the big things that i want are realistic damage (see other post) and a flaging system so that is there is an accedent or if a car drags dirt/sand/debris from a crash onto the track there would be a yellow flag , if there was a serious crash involving one car there would be a yellow and a safety car...if there was a muti car pile up involving atleast 25% of the field, there will be a red flag signifying the stop of the race. a black will be waved if you (or the AI) perform an illegal racing move such as ramming the opponent off the road, blocking a car trying to lap you after ignring the blue flag (blue=let the guy behind you pass) and checkered i think everyone knows.....i also want the damagge to leave debris on the track which will be a sfety hazard (eg: run over a sharp or pointy piece of debris and possibly have a punctured tire)....i think that would greatly add to the realism...if there is a disabled car on the track, along with the safety car, there should be a flatbed tow truck to take the car away and clear the track of large bits of debris...
as for the F1 cars, a variation in engine sound depending which one you get (like heard in the movie) so they dont all have the exact same tone...same with the street cars-they MUST have different(and unique) engine sounds, i supercharged a Corvette Stingray for the american races and it changed from a more muscular sound to that of a rice burner civic, and thats just not right, corvettes NEVER sound like civics...
Classic F1 cars, i really want to have some classic F1 cars from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.....(if GT5 gets Ferraris, i must be able to have the '61/62 shark nose

and the '56 Lancia-turned-Ferrari)
oh, and more LeMans cars....can never have to many of those
thats all for now...
as you were....