This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
My neighbour is set on getting a PS5 for numerous games but one of them is GT7. He has high hopes to race online in VR. I haven't said anything because I really want IRL friends to race with. Is this wrong?
It's why I double dipped in GT7 before it even came out, Steelbook plus digital edition for VR convenience. (Swapping discs with a VR headset on, that's a good advertisement for digital games :lol:)

Yet now I'm just racing on ps4 with the code that came in the Steelbook edition while the ps5 version sits idle. My high hopes to race online in VR are lowered to, maybe one day it might happen.

It's not like PS5 and PSVR2 don't have / won't get other great games. But maybe temper his expectations for GT7 a little bit :lol:
I love the graphics, I love the soundtrack, I love the engine sounds, I love driving the cars, I love tuning the cars. Everything else sucks balls… really no way else to put it. The economy sucks, Hagerty sucks, the single player format sucks, the chase the rabbit format of the races sucks, the online lobbies suck, the way they clearly plan to drip feed us content sucks. PD is completely out of touch.

Lastly, let us sell our damn cars. This is one of the most pathetically obvious tactics to force us to grind or utilize the mtx.
That's basically how I feel with the game, I really want to love it but I just can't, I have more fun playing older GT games and FH5 than I do GT7 which is highly disappointing as I expected a full game at the very least on GT4 level.

As you mentioned, the base of the game itself is very good, the graphics, car sounds, car models, upgrades .etc are all well done, it's just that the payouts and event selection is really scarce and leaves much to be desired. There are so many different themes and races PD could add even from Sport but they for whatever reason have refused to add them. Atleast Gr.1 has some races now but even those are lackluster as far as payout though they are pretty fun and challenging, hopefully this month has a good update as far as events and cars.

Atleast custom races are pretty entertaining I guess:indiff:
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My neighbour is set on getting a PS5 for numerous games but one of them is GT7. He has high hopes to race online in VR. I haven't said anything because I really want IRL friends to race with. Is this wrong?

Yes, you should tell him that this is unlikely to happen. Show him your post even. ;)

Going back to back between GT7 and GTSport on the PS4 really sheds a harsh light on it.

Not to mention, when you have the two loaded on your PS4, they sit side by side. So, for the carry over cars (I'll use the F40 as an example), I can try to buy it now, but I can't, because it's unavailable, so I wait and pay 3 million HARD EARNED credits for it, OR, I fire up GTSport, take the easily earned credits and buy it now for 450,000 cr. All I can really do with it in either game is hot laps, but at least GTSport allows me to load ghost replays.

Where's the motivation to play GT7?
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..but only the parts of economy that make them money. They're in no rush to add selling cars, something that will benefit the players.
Are we taking it for certain that it’ll be a thing to sell legendary cars with a positive ROI? While I’m personally not holding my breath for that it’s certainly not impossible, given the arrows and changing values we’re already familiar with. Unless I’ve missed something I haven’t seen too many talking about that in particular though, just that they can’t wait for the traditional selling function to return.

Maybe I’m overlooking something but I don’t quite get the desperation for it. If it were here, I would use it for the odd duplicate here and there I don’t need but there are far more pressing issues (yes, we can complain about and bring up several issues at the same time, that old lecture isn’t needed).

Are people expecting to make tons of money through selling? It’s pretty rare to get a car worth a considerable amount in the roulette (let alone twice, or one you already own). To add to that, everything purchased in Brands Central and Used Car Dealership (probably) will net you less than what you payed for it (excluding the odd roulette win). The only potential gain would be legendary cars and it seems a tad too insignificant amount wise to be worth the time and energy.
Are we taking it for certain that it’ll be a thing to sell legendary cars with a positive ROI? While I’m personally not holding my breath for that it’s certainly not impossible, given the arrows and changing values we’re already familiar with. Unless I’ve missed something I haven’t seen too many talking about that in particular though, just that they can’t wait for the traditional selling function to return.

Maybe I’m overlooking something but I don’t quite get the desperation for it. If it were here, I would use it for the odd duplicate here and there I don’t need but there are far more pressing issues (yes, we can complain about and bring up several issues at the same time, that old lecture isn’t needed).

Are people expecting to make tons of money through selling? It’s pretty rare to get a car worth a considerable amount in the roulette (let alone twice, or one you already own). To add to that, everything purchased in Brands Central and Used Car Dealership (probably) will net you less than what you payed for it (excluding the odd roulette win). The only potential gain would be legendary cars and it seems a tad too insignificant amount wise to be worth the time and energy.
I don’t understand the fascination with selling cars. I don’t think it’s a big deal and will probably never use the feature myself.

