Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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evil gremlin
this just came to me, to just buy tires like sports or racing and be able to change the pressure in the tire instead of buying freaking 22,000 tires or 48,000 tires :scared: its crazy

Pressure is not the only difference, the different levels of tires also have harder/softer compounds making up the tire. It says so in the scrolling descriptions.
All I ask is for online play, custom painting for all vehicles, & a track editor. Is that too much to ask for? We shall see.
Some good suggestions in here... In the next GT, I'd like to see

Spinning rims
Selectable weather conditions on every track
Customizable bodykits can be bought to make your used car more unique
The option to choose whether to have the roof down on the car
Get rid of those 5-second penalties on the dirt tracks :banghead:
As for the damage issue - I think GT is just fine without it tbh

Also, I think as you progress through the game, speed becomes more of a requirement for the races, especially in the Extreme and Endurance halls. This usually results in always racing with the 'Super quick' race cars because the road cars - no matter how fast - hasn't got the aerodynamic body to help the car during braking and acceleration, and so they have no chance againts the race cars. I think there should be more use for the road cars in the next game, especially near the closing stages of the game.
Why not be able to test drive a car before you buy it? Just like a small autocross setup that you can see if you like the car or not. And also, why not be able to rent, or lease a car for a race so you don't have to spend the $100000+ to get a Merc SL that you only need for 3 races? I know that makes me reluctant to purchase the car. I realize that I can sell it right after the race, but so much money is lost on the car, and then I can't use it in arcade mode anymore and want to keep it.
alright this wil proly be the last list(more of a final version) of what i would like to see in GT5

-Fuel mapping systems
-boost controllers/ s/c pulleys
-motor detenation
-areo kits
-MOTOR SWAPS-on any cars
-be able to buy back uo motors
-custom paiting
-tire pressure-for all tires
-test drive before you buy
-2p drag race and single player super straight races
-mountain tracks
-wehater changing
-better graphics
-driver changes in endo races
-wheel size-(width- height)
-top conv in multi car races
-more races that allow race tires
-visual changes to modde parts( exhaust.....weight reduction...roll cages)
-ability to change a normal car to a race car( add light weight race shell-etc)
-more restriction races
-more rally
-bring back infi scroll form older vers...and info sheet like in GT3 whne you bought a car
-and the most important..........BETTER M-F AI and be more REALISTIC

well i might make a few changes every now and then
Yeah lol i saw it right after i posted this, this is what i want to see: when you buy a racing exhaust it changes the note and muffler and Spoon wheels
Hey guys, here a list of some of the things I'd like to see...

1. Less duplicate cars... I like/love Skylines, but 30+ versions is over kill.
2. No more cars that aren't worth anything, and can't be used for races.
3. Environment interaction... dirt, leaves, skid marks, ect.
4. I personaly didn't like the trucks... I'd like more cars... or at least a few more races to run the trucks on.
5. Point A to B races for the rally, but still confined to a track.
6. Dirt on cars... we have access to a car wash... why? The cars never get dirty.
7. Perfect translations of garage cars to vs. battles. I've got quite a few cars that aren't "racecars" but are done up like em, but I can't get race tires on em so I can't use them properly.
8. N/A to turbo conversions... I know what you're thinking, but it CAN be done.
9. Bring back the racecar conversion kits from the first GT.
10. Body kits
11. The right to colour cars with the colours we want. It doesen't have to be a "ricer" job, but you can be that if I were dropping two hundred grand on a car for racing, that I could afford to drop a grand to get it painted the colour I want.
12. Aftermarket company decals. If you've got HKS stuff, why not show it off?
13. US compatible aftermarket companies.
14. Tools to better anylise and tune cars performance.
15. The obvious "BIG NAME" car companies... i.e. Lambos, Porshe, Ferrari, Bugatti.
16. More fins and fin colours to better match cars.
17. Drivetrain conversion kits.
18. Time lag for special order cars and mods... It doesn't take a minute to drop a level 4 turbo kit into a car. When you get a car and want to build it up, you "loose" the car for several weeks of play. Adding to the antisipation for the mods as well as the strategy of the mods.
19. Make the aftermarket companies different. A Mine's turbo kit will not work the same as on from Blitz or as one from Tom's, same thing for suspention kits and tires.
20. Tire companies.
21. Special/tuned cars available online(they did something like this with Tiger Woods Golf), as well as car trading.
22. Organized online events.
23. As the next GT
24. Better headlight effects for the cars.
25. Variable times of day for racing
26. More US cars, more Mustangs.
27. Engine replacements.
28. Where are the "cool" civics... enough with the hatch-backs. And why are all the Imprezas sedans? With the exception of a few used coupes that show up.

