Today was Nissan track day at Autopolis short. I put 3 GT-Rs to the test.
First, was the 24 Premium Edition. I had a horrible time with it few months back in an online time trial challenge at Nurburgring Sprint. Then I bought a height adjustable suspension, set the natural springs stiffer and that with a set of sport medium tyres changed the car enough to become a very good ride ever since. Also installed what I call the "sport kit". Brakes and pads, filter, muffler and a chip computer, besides aero parts from GT auto.
Lap time tuned 638pp (1:14:526)
Second car of the day was the 17 vanilla version. In its stock settings with the same sport medium tyres the car was already good, but not enough to beat the 24's lap time.
Then I installed the same sport kit and aero parts with the same adjustable suspension and I manage to beat the lap time of the 24. Driving experience wise, I'd still pick the 24 though.
Lap time stock 607pp (1:15:061)
Lap time tuned 637pp (1:13:899)
And finally the cherry on top. The 17 Nismo version. Fully stock with sport medium tyres. This car.... Is rough, it just eats corners like no tomorrow, it sounds great and it drives great. I just can't imagine the grip I can get when I install the rear difuser and adjust the suspension. Definitely the best car of the 3, even in its stock setting it was the faster of the day.
Lap time stock 629pp (1:13:826)
The 24 feels more nimble and a little bit more oversteery (which I like in my cars) but the Nismo has the best driving/playing experience of the batch. For me at least.