That said, everyone plays and uses the game differently and I can see how some of you might want it. I think it’ll make a minute difference in the economy since like you said, you’re not gonna make money selling cars. You might just get a fraction of what you paid back.

I would rather have some organization in my garage so I don’t have to go through 400 cars every time I want to switch to something new. The sorting function and view functions are terrible and I don’t know why we can’t have some organization but again, it’s just another thing that’s just copied over from sport and PD put literally no effort into.
Are we taking it for certain that it’ll be a thing to sell legendary cars with a positive ROI?
Absolutely not. I'm expecting a simple 50% or 75% selling price, just like the old games.
I don’t understand the fascination with selling cars. I don’t think it’s a big deal and will probably never use the feature myself.
It's just a simple way to make a bit of money to get rid of cars you don't want. If you're not going to drive a certain car and it's worth 500K, that's 500K.
Absolutely not. I'm expecting a simple 50% or 75% selling price, just like the old games.

It's just a simple way to make a bit of money to get rid of cars you don't want. If you're not going to drive a certain car and it's worth 500K, that's 500K.
Just to be clear. I 100% support getting that feature in the games, I am definitely not one of those people that thinks that just because I wouldn’t use it that nobody else should have it. I was just merely stating my opinion. I do think though that knowing how PD is, they’re going to shortchange you on the selling price. I hope I’m wrong.
Just to be clear. I 100% support getting that feature in the games, I am definitely not one of those people that thinks that just because I wouldn’t use it that nobody else should have it. I was just merely stating my opinion. I do think though that knowing how PD is, they’re going to shortchange you on the selling price. I hope I’m wrong.
I guess people are just frustrated because PD didn't waste any time lowering prize payouts, they didn't waste any time making the LCD cars higher in price, but they are dragging their feet on a feature that is benefitial to players in terms of Credits. Why couldn't they have waited to raise the LCD prices and focus on the selling cars first? Shows where their priorities lie. Just like them holding back on events that pay out a lot of credits, there is still only 4/5 well paid races. They're in no rush to add more, even though they absolutely have had time in the three months since release.
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I guess people are just frustrated because PD didn't waste any time lowering prize payouts, they didn't waste any time making the LCD cars higher in price, but they are dragging their feet on a feature that is benefitial to players in terms of Credits. Why couldn't they have waited to raise the LCD prices and focus on the selling cars first? Shows where their priorities lie. Just like them holding back on events that pay out a lot of credits, there is still only 4/5 well paid races. They're in no rush to add more, even though they absolutely have had time in the three months since release.
100% agree. And when they do finally add selling cars, the other problems still remain.
100% agree. And when they do finally add selling cars, the other problems still remain.
Hm, I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't add this feature, because the opportunity to sell a car will disrupt their business with low race payouts and microntransactions. They will rather come up with something like the possibility of scrapping your car for 15.000-20.000 credits or something similar...

I've seen multiple accounts of this line of reasoning both on these forums and on Reddit that the players who grind Tokyo on Tomahawk just simply don't understand how to play the game "correctly". Given that most players somehow were able to play previous installations of GT in the way it was intended, I find it odd that a significant proportion of the playerbase just somehow collectively lost their minds somewhere between the release of GT Sport and GT 7 and decided that they want to play GT 7 in the most repetitive and least enjoyable way possible. Or, you know, perhaps there's an issue with the game design?