I realy do LOVE this game though. I just think that there's still more that can be done to make this the greatest racing game ever. Perhaps with the new gen system and the information that can be kept on a single disk we'll see what these great game developpers can realy do.
I'd like GT5 to be programmed by someone else than Plyphony, or someone other than the leading person in charge of the projecto right now. with GT4, he really ruined the saga.

We need a really deep change if GT5 is really gonna be the best racing game ever.
- Pitlane: a lot of activity in the pitlane, even the pit crew from other teams
- radio communication with pit crew ( e.g. GTR)
- less cars and more real tracks (European, English, American, Australian, Asian tracks and Bahrain)
- "a choose thingy": I find it hard to choose a car and a track when I am just "free running". I would like to have a random track and car "choose thingy"
- more AI
- 100% realistic human like AI reaction and race conditions
We need a really deep change if GT5 is really gonna be the best racing game ever.
Exactly. But is not a racing game, it is a driving simulation.
GT4 is still based on an old and outdated engine, maybe they will totally change it due to the PS3's (if there is going to be a GT5 on the PS3) performance.
- Interactive environment (like in the game FatOut). If you hit a tirewall, the tires must flight up in the air
- get rid off the invisible walls. I want to drive off track (no need to but it is always nice that there are no invisible walls anymore)
- better solution for surround gaming or TrackIR . Now we need to buy 3 GT4 copies, 3 PS2, mmm, too expensive. I think it is always going to be necessary to buy 3 or more monitors.
- better and realistic sound and 7.1 surround sound
- a new replay system: choose between cam, rew, ff, slow motion, pause; etc...
- not cheerleaders :scared: but pitlane babes (lol), just joking
Yeah no more invisible walls I want to push the cones aside and check out the facility next to the 'ring pit & go off roading on Infurion.
Well, I've scanned just about all the replies and I haven't seen anyone mention sound. I'm sick of all the cars sounding like a bunch of bees. I want the authentic car sounds for each type of exhaust on each and every car. In addition to this I have to agree with most everything else that people want. This is my list:

AI improvement
Larger field of cars (12-24)
Skid marks
Car damage
Cockpit view
Tire pressures
Tire/wheel sizes
Touring style wings
Custom paint jobs
Show mods on cars (like gutting and caging)
No tinted windows
Put the driver on the left side of the car for all cars done so in North America
Realtime time/weather/temperature changes
A few more real world tracks (please include the Grand Prix part of the Nurburgring so the 24hr race can have a real pitlane and a crowd)
More open wheelers and touring cars
A better interface
More replay controls
Headlights that do something
Get the cars dirty
Give 3-5sec penalties for going off track (and pass) or punting a car
Point A to point B race the clock rally races
Engine destruction (if you redline too much or misshift badly you blow your motor)
Overheating (w/ water temp guage)
Realistic tire wear
Dramatize the openings to the enduro races (opening ceremonies, umbrella girls, etc.) Perhaps only do this with the 24hr races and the final race of the game (an F1 race) with a small cinematic.
More action in the pits (other pit crews)
More options in the pits (suspension/alignment tweeking)
Power/weight ratio limitations on races
Align to grid (side by side vs. simply single file) when doing rolling starts
Corner workers or at least someone at the start/finish line to wave the green, white last lap, and checkered flags
Put all units in english measurements (make kg/mm for spring rates optional please)
Make toe settings measureable by mm, inches or by degrees
Better graphics (or simply increase saturation)
Online play

that's my 2 cents
Put the driver on the left side of the car for all cars done so in North America-if you every paid attention they already are...

