Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
You have all jumped on me like on the worst enemy because of simply joke. Come on. Get a grip. Are you all such a frustrated?
In your first post you questioned whether the top time - posted by a GTPlanet member - was even possible:
Hi, can someone please explain where this world record is coming from? is it possible to do it using this car and this settings? I'm new to GT and I'm just questioning myself is it even possible on this track with this car cut another 0.3 ?
In your second and third posts you claimed you'd be taking the world record "tomorrow morning" and called @djolliea's time - of which you'd previously questioned the validity - "poor", and that you'd smash it:
Thank you for reply, ok now it make sense and gave me some motivation, at the moment I'm at 0.723 but I will win tonight. Check the World record tomorrow morning and you will see my name there ;).
not for long, i will smash his poor "world" record. Tonight !!
In your fifth post you called this thread's participants "kids", because your "joke" - which came across as calling out someone for cheating and then doubling down with unearned arrogance - didn't land.
I think I will get out of this chat as there must be only kids who do not understand that all about everything is muscle memory, more you do something quicker you get better, enjoy your day and look for my name around.
And in your sixth you doubled-down again on the unearned arrogance and tried to patronise people who are among the fastest in the world already with advice on how to be "better"...
Guys, please relax and practice more if you want to be better,
It's little wonder that people aren't treating you in the friendliest manner, don't you think? As I said, you don't appear to have read the room here at all.

Perhaps have a reboot of your attitude towards other people, then go set some Time Trial times and come back to participate in the thread properly; you'll see plenty of friendliness and mutual assistance with events and very little braggadocio - despite the fact that several members here are posting top 20, top 10, and top 1 (looking at you, @EbrahimX7) global times every week and have very much earned a position of superiority but don't exercise it.

There's two events available right now, not just the Chaparral one (FYI I'm rubbish and set a 35.6 on lap one), so it might be fun to see how you do with the Dino 246GT too.
I don't know about the others, but I pretented to be one. Force feedback left at 10 and sensitivity at 8 for my G Pro. I did end up with a 35.61s then proceed to ask my wife to put a bunch of salonpas patch on my right shoulder 🤕
If I remember right (I am 67 after all), I have been using muscle rub and topical pain medication since the Trial Mountain TT. I hope that you can give it up after Daytona. The morning scalding hot shower/pain rub stuff gets pretty old. The up side is that I am still getting up. :)
You didn’t mention anything about golds? The bronze in the final licence test is only after few attempts yesterday to check the track as i don’t watch all demonstrations. Circuit experience i start doing recently as i didn’t even know that i can make credits there. I think it is not so bad for the novice who play occasionally mainly on Fridays and Saturday’s Nights for less than 3 months (130 hours maybe together with my son some hours ) ? Beginning of January i bought PS5 for my 9 year old son and 3 weeks ago i have bought steering wheel 😁. Before this i had PS1 30 years ago and first Gran Turismo 1 and Tekken also 1 :) i haven’t played games since than until now. Yesterday i have checked the lap time challange for the firs time to try and i got 35,723. Played less than an hour. I will get this tonight as i don't have tome to play all the time.
You have all jumped on me like on the worst enemy because of simply joke. Come on. Get a grip. Are you all such a frustrated?
Your very first posts in this thread came across as extremely arrogant, hence the responses you received.

We are just a bunch of internet strangers that have been around here for a while and if you do stick around, you will notice that there is much banter and laughter around here every single day!

Welcome and I do hope you stick around... this place is GUARANTEED to make you faster and that joke of your P1 might just materialise :cheers:
You beat my time I'll donate a hundred to the charity of your choice. I beat your time you donate a hundred to the charity of my choice. You in?

You didn’t mention anything about golds? The bronze in the final licence test is only after few attempts yesterday to check the track as i don’t watch all demonstrations. Circuit experience i start doing recently as i didn’t even know that i can make credits there. I think it is not so bad for the novice who play occasionally mainly on Fridays and Saturday’s Nights for less than 3 months (130 hours maybe together with my son some hours ) ? Beginning of January i bought PS5 for my 9 year old son and 3 weeks ago i have bought steering wheel 😁. Before this i had PS1 30 years ago and first Gran Turismo 1 and Tekken also 1 :) i haven’t played games since than until now. Yesterday i have checked the lap time challange for the firs time to try and i got 35,723. Played less than an hour. I will get this tonight as i don't have tome to play all the time.
You have all jumped on me like on the worst enemy because of simply joke. Come on. Get a grip. Are you all such a frustrated?
Put your money where your mouth is. A hundred American dollars. I'm not antagonizing you with this, just a simple put up or shut up scenario. Get to it! I have plenty of time this weekend to smash laps and I'm strong enough to hold that wheel for hours. Let's go!

