Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
It doesn't really matter to me if you want to switch up the leaderboard. Whatever the majority feels is good with me. For what it's worth, I haven't run an online race since GT Sport. Thus explaining my B rating. And I was born in '87 making me 36 until my birthday later this fall, though I feel about 56. :lol:

As for the topic of track limits, Le Mans drives me nuts. I almost wish there was a wall on the outside of Tertre Rouge. At least I would know if my red time was the result of running too wide there (actually hitting a solid object) or accidentally cutting the turn too much.
Questions about community scoreboards

I've had a request to add age to the community scoreboards.
  • Do you want to see that and are you willing to provide your age?
  • With space at a premium, I'd like to drop DR/SR (it would make space for age, but whether people would like to see age or not; I'd still like to drop DR/SR). Are you okay with this?
Not all 140 'registered' people will respond, so I'll go with a majority view of those who do respond by say end of Sunday this week. If you feel strongly about a point, let me know.
Yeah I need all the excuses I can get LOL - 1972 51 yrs old 💀
Agreed that DR/ SR is actually kind of pointless since it changes and lots of people don't even do ranked races.
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So I looked at my RBR silver time this evening which was less than 3 tenths off gold and said "damnit, it's now or never!" and I started doing laps. It took probably 10 laps just to match my previous silver time. Then another few laps to chip a tenth off that. Then probably 45 minutes to chisel another tenth off. Finally, after probably another 45 minutes...


My first gold! :D
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So I loooked at my RBR silver time this evening which was less than 3 tenths off gold and said "damnit, it's now or never!" and I started doing laps. It took probably 10 laps just to match my previous silver time. Then another few laps to chip a tenth off that. Then probably 45 minutes to chisel another tenth off. Finally, after probably another 45 minutes...

View attachment 1336581

My first gold! :D
That was me at Bathurts. I sat down in rig and said to myself, I'm not getting up until I gold this thing.
So I loooked at my RBR silver time this evening which was less than 3 tenths off gold and said "damnit, it's now or never!" and I started doing laps. It took probably 10 laps just to match my previous silver time. Then another few laps to chip a tenth off that. Then probably 45 minutes to chisel another tenth off. Finally, after probably another 45 minutes...

My first gold! :D
Congrats! :cheers:

May your next Gold come quicker! That's a time trialists mindset there, so satisfying when you get it done.
Been pretty busy lately so I've been away from thread and the TTs. I had run one stint a couple of weeks ago in the Evo when the first TT came out and barely got over the gold line

Got back in tonight to shore up my time with the TT expiring tomorrow and fairly happy with the result. I think I'm pretty close to the limit. Could probably shave a few tenths off with some extra time, but I don't have it to give, so I'll have to be happy with this.

Looking forward to getting on to the LeMans TT in a couple of days.

TT_RBR_Lancer Evo.jpeg
Community Leaderboard? :confused: 😅

@half_sourly Thinking about stuff to add and our recent discussion, a VR indicator in the "Input" column would be kinda nice. Now that I write this, I think this has been brought up before, but don't remember what your thoughts on this were.

And another thing: I wonder if there is any way to clean up the board, i.e. remove players who no longer watch this space, without causing a huge maintenance effort for you. Maybe post a message in the results thread and have people who are still interested "Like" it? Of course I realise that not everyone wants to participate actively here in the same way we do, and that's totally fine, but I feel like, for the community aspect to be meaningful, the list should not grow unbounded, and some players might not be around here anymore at all. What are your thoughts on this?
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Questions about community scoreboards

I've had a request to add age to the community scoreboards.
  • Do you want to see that and are you willing to provide your age?
  • With space at a premium, I'd like to drop DR/SR (it would make space for age, but whether people would like to see age or not; I'd still like to drop DR/SR). Are you okay with this?
Not all 140 'registered' people will respond, so I'll go with a majority view of those who do respond by say end of Sunday this week. If you feel strongly about a point, let me know.
I agree with to eliminate DR/SR from the tables. And for age why not. I don't see what this can bring (except to see that young people are faster than old people 🤣🤣🤣). I am 50 years old (born December 11, 1973). As @crome said, I think you should limit the number of players in your statistics to 140. That's not bad because already out of the 140 I think most are no longer interested and/or no longer actively participate
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Honestly, my age is not a concern at all - I'm ONLY 58 :sly: - but I don't see the point to display it in the leaderboard.
DR/SR isn't really mandatory to me.
I agree with to eliminate DR/SR from the tables. And for age why not. I don't see what this can bring (except to see that young people are faster than old people 🤣🤣🤣). I am 50 years old (born December 11, 1973). As @crome said, I think you should limit the number of players in your statistics to 140. That's not bad because already out of the 140 I think most are no longer interested and/or no longer actively participate
December 11th is St Daniel's Day and also the birthday of my copilot in life :lol:
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Been pretty busy lately so I've been away from thread and the TTs. I had run one stint a couple of weeks ago in the Evo when the first TT came out and barely got over the gold line

Got back in tonight to shore up my time with the TT expiring tomorrow and fairly happy with the result. I think I'm pretty close to the limit. Could probably shave a few tenths off with some extra time, but I don't have it to give, so I'll have to be happy with this.

Looking forward to getting on to the LeMans TT in a couple of days.

