Three million...

  • Thread starter Famine
That'll only happen if we go back in time 2 months or Jordan deletes an entire forum.
there goes my guess.., oh well..,

anyways, just for kicks, I'm guessing we'll reach 3M before the year ends.., :)

@ Mafs - :lol:
I'm going to miss out for sure now. I'm probably about 3 days off at the rate of posts. :yuck:

So, in saying that (and for the people who've already had guessfails) let's do a side bet of absolutely nothing aswell. Who will be the member who actually records the 3,000,000th post?? ;)
Damn, I failed? I was thinking I said 12/22 for some reason... Guess not!
Less than 5000 posts to go?? Awesome, we keep getting closer. 👍

Screenshot needs to be made of exactly 3 million posts showing who's on aswell. :cool:
Wheee! This is going to be awesome. It' s not often you get to see the one millionth post on a board... and even less often do you see the three millionth. :D
Looks like the 27thish. Depends on the activity on Christmas day and how many people make drunk posts.

3,000,000 is one hell of an achievement 👍
:I have a feeling that I'm going to get a guessfail. Anything 2 or so days after Christmas is going to be right. There is no way that 4000 posts are going to be made in time.... UNLESS I MAKE THEM!:crazy:
Well... there's just under 3,500 to go right now and the average posts per day since July has been 1,070 - and during December it has been 1,072.

I'd be pitching for somewhere in the early afternoon of Christmas Day - though I imagine it'll be a slow day and we might push on to the early hours of Boxing Day.
I'm done like a dinner, about 2000 posts off. And that's with 8hrs left to go. :ill::ill:

T minus spam in 3...2...1....just kidding. :P
This looks as though it is going 1000 posts a day, that makes it Christmas for me over here that we will hit 3 000 000 posts.
It's going to be Keef. For it to be daan, there needs to be more than 700 posts in the next 4 hoursish. For it to be Klos there needs to be no more than 700 posts in the next 17 hoursish.