This is why we don't have leader boards and proably never will

To be honest, I only care about the top 100 players. And whether my times are in the top 5%, 10%, etc.

Store my data locally so I can keep track of my progress.
I agree.

I don't get the need for the OPs idea of storing the best time for every car on every track for every user. We're talking about Leaderboards, which, as MowTin says, only need to store the best 100 times or so. If this is done for each base car, that's a mere 7.1 million records. Of course the many possible permutations of tuning for each car almost renders a per car storage meaningless. Anyway a few TB of database storage is nothing these days.

What I really miss is local storage for the best times on each track.

The number of users would have nothing to do with how feasible or cost effective it would be because for every user you have a paying customer. Take into account economy of scale and it's more practical to do it for a game of 5m+ users than a less popular game.

And even on none subscription based games, value added features make financial sense as they limit the number of 2nd hand sales of the game if they sustain the replay factor throughout the life of the release.

I suspect the reason we don't have it yet is the same reason it had launch day server problems and some people have had issues with patch download speeds in that the game is in it's honeymoon period where people have just bought it and are playing it obsessively so the servers at this point in time would be under a far higher usage than say a couple of months down the line when people are playing it on a far more causal basis. At which time the servers won't be subjected to a barrage of every user using them every day for long periods.