker on your car.

This would be maybe a one or two off for each car you own and would be initiated whilst you were seated in that car. (ie you would get an "offer" from a company and then u could deny it or accept it).

This would only be available on your Road cars.

Also about damage etc.

Win more money in races but have more things that can go wrong (like you shag or blow some tyres, or the engine goes, or body damage).

and my favourite'


also would like the Australian Track BATHURST and a BATHURST 24 Hour race.
Definately better AI, that is one that knows of your presence on the track and deals with it appropriately. GTR on the PC does this quite effectively and with the additional processing power of the PS3, so should PD.

Another thing that I would really like to see is improved track surface dynamics. These dynamics should not only make the grip levels change with the amount of moisture on the track, but should model track temps and their effects on tyre wear rates as well as modelling grip levels in the vicinity of an opponent going off (and placing sand etc onto the circuit). The grip levels (or lack of) of ones own car on different surfaces should also be more pronounced.
the big things that i want are realistic damage (see other post) and a flaging system so that is there is an accedent or if a car drags dirt/sand/debris from a crash onto the track there would be a yellow flag , if there was a serious crash involving one car there would be a yellow and a safety car...if there was a muti car pile up involving atleast 25% of the field, there will be a red flag signifying the stop of the race. a black will be waved if you (or the AI) perform an illegal racing move such as ramming the opponent off the road, blocking a car trying to lap you after ignring the blue flag (blue=let the guy behind you pass) and checkered i think everyone knows.....i also want the damagge to leave debris on the track which will be a sfety hazard (eg: run over a sharp or pointy piece of debris and possibly have a punctured tire)....i think that would greatly add to the realism...if there is a disabled car on the track, along with the safety car, there should be a flatbed tow truck to take the car away and clear the track of large bits of debris...

as for the F1 cars, a variation in engine sound depending which one you get (like heard in the movie) so they dont all have the exact same tone...same with the street cars-they MUST have different(and unique) engine sounds, i supercharged a Corvette Stingray for the american races and it changed from a more muscular sound to that of a rice burner civic, and thats just not right, corvettes NEVER sound like civics...

Classic F1 cars, i really want to have some classic F1 cars from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.....(if GT5 gets Ferraris, i must be able to have the '61/62 shark nose :P and the '56 Lancia-turned-Ferrari)

oh, and more LeMans cars....can never have to many of those ;)

thats all for now...
as you were....
I want the trial mountain monkey in full 3d. :D MAbye animated too, scratching his ass or something.
Great idea! It should have more animation on Trial Mountain.

On GT5, i wnat brake fading, water temperature, oil temperature, more cars on a track.......................
Most of these will probably have already been covered, but I'll list them anyways.
I would like to see more types of racing.

..Point to point rallying
..Areana based rallying
..Hill climbs
..Motor Cross
..1/4 mile races

More track side details would be nice. Such as ambluances, marshalls waving flags, track side damage, weather, day/night and skid marks.
having day/night would make the 24h races so much more enjoyable....

would manditory qualifying laps in championship/endurance races be "too real" for most people here, even if its just a one lap shot like they now do in F1?