I sincerely hope you do it and make us ALL eat crow.
As a pad user I slightly improved to 35.765 by holding the door sorry the line.
I guess we all agree this goes deep into wheel turf and maybe Fanatec was pulling the strings behind this 🤓😂.
Anyway from the aspect of diversity not a complete failure and easy too gold for a pad user also.
As a Fantec user I can assure you (with my poor ability) that it's not easier....

I think to truly master this one is gonna mean breaking out the ultimate controller....

Sorry for this harsh welcome to TT thread, we are a big group of friends and really like it here. As you can see humor can be on high level but still, welcome and join our leaderboard and let's compete square and fair.

If you were part of this thread for some time you would be able to see same images like this one here under, just with different names :)

Take it as a joke, and welcome to compete with us all.

View attachment 1339378
Thank you for warm welcome :)
As a Fantec user I can assure you (with my poor ability) that it's not easier....
Agree. It really isn't easy on the wheel either. Even keeping the thing in a straight line seems to be an effort. I've got a decent time (35.604/ 128th and falling), but repeating it is not so easy. As djollie and Ebrahim have said, if you can keep it near the edge (easier said than done) and minimise input during cornering (even more difficult as you have to make mini-corrections due to changes in the radius), it makes a massive difference. Well massive in the context of the compressed timeframe.

Strangely addictive though.
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ok shush everyone now and wait for my next post tonight after doing some scoring :)
take care!!
@Barareklam sums it up quite good, and yes..... i do know that picture indeed :lol: :lol:

Welcome to the thread, breathingground of aliens, this site indeed will def. make you faster,
enough tips, tricks, replay analizes etc here and lots of very fast guys
to help get the most out of everything.

I wish you the best of luck to end up high on the leaderboard, have fun and stick around.
but be prepared for a struggle to be on top ;)

Good luck tonight 👍
Scraped back into gold again by knocking a couple of hundredths off! Followed @djolliea's ghost and am gobsmacked how he / she managed to keep the car on the line!
At the end of the second, big-banked, corner, if you manage to get your wheels in the sweet spot it seems that the game thinks you're coming down from a steep incline or something and you get that little extra boost. If I run above or below it I seem to exit the corner around 245mph but if I hit that sweet spot then I exit at around 248mph. You literally have to be perfect there.
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Since the end of last week I've got absolutely no motivation to even start the PS5 due to private problems.
Nevertheless I''ll put a lap down as it propably won't get any easier to get 2million credits. But definetely no further improvement on the sardegna challenge from my side. Let's see how i feel next week.
Sorry Dude, stay strong, it's hard sometimes but time makes things better 💪:cheers:
Folks need to stop with the whole idea that the aliens - or anyone even close to the top of the leaderboards - are "cheating" or using some exploit to do what they do. I keep hearing "oh this guy is just abusing the crappy transmission modelling in GT...just destroying the gears"...ok...so what? Go out and destroy your gears and beat that time then.

I somehow managed to set a time of 1.05.922 last week in the Dino - about a tenth off gold. Since then I've done 250, maybe even 300 laps and not only have I not managed to get into gold...I haven't even managed to get below 1.06 again! lol. The guys at the top of the boards are absolutely monstrously skilled at this stuff. I used to be in a Grand Prix Legends league back around 2000 and a couple of the guys in my group were aliens - we used that designator even way back then - and there was just no touching them. It was simply accepted that they were going to win every time lol.

[just an addendum regarding those guys in my GPL league...they were good guys! They didn't lord it over the rest of us they tried (usually in vain lol) to help us get faster. It was amazing watching what they could do...]
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Folks need to stop with the whole idea that the aliens - or anyone even close to the top of the leaderboards - are "cheating" or using some exploit to do what they do. I keep hearing "oh this guy is just abusing the crappy transmission modelling in GT...just destroying the gears"...ok...so what? Go out and destroy your gears and beat that time then.
I think a lot of that comes from newer and/or inexperienced players. Used to be, we could only see the times others posted and replays were not something so easily available.

