Those summer nights have ended!PS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
Has anyone mastered T6 yet (The long, sweeping, downhill left hander)?
That is indeed a tricky one and being a blind corner doesn't help either. It's great "fun" in the rain! I predict a few off track moments around there.

I did think of using the short version of the track that avoids that section but it does add a bit more interest to the lap. Same goes for using the chicane towards the end of the lap - I think there'll be a bit of 2 wheel action over those kerbs!
Nice video Rich. Good racing last night, missed R1 due to having a non responsive wheel, had to reboot at the start of Qually (or use the controller), thought it might let me rejoin qually, and get one flying lap in, but no. Still fun to watch the action. Might wear night vision goggles for the next race, some corners i forgot where i was.
We Are Ready Lets Go GIF by Call of Duty
Did a short test run - it’s absolutely nightmaire. 40 min and 0 clean laps.
@IfAndOr what about track limits? There are many corners you can go through and get advantage over those who stood on track.
Long day at work so I'm a bit tired for racing today. Haven't tried COTA yet...I recall trying it once before in a random lobby, realised there were far too many corners to learn in time for race start, and decided to leave it for another day! Will give it a go this weekend at some point.
it’s absolutely nightmaire
Ah COTA, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :D
It's not one of my favourites but I thought the twisty nature of the national layout would suit these cars.
what about track limits
Indeed they can be abused when the limits are off.

I'd like everyone to TRY and stick to the track as much as possible. However due to the nature of the cars and track I'll understand if you do go out of limits on occasions. But DON'T cut the corners to overtake others, give the spot back.

A possible idea for the next series. Worth watching.
do you actually get a ghost car to chase? ive never managed it
Its quite easy to Simon, look for friends ghost. But with PC2 only lets you use 30, ghosts that are registered.

Track History Circuit Of A Americas.

A possible idea for the next series. Worth watching.

Is this a cryptic clue, or are you just messing with us? That does look like great fun :D

While the Ford is usually my favourite, it's tendency to understeer has finally irritated me on COTA. It's still the quickest but the Audi & Maxi were more enjoyable to drive round. One of those tracks where you have to slow things right down until you get the hang of it.
I particularly like this one John. Classy.
Project CARS 2_20210824101707.jpg

Driving into the sunset. No wait they're going the wrong direction.

had some great races
I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Given the cars and track combination (plus a full room 👍) I was expecting more "incidents". While there were of course a few it didn't seem too bad from my perspective. Others might have a different story to tell. ;)

I actually quite enjoyed CotA for a change. I wouldn't fancy bigger faster cars around the national layout though.
I was expecting more "incidents". While there were of course a few it didn't seem too bad from my perspective. Others might have a different story to tell. ;)
It was as messy as usual from what I saw :lol: recall Max being sent into a triple barrel roll at one point.
I actually quite enjoyed CotA for a change. I wouldn't fancy bigger faster cars around the national layout though.
It might be fun in muscle cars actually, in a challenging sort of way - managing their excess weight and power through all those technical sections. Plus it's Texas.

I don't think I'd mind the track so much if it wasn't for the sawtooth kerbs... They were deadly and difficult to avoid, such as in the esses section.
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It was as messy as usual from what I saw
My rose tinted glasses are working a treat.
recall Max being sent into a triple barrel roll at one point.
I did spot that. I thought Max was just showing off his acrobatic skills though. Perhaps I was wrong.

The kerbs, yes they were tricky. Sacrilege I know, but I just put the TC on high and it worked wonders.

It might be fun in muscle cars actually,
Masochist. ;)

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