Flowerbed - best go around it. You don't want the perennials obscuring your vision all through the race.
Concrete barriers - best avoid them too!
It has been a bit quiet on here, I'm usually more active but I've been fiddling with "The next one".
And what about option 2, do you just prefer odd numbers?
I am a little odd but there was no option 2. Option 1 features One class of car whereas option 3 was a multi-class event (3 cars). I'm going for option 1 since it's easier to set up and run. And also my esteemed score keeper (
@half_sourly) is on holiday and I didn't want to trouble him until he's back this week.
Option 3 might be the following series.
So it's probably option 1, which is back to being a bit more serious but actually has a little bit of the handicapping from this series mixed in! Details are still being worked on so watch this space.
But in this sentence I shall Generously Tell One clue as to which cars that series might be based on.
There's also a chance of some Wagnerian sounds for
@Zolon32, which he'll like.
And speaking of Zo, he has an idea for another series that he might run himself. I'm sure he'll explain at some point. He might have to finish the deconstruction/reconstruction of his house first though!