Thrustmaster TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod

  • Thread starter super_gt
Soooo, I connected the Th8a in sequential mode directly to ps4. I can use it as a handbrake in DR, while still using the flappies to shift gears.

But.... PC2 does not recognize the th8a connected directly to the ps4, while pc2 does recognise keyboards connected directly to the ps4.

What a joy. I hope devs take a more include all, detect all approach in the future. Untill then, I will hone may scandinavian flick skills.
Only Dirt games are very "liberal" about input devices. In PC2, even if you plug shifter directly to console (and you have TH wheel) it will still map as R1/L1, so the same as paddles. There are threads on PC2 forums about this, but the developers don't care, even though their ignorance essentially makes Rallycross pretty useless (since you cannot use TH8A as handbrake without sacrafising shifting with paddles.
Only Dirt games are very "liberal" about input devices. In PC2, even if you plug shifter directly to console (and you have TH wheel) it will still map as R1/L1, so the same as paddles. There are threads on PC2 forums about this, but the developers don't care, even though their ignorance essentially makes Rallycross pretty useless (since you cannot use TH8A as handbrake without sacrafising shifting with paddles.

For rx in pc2 I created my DIY handbrake with keypad. But the irony is that is not recognised in DR.

oh yes and I saw the thread on the pc2 forum :(
I have everything on that list, I’ll give it a whirl over the weekend and let you know...
^ I know all to well. I love PC2 for supporting it. But I would like to know if the combination PS4, G25, th8a , drivehub , and dirt rally supports the TSS handbrake.

Note I do have the drivehub already. And I do consider the TSS, but only if it works.
I tried this as promised. As the G25 is presented to the console as a G29, analog handbrake was ignored by the game. I went to the input settings and tried to set the handbrake, it ignored the TSS and timed out back to circle. I ran out of time to test with other wheel bases.

As for a second th8a (or TSS ), there is only 1 driver in DriveHub for any one device, so if you plugged in a second one it would be ignored.
I tried this as promised. As the G25 is presented to the console as a G29, analog handbrake was ignored by the game. I went to the input settings and tried to set the handbrake, it ignored the TSS and timed out back to circle. I ran out of time to test with other wheel bases.

As for a second th8a (or TSS ), there is only 1 driver in DriveHub for any one device, so if you plugged in a second one it would be ignored.
Thanks @Podger

even if it would work with DR, PC2 would not like it. I'll stick with my homebrew handbrake for pc2 and occasionally tap the L2 button in DR. :cheers:
Thanks @Podger

even if it would work with DR, PC2 would not like it. I'll stick with my homebrew handbrake for pc2 and occasionally tap the L2 button in DR. :cheers:
I personally use R1 as handbrake in DR, and TH8A as shifter. But I have T500 where paddles are static, however, even if they rotate still better than L2 I guess.

For rx in pc2 I created my DIY handbrake with keypad. But the irony is that is not recognised in DR.

oh yes and I saw the thread on the pc2 forum :(
Yeah because PC2 supports keyboards and DR does not.

As for a second th8a (or TSS ), there is only 1 driver in DriveHub for any one device, so if you plugged in a second one it would be ignored.
Any plans to expand on that? Thrustmaster now supports up to 4 devices to be plugged in the DIN port, so technically you could use 4 TH8A or TSS at the same time.
Any plans to expand on that? Thrustmaster now supports up to 4 devices to be plugged in the DIN port, so technically you could use 4 TH8A or TSS at the same time.

I was going to buy one of those hubs to have a look, but its seems they don't sell the din-din cable which makes it useless for me as my TSS didn't ship with one. I can only connect 1 device at a time as I only have one cable.. I've made a number of complaints to TM support, they haven't taken the hint...
Yes it would be possible to add the option to have a the same device twice, its just never come up before... for example the fanatec CUSB that allow pedals, shifter and handbrake to be added has 3 different f/w's and so looks like 3 different devices.
I was going to buy one of those hubs to have a look, but its seems they don't sell the din-din cable which makes it useless for me as my TSS didn't ship with one. I can only connect 1 device at a time as I only have one cable.. I've made a number of complaints to TM support, they haven't taken the hint...
Yes it would be possible to add the option to have a the same device twice, its just never come up before... for example the fanatec CUSB that allow pedals, shifter and handbrake to be added has 3 different f/w's and so looks like 3 different devices.

