Thoughts on the license Tests?

  • Thread starter durb98
What’s everyone’s opinions on the licenses test!? I’ve finally managed to finish them all with Gold. I’ve found majority of them simple, fun and challenging! As I got towards the end of International A and all of Super then that’s when it became a real challenge but very rewarding! S-10 is just another level of concentration, slightest mishap and it’s basically a fail! Overall I’ve enjoyed it! Share your experiences and thoughts below as you wish, keen to see everyone’s experiences so far
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Got gold on the first two licences and one silver in the second licence, then bronze on all up to the S-Class tried the first one on S-Class thinking Bronze is a pass. The Lambo one which twitches like it has a puncture and brakes like bambi on ice.
No, sadly couldn't get within 6 seconds of Bronze,
Reached my ability limit so ignoring the S-Class as I can't do it and won't ever need it anyway.

My opinion is they are far to hard when getting past the first two licences. They can be done as you and others have done it but not by me and my ability, it would be cool if the beginner level reflected on the licence tests for those who choose beginner at the start.
I’ve played GT from 3 to present. The licence tests in GT7 are in my opinion realy hard to gold as they go up a tier.
In all previous GT’s I’ve managed to get gold times in all tests sometimes only after a bit of perseverance. I don’t think I will get gold in all this time around not sure my nerves can take it. This time around I’ve satisfied my self with getting bronze from the b tests up.
If I was a new player trying GT7 as my first play of the series it would realy put me off the game very quickly.

In GT sport after every update the times for licences and circuit experiences ect would be reset, will the same happen again this time I hope not. As for making a change to the target times think it could do with a bit of tweaking, not saying I deserve to get gold but going by previous games it needs looking at.
I have very mixed feelings about the licence tests... Many of them I golded on my first try, but there are probably just as many that made me rage.

I think the times are set too easy. If a halfway decent player like me (mid A DR in Sport) can achieve gold by more than a whole second in just one sector consisting of a handful of corners, that's BS. A second difference over a 2 minute lap is enough to split drivers into two skill groups.

I think the difficulty I've had in the tests are down to the slidey, zero warning, instant death RWD physics of the game. S-10 in particular, you just don't know where water collects, which areas of the track to avoid, until you've aquaplaned and spun. So far that's the only test I've yet to Gold, nor do I think I ever will without a physics patch. I have NO IDEA how to keep the car from spinning on the mild left hander leading into Blanchimont. I could limp in there with near zero throttle and steering and I'd instant die.

Thing is, from the fierce arguments in the physics thread, many people are defending this, saying its good or even realistic. I have no idea if it is. Point being that the time targets for licence tests are woeful, but the tests can be hard for the wrong reasons. You basically need to have friends playing whom you know can set attainable goals to push for better times.
I have all gold license as well! They were great and challenging way better than GTS easy obtainable license and I’m talking about the all gold one! S-10 was just a different animal.. took me two hours plus to gold!


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Got all gold on B & A, then mostly bronze and silver from there onward (the occasional gold thrown in).
I’ll go back over time and turn them all gold, one of my favourite parts of a GT main series game.
I’ve only completed National A and B. I like them so far and achieving gold feels harder than in GT Sport, which is nice.

My only complaint is those GT players with red shirts giving instructions. They talk like I’ve never played GT before despite the fact many of us are loyally celebrating the 25th anniversary. Yikes. :indiff:
My only criticism was on the S-10 test I had to turn on the racing line as there were a couple of bits where I couldn't see the dry line and it didn't make sense. For example, on the straight after eau rouge I still have no idea why the dry line makes a curve down the straight.

Not golded all of them, but have all silver and enjoyed the challenge.
I've only completed A and B licenses, all Gold.

The "progression" is full of erratic dips in difficulty seemingly making no sense. Some of the driving advice also goes against the Demo footage. A character will tell you to feed a little bit of throttle on the apex to make a turn, then you watch the demo and see them just coasting the apex and feathering the throttle late on the exit with the TC light blinking.

So far, normal Polyphany magic.
I've done all gold up to the S licence which I'll start on tonight. I can't bring myself to move on from a test until I have gold so I'm guessing S will take me a while longer than the others
Some of these are just stupid hard. Others are impossibly simple. Again, GT makes no sense.
Some folk have golded all of them so they may be very difficult I suppose it is all your skill level and patience to keep going.
I can't do gold on a lot I know I can't I am not good enough. Hence I wanted the difficulty slider just a pity it doesn't change the licences it just changes the AI in races so I read up anyway. I may be wrong.
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I am stuck at the Supra for National B final test. 1 tenth off Gold but can't get out of the last corner quick enough.