View attachment 1336585
Great time, it's nice to see you back. Last time we talked was when the Bathhurst TT was taking place. I may have to face the fact that I don't have any extra time this week, I'll probably be earning bronze on the RBR time trial, 1'50.408. I was so close to silver, but since I got the gold medal at GV, I guess I can let this slide. I have to move on to Le Mans this weekend in the Veyron. So wish me the best of luck there. I know it's gonna be a hard one to earn gold on.
It gives me a little bit of breathing room, as @luckii95, @D-Mind and others are getting dangerously close :)
I think you're safe from me. I've got some time this evening but don't think I'll put any more laps down as it's really getting harder and therefore even more frustrating to improve. The margin of small errors/not opimal lines allowed in one lap gets ridiculously small.
I haven't touched the le mans TT yet, yesterday I decided to take the lancer on track (and off track as I invalidated tons of laps) to see If I can cut 1.2s of my silver time to even scratch the border of gold time, 90km later and a lot of trial and error racing with my ghost (and some advices read here earlier) I got time that with some luck will give me my 2nd gold.

I think you're safe from me. I've got some time this evening but don't think I'll put any more laps down as it's really getting harder and therefore even more frustrating to improve. The margin of small errors/not opimal lines allowed in one lap gets ridiculously small.
Yeah, that's one way to look at it. Another one is that there are still 4 seconds worth of errors in our laps ;)
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Well the positives are that I will get 250,000 credits for my effort at RBR, so I ain't worried about it, I did what I could do to the best of my ability. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be good as Jeddah, Metalgear and the rest of the aliens/pros. But I can't lose my sense of humor and integrity.

@PlanetJanet what was your time at Red Bull? I didn't look on the leaderboard.

There's just so many things you have to learn and get down pat in order to be a faster driver, like trail braking. That's an advanced technique and skill required for doing so. All I can do for now is have fun and learn while doing the TT's and of course continuing to study most people's replays.
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That was me at Bathurts. I sat down in rig and said to myself, I'm not getting up until I gold this thing.
Did the same at Grand Valley the other day, and I should do the same at RBR but I haven't been TTing since last thursday when I did 4 laps at Le Mans. Not really motivated by these TTs (especially Le Mans). Just repeating WTC800 events with my beloved RS5 at the moment, just enough to get DW and I am done.

For the age thing I don't mind but I fail to see how relevant it is. Too bad we can't see how many laps or the distance each player has put in the TT, it would be instructive (and maybe motivating).
Well I got so frustrated and stressed out at Bathhurst, I finally waved the white flag and gave up, after spending at least 25 hours running laps there and gaining no progress. I was still proud of myself though. My time was 2'05.029

My fingers were sore after pressing the buttons so much! I couldn't handle it anymore so I quit rock hard!
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@half_sourly Thinking about stuff to add and our recent discussion, a VR indicator in the "Input" column would be kinda nice. Now that I write this, I think this has been brought up before, but don't remember what your thoughts on this were.

And another thing: I wonder if there is any way to clean up the board, i.e. remove players who no longer watch this space, without causing a huge maintenance effort for you. Maybe post a message in the results thread and have people who are still interested "Like" it? Of course I realise that not everyone wants to participate actively here in the same way we do, and that's totally fine, but I feel like, for the community aspect to be meaningful, the list should not grow unbounded, and some players might not be around here anymore at all. What are your thoughts on this?
Hmm... eliminating some of our members will put me even closer to the end of the list. I myself appreciate very much to be included in the leaderboard although I don't improve anymore. LeMans will be left out by myself as I don't get into it and hope for something more appealing tomorrow.

I have no clou how much work the rising number of members causes but I think it is a positive sign. I love this forum and read all the 5 or more pages when I am two days off...

To keep a long story short: If the work for @half_sourly is still acceptable I vote for keeping all members in the family. (Anything beyond place 60 is only for humans of interest... 🤫)
Well the positives are that I will get 250,000 credits for my effort at RBR, so I ain't worried about it, I did what I could do to the best of my ability. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be good as Jeddah, Metalgear and the rest of the aliens/pros. But I can't lose my sense of humor and integrity.

@PlanetJanet what was your time at Red Bull? I didn't look on the leaderboard.

There's just so many things you have to learn and get down pat in order to be a faster driver, like trail braking. That's an advanced technique and skill required for doing so. All I can do for now is have fun and learn while doing the TT's and of course continuing to study most people's replays.
1.46.719. I need to add some more of you really, although currently the only person on my friends list who regularly beats me is @330_D so I'm scared to add anyone else. :D

And Chris: I truly admire your efforts but I do think it's time to give up the dream of ever being as good as Jeddah...
Thank you for all the input to the scoreboard questions so far. As an interim summary:
  • Most people are willing to provide age/ year of birth, but its usefulness is up for debate - I have an idea for this though.
  • DR/SR - no fans, so I will remove that.
  • @crome idea of removing players - it is no extra effort to maintain players on the boards, so I'd prefer to keep them on unless they asked to be removed (as a few have done). There is some effort in adding players, so I'd rather not have to add someone back in who had been removed. Those who are truly dormant (and there are a good few) simply don't feature on the results - I cut the no results part of each week's scoreboards. They do feature on the ongoing boards, but again, at no effort to me.
  • @crome idea of VR indicator - I've been thinking about using W for wheel and C for controller (and M for the madmen on motion steering!) instead of pictures. I might do that and then a small 'v' after the letter could indicate VR user for those who want to share that information.
  • Laps/ Miles per TT - not feasible as there is no way of tracking it. I mostly rent cars so start at zero miles every time. Most people probably do things other than TTs in GT7, so total miles from the web page won't help either.
  • @Nebuc72 idea of car placings - I like that and will implement it; it will be a column similar to the country rank one. Thanks for the suggestion.
1.46.719. I need to add some more of you really, although currently the only person on my friends list who regularly beats me is @330_D so I'm scared to add anyone else. :D

And Chris: I truly admire your efforts but I do think it's time to give up the dream of ever being as good as Jeddah...
I don't know if I have you on my list anymore but it would be with great pleasure if you want to add me
PSN : jejechris

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