I am also waiting to purchase both Din cable and the hub.

You can use the TH8A one with the TSS if you want to test. TM has mailed me a few weeks ago they would be selling the Din cable seperately in the near future. Also they sent me the horizantal mod (mine didnt come with it) for free.
With some information from Podger, I found out that the following keyboard mapping exists for ps and xbox:


With this I am able to connect my keypad and the TH8a into the accessories port of the Drivehub. I tested it last night and it works. This means I have solution for Dirt Rally. It will us the x button (space on keypad) for the handbrake. PC2 accepts X also as the handbrake.

I am aware that it is a digital handbrake, but still better than none.
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Really hoping for some Black Friday deals on some of this stuff, though I’m not holding my breath. Otherwise all I know is this mod is an expensive endeavor. $279 for the brake, $50 for the simhub which I’ll need, and if I want to mount it properly with a TH8A, another $100 for the stand. Way more than just a single T300. Ouch!
Really hoping for some Black Friday deals on some of this stuff, though I’m not holding my breath. Otherwise all I know is this mod is an expensive endeavor. $279 for the brake, $50 for the simhub which I’ll need, and if I want to mount it properly with a TH8A, another $100 for the stand. Way more than just a single T300. Ouch!

You can maybe skimp on the simhub. Which platform will you be using it? You can just plug it in an USB port.
You can maybe skimp on the simhub. Which platform will you be using it? You can just plug it in an USB port.

PS4. I’ve read about plugging the TH8A directly into the console, but doesn’t that limit its functionality? Can’t recall the details.
I am using with dirt rally pc2 and fm7 as handbrake or shifter. ı have a pc version and th8a shifter. So the console version mean of only include the th8a din/din cable.
which software version of drive hub do you use to play with tss (handbrake mode) on dirt rally?
where is connect your tss, on drive hub or directly on the wheel?
for me no problem for other games, but it doesn't work with dirt rally...
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Okay I need a handbrake solution for Rallycross in PC2.

I have my th8rs h-shifter plugged into my t300rs wheelbase and i'd like to buy a second th8rs to use as a handbrake.

Will PC2 recognize the secondary th8rs plugged directly into the console and allow it to be mapped as either a sequential or handbrake?

Will PC2 recognize a Sparco TSS plugged directly into the console and allow it to be mapped as either a sequential of handbrake?
Okay I need a handbrake solution for Rallycross in PC2.

I have my th8rs h-shifter plugged into my t300rs wheelbase and i'd like to buy a second th8rs to use as a handbrake.

Will PC2 recognize the secondary th8rs plugged directly into the console and allow it to be mapped as either a sequential or handbrake?

Will PC2 recognize a Sparco TSS plugged directly into the console and allow it to be mapped as either a sequential of handbrake?

Only for PS4

You cant map TH8 as handbrake in sequebntial mode because your paddle shifters will be mapped to the sequential. You can use it in H-mode and use rubberbands and map 1st or 3rd gear as a handbrake.

The sparco TSS+ both. Depending on which mode you switch it in.
Only for PS4

The sparco TSS+ both. Depending on which mode you switch it in.

Thanks for the quick reply!

So just to clarify I can buy the PC version of the Sparco TSS, plug it directly into the console and have PC2 recognize it as either a sequential or handbrake depending on which mode I have the TSS in?
Thanks for the quick reply!

So just to clarify I can buy the PC version of the Sparco TSS, plug it directly into the console and have PC2 recognize it as either a sequential or handbrake depending on which mode I have the TSS in?

Yes. But why not buy the console version? I belive it comes with both USB and DIN.
Yes. But why not buy the console version? I believe it comes with both USB and DIN.