Imagine this fictional conversation with your past self and a representative of PD
You: Man, I cant wait to play the next installment of GT finally returning to its roots so I can again experience the different cars and racing disciplines while earning all the wonderful different cars GT has to offer!
PD: Yeah, we're not gonna have a career mode. You'll spend a few weeks doing catch up events with rolling starts which sort of resembles racing and you can earn some cars while you're at it. It'll be shortlived though. We call them the Menu Books. After that there are of course Circuit experiences and Missions akin to previous games.
You: Well that doesn't sound so bad, I can just experience the single player in a different way then while still collecting my favourite cars.
PD: Actually, most of the stuff in our single player doesn't reward you with much of anything in terms of credits or cars so if you're into collecting cars you're out of luck. We do have some lottery tickets though which can award you a customized suspension for your '14 Golf GTI - if you're lucky, that is.
You: Ok... So how do I buy cars then? I thought that was kind of the thing in GT games.
PD: We'll, you can play the game like we intended and earn a coveted collectable every 4 months or so. Or... you can repeatedly drive Spa 24h, Le Mans or a fictional track event if you'd rather earn them in a more reasonable timeframe.
You: That... doesn't sound great, although I do love Spa and I hear that the weather effects and driving in the night will look amazing. I'll just do a few races here and there and then spend the rest of my time doing what I actually enjoy and buy the cars when I feel like it.
PD: Except you can't. We decided that the rarest cars will show up for sale between intervals of a month or two for a window of few days. If you happen to fancy a McLaren F1, it'll be worth 12 to 13 24h Spa events or in terms of time invested, 12-13 hours. So better get those tire strategies ready!
You: That sounds a bit rough. I have a job, wife and two kids, how am I supposed to find the time for that? I'd also rather not wait for two months for it to show up again.
PD: Well, we actually have an event just for that. Basically you drive around the streets of Tokyo in an endless loop in something that looks like a mix of a Red Bull concept car and the Batmobile and is in every imaginable way the antithesis of a real driving experience. To add some flavour, you'll occasionally crash into the much slower AI vehicles and be rewarded with a time penalty and a temporary breakdown to the cars handling. Sounds great right?
You: ...
To continue that
  • PD: We will make sure that some some something that looks like a mix of a Red Bull concept car and the Batmobile* is completely useless. You are only allowed to use it on Special Stage Route X on Time Trails or with in a one make race. In future events, we will restrict the PP & car types to make sure you can't use that car. In the next update, we will make sure you don't grind the same event over and over again. After you finish that event, if you want to do it again, you will earn zero Gran Turismo Credits every time, only mileage towards your daily work out.
  • You: Why that?
  • PD: Because we don't want you to grind the same event over and over again, we will add new events with very low payout to make sure you work harder to get your favorite cars. We will also recalculate the Pan-Am Championship in the next update to prevent grinding so you are not allowed to go grinding because we hate that. Your data is mine, all mine. We make all the decesions.
*Dodge SRT Tomahawk X
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Selling cars might come back. It would help for sure. I'm on the fence on whether the economy is pure greed or partially incompetence.

Remember, GTSport had mileage points as a currency for wheels, paint, and tuning. Now, that's all gone and EXPENSIVE. The amount you earn from Sport Mode or single player is about the same (less in the endurance races).

But then they did this haphazard update where they gave us 1mil credits, and then made the circuit experience 1 million, etc. It's like they said "what did we do?" Like they had no idea that removing half of an economic model would have an impact on the game.

Then, of course, they removed gift cars, thereby pushing the in game expenses up even more, and then they jacked up the price of so many of the better cars.

Like, when Kaz said he wanted the cars to reflect their real world price, it's like he just said "ok, from now on, 1cr in game is equal to $1USD in the real world" without actually considering the ramifications.

Or, he's a damn liar...Either way, it's unforgiveable for a "triple A" game
Selling cars might come back. It would help for sure. I'm on the fence on whether the economy is pure greed or partially incompetence.

Remember, GTSport had mileage points as a currency for wheels, paint, and tuning. Now, that's all gone and EXPENSIVE. The amount you earn from Sport Mode or single player is about the same (less in the endurance races).

But then they did this haphazard update where they gave us 1mil credits, and then made the circuit experience 1 million, etc. It's like they said "what did we do?" Like they had no idea that removing half of an economic model would have an impact on the game.

Then, of course, they removed gift cars, thereby pushing the in game expenses up even more, and then they jacked up the price of so many of the better cars.

Like, when Kaz said he wanted the cars to reflect their real world price, it's like he just said "ok, from now on, 1cr in game is equal to $1USD in the real world" without actually considering the ramifications.

Or, he's a damn liar...Either way, it's unforgiveable for a "triple A" game
They have to add it. They sold the game saying you could sell cars. That and not adding it is an illegal act.
Hm, I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't add this feature, because the opportunity to sell a car will disrupt their business with low race payouts and microntransactions. They will rather come up with something like the possibility of scrapping your car for 15.000-20.000 credits or something similar...

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PD/Sony still “win” because, once I sell my cars, I still have to maybe, grind for the DLC cars I might want.