cockpit veiw sounds nice....and evey one has metion the sound thing
Well, I've scanned just about all the replies and I haven't seen anyone mention sound.
You probably haven't "scanned" good enough. Read my post on the previous page ==> post #520. I even "wished" 7.1 suuround sound effects!!!! :)

Oh, forgot something. What about real qualification before a race, like in real life!!! :dopey:
Then I just missed everyone's complaint on the sound, but yeah, it's gotta be fixed.

And no, not all the cars have the driver on the left side done so in North America. I want to include imports as well. If it's sold here in North America then it should be left hand drive. But for even the cars sold in the US area of the game the cars from Infiniti and not all left hand drive. The G20 is still right hand drive, that's one example. But I'm talking 240sx, Acura's, Lexus, all the cars that they changed to the American name they should move the driver to the left side of the car.
Anyone ever mentioned SPONSORS? It would be realistic to have your own racing team sponsored. Selling spots on your car to advertisers (real life ones) where a sticker is placed with the logo of that company. Additional credits to be made like this.

In combination with damaged cars and repair costs, sponsors could make people want to settle for a 2nd place instead of ramming the lead car off course to become first and having to pay massive repair costs.
i know gt is all about putting what is available in real life in the game but id like to see some more stuff like the stage 5 turbos and original suspension and some made up cars just for the game i dunno maybe they could ask some manufacturer's designers to do something for the game thatd be cool
Then I just missed everyone's complaint on the sound, but yeah, it's gotta be fixed.

And no, not all the cars have the driver on the left side done so in North America. I want to include imports as well. If it's sold here in North America then it should be left hand drive. But for even the cars sold in the US area of the game the cars from Infiniti and not all left hand drive. The G20 is still right hand drive, that's one example. But I'm talking 240sx, Acura's, Lexus, all the cars that they changed to the American name they should move the driver to the left side of the car.

how often do you even pay attention to that while your racing.....................................Thats byfar one of the dumest request..........
Engine Damage:
-Transmission should blow when misshifted.
-Automatic Transmission should slip when too much power without upgrading it.
-Manual Transmission clutch should slip if too much power to the wheels without changing it, normal tear and wear, should be changed after a significant time.
-Turbo tunning
-Boost Controller(so you can change it before certain races)
-Weight Reduction like taking out lights and putting in Black Covers only, and then all other Carbon Fiber goodies.
-Engine Swaps
Just thought about a new "thing" for GT5.
Car movement ==> 6 DoF's. With 6 DoF's the cars (if they do and it is not the intention to) crash realisticly, like in RBR.
I have a query.

In GT4, you have a garage so large, it can facilitate the accommodation of 1000 vehicles, but you have to go outside to change the oil (or wash your perpetually clean machines)..

Surely this needs to be looked into - for a game that boasts realism. :P
No.1) The Physics Model: The most important thing to the GT series is to have the most complex accurate physics model that the PS3 can run. More important than detailed interiors and underbodies. More important than more cars on the track, or changing weather/day and night transitions. I want to be able to know if I can do it in GT I can do it in real life and vice versa. I want real life settings to work like they do in real life. I want to be able to do a dougnut or pull a wheely, and not because of some plug-in that tells the game to do it, but because the actual physics model interprets the information put through it and responds accordingly. An all inclusive physics model that also responds acurately to contact, both with walls and other cars. Where they can spin you and you can spin them, and off center impacts dont send you bouncing strait back. I think GT has heald back on the physics for the average gamer, not wanting to make the game unaccesable. If Gt is to be a real driving simulator then the physics should Rival the acuracy of the computer sims. Cant handel it? then you have the option to turn ON asm and tcs systems to help you. not in the tune section like a part on the car, but in the options menu like the training wheels they are.