I can't find the console version available FS anywhere in the US. I already have a TM din-to-usb cable that I can use since I currently have my TH8RS plugged directly into the wheelbase.
I gave up complaining to TM customer support about the din cables and made my own.

The GX16-9 had to come from Hong Kong, but only took 10 days in the end, which was surprisingly fast for HK Mail.... I chose these coz the male also has a cable end enclosure, anything else I found was just a panel mount and would leave the wiring exposed.

I got the PS2 to PS2 cables from Farnell and cut them in half. I chose these ones as they have all 6 conductors wired through, plenty of others don't do that and if you lop a PS2 cable off a old keyboard or something they may not have all 6 wires. I learned this the hard way when making up cables for my Fanatec CSR stuff.

GX16-9 male......PS2 male

others are n/c

GX16-9 male......USB A plug
1 shorted to 2 of GX16-9, I guess to indicate USB to the shifter
7..........................4 (Vusb)
4..........................3 (D- )
3..........................2 (D+)
8..........................1 (Gnd)
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I was thinking, wouldn't USB to PS2 adapter work just as fine? You know those adapters that you got when you bought USB computer mouse a few years ago.

So you would normally use TSS USB cable and at the end use the adapter to plug it to PS2 port.
The main reason I was making the Din cable was coz I got tired waiting for them to show up for sale on TM site.... I wanted to buy a Sim Hub but without cables would be useless....I bought one on Black Friday as its was 15% off..

Finally tried is yesterday with 2 th8a's and a Tss (pc ver, no din) ... It didn't work great at first on my t-gt, I was looking at the output of the t-GT in PS4 format using my USB analyser.

The 2 th8a's were ok together one in +/- and other in H, when I added the tss in handbrake mode the +/- th8a stopped working and was stuck in +.....

Long story short, updated the th8a's to v27 f/w from v26 and it was all good....
Sim Hub worked a treat, I didn't test it in any particular game yet, but all the inputs are output in the right place...
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On PS4/Dirt Rally I'm only able to use my TSS as a handbrake with it plugged directly into the T300RS servo, in sequential mode and mapped as R1. I have to sacrifice my paddle shifters. WTF??

I don't have that issue with PC2. For example, I can still use my paddle shifters as intended and the TSS mapped as a handbrake in actual handbrake mode.
On PS4/Dirt Rally I'm only able to use my TSS as a handbrake with it plugged directly into the T300RS servo, in sequential mode and mapped as R1. I have to sacrifice my paddle shifters. WTF??

I don't have that issue with PC2. For example, I can still use my paddle shifters as intended and the TSS mapped as a handbrake in actual handbrake mode.
Games settings: TSS HANDBRAKE Sparco Mod + PlayStation®4 Games list

On PlayStation®4, with the Thrustmaster T-GT and the Thrustmaster T300 racing wheels (TSS Handbrake connected to the wheel’s DIN connector), the TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod + is compatible with the following games:

• Dakar 18 – PS4 (*)
• DIRT® 4 – PS4 (**)
• DIRT® RALLY – PS4 (*)
• DiRT RALLY 2.0™ - PS4 (**)
• DRIVE CLUB – PS4 (*)
• F1 2015 – PS4 (*)
• F1 2016 – PS4 (*)
• F1 2017 – PS4 (*)
• F1 2018 – PS4 (*)
• GRAVEL – PS4 (**)
• NASCAR HEAT 2 – PS4 (*)
• NASCAR HEAT 3 – PS4 (*)
• PROJECT CARS 2 – PS4 (**)
• THE CREW – PS4 (**)
• THE CREW 2 – PS4 (**)
• V-RALLY 4 – PS4 (***)
• WRC 7 – PS4 (***)
• WRC 6 – PS4 (***)
• WRC 5 – PS4 (***)
• Many other games coming very soon

(*) Compatible only in “SEQUENTIAL [+/-]” mode
(**) Compatible in “SEQUENTIAL [+/-]” and in “HANDBRAKE [Progressive]” mode
(***) Compatible in “SEQUENTIAL [+/-]” and in “HANDBRAKE [Digital]” mode = the Handbrake is not progressive on this game