Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Questions about community scoreboards

I've had a request to add age to the community scoreboards.
  • Do you want to see that and are you willing to provide your age?
  • With space at a premium, I'd like to drop DR/SR (it would make space for age, but whether people would like to see age or not; I'd still like to drop DR/SR). Are you okay with this?
Not all 140 'registered' people will respond, so I'll go with a majority view of those who do respond by say end of Sunday this week. If you feel strongly about a point, let me know.
It's not helpful : personnally don't care about either info ^_^
Thank you for all the input to the scoreboard questions so far. As an interim summary:
  • Most people are willing to provide age/ year of birth, but its usefulness is up for debate - I have an idea for this though.
  • DR/SR - no fans, so I will remove that.
  • @crome idea of removing players - it is no extra effort to maintain players on the boards, so I'd prefer to keep them on unless they asked to be removed (as a few have done). There is some effort in adding players, so I'd rather not have to add someone back in who had been removed. Those who are truly dormant (and there are a good few) simply don't feature on the results - I cut the no results part of each week's scoreboards. They do feature on the ongoing boards, but again, at no effort to me.
  • @crome idea of VR indicator - I've been thinking about using W for wheel and C for controller (and M for the madmen on motion steering!) instead of pictures. I might do that and then a small 'v' after the letter could indicate VR user for those who want to share that information.
  • Laps/ Miles per TT - not feasible as there is no way of tracking it. I mostly rent cars so start at zero miles every time. Most people probably do things other than TTs in GT7, so total miles from the web page won't help either.
  • @Nebuc72 idea of car placings - I like that and will implement it; it will be a column similar to the country rank one. Thanks for the suggestion.
Started spinning around sun 1967, so far 56 laps :) Please add the age :) I see point of it.

Once again thank you very much for your amazing work you do!

It is great pleasure to see people here getting faster and faster, someone getting first gold @ZevZoq and someone leaving us into even deeper outer space @Evilmuffin that was just amazing! I see green arrow pointing up coming for you, new PB, high five on that!

Regarding removing people from leaderboard, I guess time will tell, lets say if someone has not been active here in any way for more than a year, maybe that person is not really interested anymore and maybe for others is better without that person.

One thing that crossed my mind is gender. I just guess we are 99% of us born with balls, but I wonder if there are more girls, maybe it would be interesting to have that doo? Any girls here ?
@half_sourly not sure if this may be of interest to anyone.

PS4 or PS5 - if people play on DS4 then there is no haptic feedback on the triggers compared to the Dualsense.

Two sides to this is:
  • DS4 has no feedback for throttle control, it's all in the mind and muscle memory
  • Dualsense having haptic feedback also causes more fatigue

Could be interesting to see if there is a pattern there too?

P.S. although I am one of the 2 madmen on motion steering I still think the icons for the input are an easier visual representation than changing to letters 😉
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Quick favour to ask of anyone who's got me on their friends list and is online at the moment - can you check if my RBR time still stands as gold? I'm limited on time at the moment and want to know if I need to put in a last minute push tonight to better my time and maintain gold. I had a 2.84% time last time I looked...
Quick favour to ask of anyone who's got me on their friends list and is online at the moment - can you check if my RBR time still stands as gold? I'm limited on time at the moment and want to know if I need to put in a last minute push tonight to better my time and maintain gold. I had a 2.84% time last time I looked...
Yes, you're two tenths inside gold, and the WR hasn't moved for a long time.
Yes, you're two tenths inside gold, and the WR hasn't moved for a long time.
Bill Murray Thank You GIF by filmeditor

Hoping that's enough to clinch another gold. :cheers:
@half_sourly not sure if this may be of interest to anyone.

PS4 or PS5 - if people play on DS4 then there is no haptic feedback on the triggers compared to the Dualsense.

Two sides to this is:
  • DS4 has no feedback for throttle control, it's all in the mind and muscle memory
  • Dualsense having haptic feedback also causes more fatigue

Could be interesting to see if there is a pattern there too?

P.S. although I am one of the 2 madmen on motion steering I still think the icons for the input are an easier visual representation than changing to letters 😉
I don't use the controller, so forgive what might be a daft question. Does having a PS4 automatically mean you have to be on DS4, and on PS5 Dualsense? If so, a PS4/PS5 column will do the trick.

If enough people using controllers want this distinction, I can implement it.

