Things you would like to see in GT5 other than cars?

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How about this. Let the auto trani shift like the real car does. We all know that the trans in cars kicks up a gear or two while cruising. Then holds the gears longer when pushing it around hard. Let that be simulated CORRECTLY to each car. Just a nice little touch.

Having owned a car with a worn-out auto gearbox, I'm not quite sure how it should shift. In the end I almost completely lost 1st, and only got into 4th when the engine was screaming - even when cruising! In comparason, even the worst auto in GT4 is a pleasure to drive.

How about a semi-auto mode, similar to what we have now where you can hold onto a gear beyond its normal shift point, but also with the ability to force an early gear change. Sometimes I want to force a downshift as I enter a corner, and occasionally I want to upshift early on a downhill section. Most of the time however I don't want to have to worry about changing the gears at all.
'Tis been awhile, and I know that I've posted in here before, but for repititions sake:

I'd like to see customization along the lines of need for speed carbon. I'm not a fan of teh spinnaz, or 1000+bhp neonsm or whatever. But I am seriously interested the bodykits, spoilers, paint and rims that are available. And being able to apply the aforementioned to all cars available is a must.

But it's already been said before.:dopey:
Lets say that a full blown paint shop is included and many more modification parts to make your own unique race car livery. Then what if say evey six months a few of the best was selected to become part of the official car line-up. Since most likely GT5 will have downloadable content.
I have said this before I think or maybe someone has. We should have the option to have at least 10 differnt game saves as a minimum. However with 20 gig or 60 gig harddrive really should be unlimited. What I am saying is you could have several game saves for variuos reasons. Maybe you want one as a master and one to just mess around with or perhaps one just for car testing and record laps. I would use this to be able to do the long race series and them if I only have a little time use differnt game save for quick races. Then when I get more time go back and finsh race series. However I truly want game save option when you go in pits. Also it would be nice it you was not forced to complete a race series, meaning you could test other cars etc.
I'm not sure what you're getting at with your post, GL. Is it because you don't want days to pass when you're experimenting or just goofing around? The reason I ask is because when you do something in Gran Turismo, you open something up in the game. Tracks, cars, you have more money, stuff like that. With your multiple save idea, you'd have a GT which each save and the game would be in different states with different levels of access to more or less of the game.

You have something like this in GT4 where you log in under a profile. Now different profiles are a no brainer for GT5 because the PS3 is being designed as a family multimedia system with a big online component. So multiple profiles are a big part of the PS3 and will undoubtedly be in GT5.

I do like your car post above, that's a nifty idea.
I would like to see the bugtti veyron but aside from cars a free roam mode whereby you drive the streets to reach your next racing location e.g. your in the UK and or next race is silverton uk race track it would be nice to have to drive there and have garage at each city or content you are required to drive in
not sure if this has been mentioned, but I'd like to be able to add "pet names" to cars. It is often that I have multiple versions of the same car and can only determine their difference by the settings.

Being able to "name" them and have it show up in my garage would make it considerably easier in sorting them.
I would like to see the bugtti veyron but aside from cars a free roam mode whereby you drive the streets to reach your next racing location e.g. your in the UK and or next race is silverton uk race track it would be nice to have to drive there and have garage at each city or content you are required to drive in

Sorry, but I don't think a free roaming mode has any place in a GT game
I think the only place you would possibly find a 'free roam' mode would be in a multi-route, same start, same finish race such as the Dakar or Baja rallies. Even though the 'free roam' world of NFS:U and such seem quite large, they are really very small - with only a limited geography. To have free-roam as described here would require a huge amount of programming (and hence disc space), not to mention the sheer time and effort required to model the terrain you wish to roam in.

While I wouldn't mind long, open 'touring' tracks (maybe randomly generated by the system), a free-roam in the scope of GT would be very difficult to do.
Maybe an easier idea would be either (or both):

a) targa style races (like the Targa Tasmania), which are medium/long point-to-point stages with direct in-between transportation legs, or

b) classic long distance point-to-point races. Maybe have a 500mile or 1000mile point to point race over a classic route, with fuel stops and such as required.