If you played this game and only just cleared the Gold times on all the license tests and CE's you might think you were pretty good at GT. Then look and the leaderboards of top times and see they're entire seconds faster than you.

Then you come here, looking for insight because you're quite frustrated that you can't also be that fast.

But at least in here, you learn.
But at least in here, you learn.
This is it. Exposure and practice help a lot. This community mostly shows support for those who are trying to better themselves and it's a great feeling to contribute to it and benefit from it in return!

I was one of those that you described (to a T!). I skipped GT Sport so GT7 was my first go with it. I was offended when I was stuck in DR C and dropped once to DR D. Over the past two years, with this community and it's support and info sharing, I've carved my way up to a low-mid DR A rating. I started from da bottom, now I'm here!

Happy sob story, sure. But, I consider myself and many other GTP'ers evidence that you can be that fast reach your plateau if you keep practicing and asking for help rather than sitting in frustration.
Folks need to stop with the whole idea that the aliens - or anyone even close to the top of the leaderboards - are "cheating" or using some exploit to do what they do. I keep hearing "oh this guy is just abusing the crappy transmission modelling in GT...just destroying the gears"...ok...so what? Go out and destroy your gears and beat that time then.

I somehow managed to set a time of 1.05.922 last week in the Dino - about a tenth off gold. Since then I've done 250, maybe even 300 laps and not only have I not managed to get into gold...I haven't even managed to get below 1.06 again! lol. The guys at the top of the boards are absolutely monstrously skilled at this stuff. I used to be in a Grand Prix Legends league back around 2000 and a couple of the guys in my group were aliens - we used that designator even way back then - and there was just no touching them. It was simply accepted that they were going to win every time lol.
I also think that there are no tricks to being among the best, but there are still some driving details that you don't necessarily know as a beginner that make the difference! For example, you will never be in the top 100 if you don't know what trail braking is!
See all times are reflected on how well the player learns the track, studies the replays, figure out and abuse track limits and how well they know the car they are driving and the feel of it. And learning from all the popular YT users, Mistah_MCA, theKie25, Digitgaming, SuperGT, and Tidgney.

I would like to contribute to helping others learn to get in the silver-gold pack. Trail braking is an advanced technique used in Gran Turismo.
@EarlofMtAiry If you send me your profile page (like this) I can send you your full results to date. Also, let me know if you want to join the community scoreboards. I post final results here and interim results on the thread we are in.
Nice, yeah I'd definitely be down to be join the community scoreboards. I usually scrape by into the golds most the time but have only done 20 or so time trials. I'm sure some of you will be kicking my butt :-) I'll send you my profile page here in a few, thanks @half_sourly !!!
what prompts anyone to spend another 15 minutes clinging to this double yellow line?
Stubbornness. :lol:

I don't think anyone enjoys this time trial, not one bit. But they want to prove themselves time after time, kudos to most people here for always pushing for more. I don't have that in me, mostly because I don't enjoy a lot of the combos they push out.

But last time I really tried was Mount Panorama in Gr.3. Racing softs as well, it was a good time.
Only my 4th time trial in total, running 35.8 so got a gold, what prompts anyone to spend another 15 minutes clinging to this double yellow line?
Once you find one that really clicks for you and you are able to get to a certain place on the leaderboard it turns into a whole thing. Used to be I just wanted to be able to reliably find a gold... now I'm aiming much higher because I know I'm able. I'm competing against myself mostly, the other fast times are just a way to scale it. When you get to the last few tenths is when it gets the absolute most competitive. They are very very hard to find.
Only my 4th time trial in total, running 35.8 so got a gold, what prompts anyone to spend another 15 minutes clinging to this double yellow line?
It's called OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder)...lol...i was 39th last night, now i'm 54th,that annoys me,lol...did a few laps this morning and was ahead of WR ghost going down the back stretch,and ever so slightly pulling away,was still even thru the first half of the last corner and one slight movement cost me...my best ever finish in a TT is 673...to think i'm this close to number 1....i'm not done yet....and it probably doesn't hurt that i've driven,like a million miles around Daytona,going back to the "Nascar 4" days,pretty much every day for a good five years or so...:)