Here you go mate, it's on my profile or search 'JB Racing' I had to change a couple of decals. Some of the lines are slightly out (I'm blaming the editor!). Still, I'm pretty happy with it, hope you enjoy

(out of interest, it appears that this actual car switched in 1998 to the black Playstation livery I created the other day under the Labre Competition team in France!)
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View attachment 1429039
My typical routine is to do a few reconnaissance laps without ghosts or watching any videos. Then I'll typically use
@Tidgney ghost (mainly because my driving style is similar albeit slower) and my own PB ghost until I get consistently quick enough to be in and amongst or ahead of my own ghost, then I'll switch the PB Ghost off and just use Tidgneys. If I find I'm getting consistently caught up in his ghost (rare

) I'll toggle it on/off with the DS5 touchpad. I don't use the offset ghost option as I find it distracting.