In either of these cases it would also give PD the opportunity to include in the game the cars that were raced in these championships.
Targa's would be a superb addition imo, long and short. As long as you can save at fuel stops in the long ones.
Running along with the free-roam idea, at least one city would be cool. Here, we could:

Just drive around and explore

Build a custom city track (traffic would be interesting)

Street race weaving in and out of traffic.

Along the traffic idea, if we did a for fun run on the Ring, having to pass lots of cars would be entertaining.
Yeh, thats called Need for speed. Not gran turismo.

And the nurb isnt a road way, it has track days where multiple classes of cars can run simulaniaously, but were not ever gonna see open city in GT, not for a long time. Maybe PD and EA could do a collab, but thats as far as I can see.
not sure if this has been mentioned, but I'd like to be able to add "pet names" to cars. It is often that I have multiple versions of the same car and can only determine their difference by the settings.

Being able to "name" them and have it show up in my garage would make it considerably easier in sorting them.

Being able to specifically number your car sounds pretty good, too.💡
Being able to specifically number your car sounds pretty good, too.💡

That and custom number plates...

Best one I ever saw was a few years ago on a gunmetal grey BMW M5: '4U2NV'. I think they could get away with that.

Somehow I highly doubt that street racing (i.e. a completely illegal, insanely stupid and incredibly dangerous pastime) will ever feature in Gran Turismo. Drifting - yes. It is a legitimate motorsport. Hill-climbs and motorkhana - maybe. Rally - been there. Point-to-point racing - hopefully. Street racing - not a chance.
And the nurb isnt a road way, it has track days where multiple classes of cars can run simulaniaously, but were not ever gonna see open city in GT, not for a long time. Maybe PD and EA could do a collab, but thats as far as I can see.

Of course it's a roadway. Technically, it's labeled "Unrestricted Toll-road". Pay 'em 10 Euros, and you're clear. Sure, the 'Ring is sometimes close for trackdays, or company-testing, or traditional Racing-events (DTM, Nurb' 24 and 6 Hours). But most of the time, it's open. Which makes it my first target when I get my licence.

Along the traffic idea, if we did a for fun run on the Ring, having to pass lots of cars would be entertaining.

That really would be fun. Even watching a video of such laps is so engaging... As long as you're penalized for crashing. I don't support the general idea of damage and punishment in Gran Turismo, but if you're supposed to do a "fun-lap", with non-race cars that do "AI-Funlaps", then you're also supposed to be carefull like you're in real life.
I think the only place you would possibly find a 'free roam' mode would be in a multi-route, same start, same finish race such as the Dakar or Baja rallies. Even though the 'free roam' world of NFS:U and such seem quite large, they are really very small - with only a limited geography. To have free-roam as described here would require a huge amount of programming (and hence disc space), not to mention the sheer time and effort required to model the terrain you wish to roam in.

While I wouldn't mind long, open 'touring' tracks (maybe randomly generated by the system), a free-roam in the scope of GT would be very difficult to do.
Maybe an easier idea would be either (or both):

a) targa style races (like the Targa Tasmania), which are medium/long point-to-point stages with direct in-between transportation legs, or

b) classic long distance point-to-point races. Maybe have a 500mile or 1000mile point to point race over a classic route, with fuel stops and such as required.

In either of these cases it would also give PD the opportunity to include in the game the cars that were raced in these championships.

I'm not sure which targa I saw on Speed Channel but it was awesome. It had a bunch of old Australian muscle cars that were really cool. I would love to be able to do some races like that in the next GT. Imagine if they had a giant targa race that stretched the US. They could have Targa races for each country. I really feel that GT is missing out on not having point to point races.
A more realistic career rather than mouses and maps. By this i mean like the career mode in Need for Speed: Underground 2 (NFSU2). Know how there's a map and if you want to reach whereever you have to drive your car there? Well I sort of like that idea.
Ideas of which may include:
-Traffic Obedience
-Transportation to send your car overseas.
-Gas Stations and Tune Shops
-An Actual Character you play as, and interacts with the "gt world".