I honestly believe the non sale of cars are for manufacturer sales numbers. Since PD keep track off in-game sales and manufacturers do get tabs on them(see mMazda bragging about the MX-5 sales and Toyota Supra & Yaris sales numbers), selling them may have an effect.
Maybe selling cars showed negatively in GTS and a possible agreement with PD/Sony/brands were to do away with it. All that masked by Kaz saying this is a game about collecting all the cars. Seriously, it wasn’t a problem for the past six numbered games.
I think saying PD is doing something illegal is a bit of a stretch here. We were supposed to get an FIA digital license with GT Sport, but never happened. Not much can we do.

If PD were to actually get sued for something like that, then no game developer would ever tell you what features are available for a game until it’s released. I get that people are mad, but this is a slippery slope.
Do you guys actually think that if PD allows you to sell cars, it’s going to be in the players favor? They’re going to make it almost pointless if they eventually implement the feature. Cars that were gifted will most likely be worth nothing and legendary cars most likely won’t be able to be sold. I’m only saying this because of the trophy you get for the legendary cars. So that leaves you with lower valued cars. I hope I’m wrong but with their track record so far, these are my expectations. PD please for the love of god prove me wrong!
If anything, they’ll allow us to receive credits on the duplicates we can sell and we still have to keep the other car.
Do you guys actually think that if PD allows you to sell cars, it’s going to be in the players favor? They’re going to make it almost pointless if they eventually implement the feature. Cars that were gifted will most likely be worth nothing and legendary cars most likely won’t be able to be sold. I’m only saying this because of the trophy you get for the legendary cars. So that leaves you with lower valued cars. I hope I’m wrong but with their track record so far, these are my expectations. PD please for the love of god prove me wrong!
I definitely see them trying to cut it as much as possible. It would be far easier for them to just allow selling any car for 50% or 75% or whatever % of the value, but it's Polyphony, so they'll add whatever restrictions they can.

I would also love to be wrong here, but I've found that it's best to keep expectations low with this game.
Really this feature shouldn't take that long to add, there's some other nefarious reason it hasn't been added yet.
I really don't think it's any deeper than them putting it off as much as possible because it's beneficial to the players while hurting MTX sales slightly. They never wanted to add it, they were forced into it as part of an apology for the 30+ hour outage and it being mentioned on the PS store page, so now they're dragging their feet while working on other ways to extract money from the players. That's why the legend cars increased by over 10M in 1.15 and will be increased again in the future. 10M is $100 USD in MTX. A huge increase.
They have to add it. They sold the game saying you could sell cars. That and not adding it is an illegal act.

That's a funny one 🤣🤣🤣

They don't have to add anything. The literally could shut the doors to PD right now. You paid for what you have. Everything else is gravy and not guaranteed.
I definitely see them trying to cut it as much as possible. It would be far easier for them to just allow selling any car for 50% or 75% or whatever % of the value, but it's Polyphony, so they'll add whatever restrictions they can.

I would also love to be wrong here, but I've found that it's best to keep expectations low with this game.
I think it was only 30% in GT Sport and you couldn't sell gift cars. Just checked, 135K for a GR.3 car. (Then I tried to change my oil before signing up for Sardegna :lol:)

As I was grinding for level 50 I kept 'banking' credits by buying expensive cars due to the 20 mil limit. Yet at a 30% rate of return, not good at all. Why the cap anyway. I'm glad it has been raised finally, but why limit it at all. That can only be for one reason, expensive cars to zero out your saldo and then mtx are there to help again...

@Voodoovaj It's indeed not 'illegal' in the sense that PD can get a fine, but you can try to sue them for a refund. That's about it. You can even file a class action suit but not likely to have much success. People tried with Killzone SF:

But as a consumer you are entitled to request a refund for false or misleading advertising. Or join a class action lawsuit
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I think it was only 30% in GT Sport and you couldn't sell gift cars.
Wow, that's terrible. I knew about the gift car thing, but not it only being 30%.
Why the cap anyway. I'm glad it has been raised finally, but why limit it at all. That can only be for one reason, expensive cars to zero out your saldo and then mtx are there to help again...
Yes, basically. In GT Sport the cap seemed to be specifically to sell a way to raise the cap later (Lewis Hamilton DLC), but now it's there to limit how many "free" credits you can have while your MTX credits are unlimited. 20M is what they wanted the cap to be, they only raised it as an apology for the nerf and 30+ hour outage, same as selling cars being absent and added in later. Things that already existed in GT Sport and would have been simply carried over into GT7 if Polyphony wanted them to be there.