And rallying just should not be in the tests, like really just go away rallying.
I couldn’t agree more with that one! I struggled with that specific one too, I found by turning demo ghost on helped with tests that I struggled with.
As a duelshock controller driver they are something I suffered through because progression required it. . I golded some and barely scraped a bronze in others. I don't care to go back anytime soon to improve anything. A pass is a pass and I have my S licence
Some folk have golded all of them so they may be very difficult I suppose it is all your skill level and patience to keep going.
I can't do gold on a lot I know I can't I am not good enough. Hence I wanted the difficulty slider just a pity it doesn't change the licences it just changes the AI in races so I read up anyway. I may be wrong.
I consider myself a veteran driver, and it took me 150+ tries to do A9 hairpin. I finally figured out that I have to use the e-brake and turn the TC down.
Aren't most of the license tests just taken from the GT Sport tests? Because I'm going through the A class and a lot of them feel oddly familiar.
I consider myself a veteran driver, and it took me 150+ tries to do A9 hairpin. I finally figured out that I have to use the e-brake and turn the TC down.
I have to be honest I dab the handbrake a lot on GT when the car is trying to push wide, I know I dabbed handbrake on that National A-9 just before the hairpin to get the car facing a fraction to the left then accelerate to the line and got Gold. I have silver on National A-10 the Supra Final Exam.
Normally after about 10 goes I would just accept bronze but I thought well if others can do it why not me?
So I have been patient and the gold time is 29.000 and I have achieved 29.387 which is good very good for me I haven't a clue how I am going to better that I have fiddled with all the settings and apart from turning TC off there isn't much difference at all, TC off makes the car so unbalanced it feels like a peugeot with 13 inch wheels on the drivers side side and 19 inch on the passenger lol.

I have done about 1 and a half hours on this A-10 which for me is a miracle I am normally bored after 10 mins in the same test.

I will have another 30 mins see how I get on and if silver is the best I can do then ok at least I tried.
I have to be honest I dab the handbrake a lot on GT when the car is trying to push wide, I know I dabbed handbrake on that National A-9 just before the hairpin to get the car facing a fraction to the left then accelerate to the line and got Gold. I have silver on National A-10 the Supra Final Exam.
Normally after about 10 goes I would just accept bronze but I thought well if others can do it why not me?
So I have been patient and the gold time is 29.000 and I have achieved 29.387 which is good very good for me I haven't a clue how I am going to better that I have fiddled with all the settings and apart from turning TC off there isn't much difference at all, TC off makes the car so unbalanced it feels like a peugeot with 13 inch wheels on the drivers side side and 19 inch on the passenger lol.

I have done about 1 and a half hours on this A-10 which for me is a miracle I am normally bored after 10 mins in the same test.

I will have another 30 mins see how I get on and if silver is the best I can do then ok at least I tried.
I have tc off unless it's a more powerful car, which is time for tc 1. Some of these gold times require such a perfect run the only way to get them is practice and perseverance.
A lot harder than Sport. I got all golds on that without too much trouble. I'll go back and try and convert the silver and bronze into gold at some point, I cant see myself ever golding S-10 though. I had over 100kms on the odometer before I managed to complete a lap and scrape in for bronze.
I have tc off unless it's a more powerful car, which is time for tc 1. Some of these gold times require such a perfect run the only way to get them is practice and perseverance.
If I turn TC off I can forget finishing the test I will slide everywhere and if I do manage to cross the line it is usually about 33-35 seconds on A-10 or longer after I have left some nice donut lines on the track lol. I have it on 4 at the minute ABS Default ASM Off Countersteering Assistance Off. I am doing usually 29.5s
Patience is a virtue they say.
If I turn TC off I can forget finishing the test I will slide everywhere and if I do manage to cross the line it is usually about 33-35 seconds on A-10 or longer after I have left some nice donut lines on the track lol. I have it on 4 at the minute ABS Default ASM Off Countersteering Assistance Off. I am doing usually 29.5s
Patience is a virtue they say.
It might just be me but the less tc the better for speed I feel. But of course depends on the car, I have learned a new respect for steady throttle control doing some of these tests!
It might just be me but the less tc the better for speed I feel. But of course depends on the car, I have learned a new respect for steady throttle control doing some of these tests!
I just turned it down to 1 and no joy so I upped it to 2 and went for it, was holding my breath as I crossed the line as the sprint felt good 29.104 oohhhhh so close lol Silver rocks lol.
Anyway that will do me for today I am tired so going call it a night. Thanks for the advice.
I am retired so I may give it another go tomorrow I have all the time in the world.

Good luck with the game I hope you master it well.