Add more ideas to this revolutionary "gt world" if you want
No, because I don't want that "revolutionary" world to have any part in Gran Turismo. If you think that will make it have a "more realistic career" then you are massivelymistaken. Do you think Bernd Schneider drove his AMG CLK touring car to the race or tune shop when he was in the DTM? Or he drove it to the track before a race? All of this open map, drive your car to the track and tune shop ideas are totally the wrong direction for Gran Turismo, I too would like a more realistic Gran Turismo, that's why I don't want any of that. Maybe that's just me, but if Gran Turismo heads in that direction it'll just spoil the game for me.
A more realistic career rather than mouses and maps. By this i mean like the career mode in Need for Speed: Underground 2 (NFSU2). Know how there's a map and if you want to reach whereever you have to drive your car there? Well I sort of like that idea.
Ideas of which may include:
-Traffic Obedience
-Transportation to send your car overseas.
-Gas Stations and Tune Shops
-An Actual Character you play as, and interacts with the "gt world".

Add more ideas to this revolutionary "gt world" if you want

Gran Turismo is a RACING SIM, not some Need for Speed Underground junk. Besides, all the space that a free roam mode would take up could be filled by:
-more cars (sports and race cars not Daihatsu [sp?])
-more tracks (Spa, anyone. Monza, maybe; or even Road Atlanta)

A free roam mode is simply not the way to go for GT; NFSU is an arcade-style street racer, GT is a simulator. They are completely different and to mix them would be a fatal mistake for PD
I think the question with this 'free roam' mode is: does it fit in with the theme of GT?

While we may flog the term 'real driving simulator' to justify our own positions, it is pertinent to actually look at the history and general aim of Gran Turismo games past. Never has there been any orientation towards the street side of driving. Every single track or course in the game has been either a circuit, rally track (or a couple of drag strips...)

I would have to say that 99.99% of the cars in my GT4 garage are not 'road legal', if you want to advocate realism. Very few would be road-driveable, and I don't think you'd get collision insurance for them... Having said that, they would not be legally driveable on road, so if PD did include such a feature and people drove these machines, PD would actually be advocating an illegal activity. I don't think that is their intention.

If at all there was to be an expanded driving area, it would be more fitting with the theme of GT to maybe have a Motorsport park with a skidpan/slalom, some kind of motorkhana tracks, etc.

I've towed many a race-car across country to get to races, and let me tell you, it is the biggest bore of all. Your tow vehicle is usually diesel (aka a truck or utility) with a couple of tons of car, trailer and parts attached. It does not make for doin' laps of the Casino district.

While the entertainment value of NFSU was okay, it was all pretty much illegal. Is that what PD wants to promote? Even the suggestions for point-to-point racing in the previous posts come under legal, sanctioned racing on closed tracks, and not the open road where Mrs. Suburban and her SUV full of kids is heading for baseball practice.

While some people might enjoy having a free-roam map, I don't think it is something that PD will ever put into its GT games.
For rallies, instead of GT's rally mode( which is more like rally cross), how about something like this.

7-12 Rallies total
Each rally has 3-5 stages
Instead of racing against an opponent, have several ghost cars to beat(like in real rallying).
Lowest cumulative time at the end of the rally wins.

Each rally could represent the real WRC rally of a particular country, i.e.
-Monte Carlo-tarmac through mountain passes, occasionaly covered in snow, snow flurries
-Sweden-snow and ice through wintery fields and forest, light to heavy snow.
-Britain-gravel stages through a forest, foggy and rainy.
-Finland-soft gravel through light forest with lots of bumps (known as yumps in rallying), generally good weather, occasional stream crossings
-New Zealand-gravel through green fields, fast flowing stages, good weather
-Australia-very rough gravel, dry.
-Pikes Peak-Dry hillclimb on gravel, with only 2 stages (uphill, downhill)

... and so on and so forth
I wish I hadnt sold it. The grafics were solid, the car models changed for each race (like the snorkal and body armor for africa), the time system was good, in in car view was great. But most importantly, the damage. That taught you to drive fast w/out bustin up a car. That translated alot into GT4, the only rally I found hard, was the GrandCanyon on hard.
I hope that GT5's damage system(if there is one) will be very similar to WRC's. Meaning that your car will become very slow, but you won't DNF; I also hope that you will be able to go in the pits and have your car repaired in a realistic amount of time(for enduro races).
I have it and still play it to this day. PD would benefit in modelling its rally mode after that and the Colin McRae rally series
Colin McRae rally isn't much of a sim.
I didnt really like Colin McRae that much (the game)

Yeh, its no the engine problems that I got, it was steering that slowed me the most.

Either way, it forces ya to play smarter.