EXACTLY... where the HELL is the power oversteer? Or the torque steer for that matter. The way they tout it is as a simuation, so that's where the should be putting the energy.

Also I've got the GT Force Pro (900 deg.) wheel and sorry, but it just doesn't feel right. I love it don't get me wrong, but there's a lot more they can do with that thing. Like different feel of powersteering and steering lock with different cars.

There's no point having all these different cars if the dynamics aren't correct.. unless all you like doing is watching the bloody replay.

I started to worry when I heard they had more artists developing the game than programmers.....

Just my 2 to 4 cents.

I would like to see some F1 cars and courses as well.
Thinking outside the square a bit here , but I'd like to see a GT specific console with a massive hard drive and processor to enable everything mentioned in this thread.

The console would come with the game already installed in the HD and software upgrades such as cars , tracks , dynamic weather , day - night transition etc would be available as extras giving PD and Sony some scope to continue making money out of it.

The only problem I can see with this is how many would they sell? Die hard GT freaks would pay for something like this , but the average gamer...? , I doubt it.

Whether this console would play any other games? ....who cares ! It would be awesome ! :crazy: 👍

Imagine lining up at Le Sarthe with 50 other cars , its drizzling rain , but the forecast is for it to clear and a dry line will soon form on the track. Lets hope it doesn't rain tonight , or else it's going to be hell driving in the dark and in the wet !!!!

Dreaming..... :)
I was thinking for some racing suits changing, like u can buy another one, put your sponsors on it, etc etc. And also helmet, boots....that would be fun

Some phisical trainning too, like u driver can get fat or thin and so that can hurts your lap time overall. LOL :D
Sorry for any duplicates, but its not easy to check 27 pages of them :P

Here's my list, some of which are rubbish idea's that have been added to GT4

1. Like everyone else - the AI, lets face it it sucks.
2. Get rid of the damn invisible walls - i wanna drive off cliffs and over hills.
3. More tracks that actually exist - Silverstone, Donnington, Catalunya etc etc.
4. A-Spec Points that actually DO something. But really what do they do, no one has an answer?
5. Get rid of rolling starts (or most of them) - i hate the fact that there are rolling starts on pretty much every race in gt4.
6. A paintshop - Theres nothing worse than working your ass doing 10x 10lap races to get a car that turns out to be pink or toothpaste green!
7. More cars on the track at once.
8. No damage as such, but if you nail it off the track at about 200mph and plough into a wall, its race over. The blurry wobbling screen is alright, but its not like it makes a difference does it.
9. Customizable view point!
10. THE ICE ARENA!!!! get rid of it, burn it, kill it i dont care, i dont want to ever see it again, its terrible, having to drive everywhere in nothing higher than second at 30 mph is damn annoying and boring. why not race granny electric chairs, it would be more interesting.
11. No pointless prize cars - Im sorry for all that disagree or think its nostalgic or something. but why bother giving me either - A) the car i have just won the one car racing series with (eg a Yaris in the Yaris/Vitz Cup) or B) cars like the 1886 Daimler Benze Motor Wagen. why not just have it in the arcade mode or something. Actually no pointless cars, period, i dont want to drive a stupid little 3 wheeled thing.
12. Dont have cars which i cant use for anything at all in GT mode - eg the Caterham Megabussa or whatever it is. Marvelous, ive just spent 40 grand on a car i cant do a damn thing with. Woopee.
13. Weather.
14. Engine damage - if you tune your skyline to 1000bhp, you should have to rebuild the damn thing after every race.
15. Heres a few little ones - Cars that get dirty, not just get less shiny. Wheel Sizes. Headlights that work / do soemthing (+Day/Night). Skidmarks. lots of smoke & dust & grass clippings & sand & stuff when i spin/crash/burnout. Oh and a final one - I WANNA ROLL THE DAMN CAR!!!! Thats too many now, ill shut up.
Scoring all silvers in the tests brings some nice fast cars but all golds gets you a museum full of worthless cars you can't even cash in on. A sick joke?

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