I will likely treat it in the same way as I intend to treat age/dob - not visible on the weekly results posts (just so that everything remains readable) but available in a file for those who want to open the column and use it.
Not sure about age, I don't mind the DR ranking myself as it tells you a little bit, but not essential.

It could be nice to display some emoji 'prizes' to indicate everyone's best position? Might give a little extra to push for? Plus it would indicate at a glance what people are capable of.

First = 👑
Top 10 = 👽
Top 100 = 🥇
Top 200 = 🥈
Top 300 = 🥉

(Could be more imaginative than that perhaps...)
Not sure about age, I don't mind the DR ranking myself as it tells you a little bit, but not essential.

It could be nice to display some emoji 'prizes' to indicate everyone's best position? Might give a little extra to push for? Plus it would indicate at a glance what people are capable of.

First = 👑
Top 10 = 👽
Top 100 = 🥇
Top 200 = 🥈
Top 300 = 🥉

(Could be more imaginative than that perhaps...)
My proposition.

Top 100 = 👽
Top 200 = 🥇
Top 400 = 🥈
Top 500 = 🥉
You still have time to come join the fun 🤪
What fun!? It ain't fun trying to be as good as I want to, meaning outsmarting the aliens. I'm hoping for my birthday or Christmas i'll get a ps5 and one of the fancy controllers, I'm sure it will be different from the ps4 ones.

Here's what I think the ranking stats should be for the medal placements.

Top 500- Bronze
Top 1000- Silver
Top 2000- Gold
I'd like that, but don't you think the gap between silver and bronze is a bit too small? What about

Top 100 = 👽
Top 200 = 🥇
Top 500 = 🥈
Top 1000 = 🥉
It would be nice for everyone to have something to aim for. I think about 25% of the leaderboard have been in the top 100. Perhaps Top 10 = 🛸 and if anyone ever hits P1 we could break out the 👑?

Anyway, just an idea for Mr Sourly's consideration.

BTW my age is
Questions about community scoreboards

I've had a request to add age to the community scoreboards.
  • Do you want to see that and are you willing to provide your age?
  • With space at a premium, I'd like to drop DR/SR (it would make space for age, but whether people would like to see age or not; I'd still like to drop DR/SR). Are you okay with this?
Not all 140 'registered' people will respond, so I'll go with a majority view of those who do respond by say end of Sunday this week. If you feel strongly about a point, let me know.
Whatever makes it easier for you is fine with me. You're the Captain of the ship.

Thanks for doing it.
I don't use the controller, so forgive what might be a daft question. Does having a PS4 automatically mean you have to be on DS4, and on PS5 Dualsense? If so, a PS4/PS5 column will do the trick.

If enough people using controllers want this distinction, I can implement it.

I will likely treat it in the same way as I intend to treat age/dob - not visible on the weekly results posts (just so that everything remains readable) but available in a file for those who want to open the column and use it.
As far as I am aware the controllers aren't cross gen compatible, unless someone else knows if they are?
Age? It's ok for purely informative function as (someone already pointed that out) it does not correlate with being fast or not.
My YoB is 1976. Playing on ps4.
DR/SR is not needed.

It's too bad the data feed from Gran Turismo page does not contain all the data anymore as in the years of GT6 - there were all the data about steering input, gas/brake input, AT/MT then - having that data would be cool, but collecting this individually from all would be too much.
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As far as I am aware the controllers aren't cross gen compatible, unless someone else knows if they are?
PS4 controllers can be used on a PS5, and with a bit of shenanigans (BT adapter etc) also vice versa (minus the good stuff like haptic feedback). But I think the number of people doing either is negligible, so just indicating the console should be enough I guess.
What fun!? It ain't fun trying to be as good as I want to, meaning outsmarting the aliens. I'm hoping for my birthday or Christmas i'll get a ps5 and one of the fancy controllers, I'm sure it will be different from the ps4 ones.

Here's what I think the ranking stats should be for the medal placements.

Top 500- Bronze
Top 1000- Silver
Top 2000- Gold
Hi Chris, for what it's worth, i switched from PS4 to PS5 last July, it's a bit different ofcourse playing with a Dualsens... but don't expect it to be more easy, it's different....
But like stated above it's also more fatique after some pushlaps because of the haptics my hands are done way sooner than on the DS4.

I think i got a little faster with it maby, but also grew on trailbraking and just overall, I think it's better than the DS4 but not a miracle thing to get faster :) :)
Hi Chris, for what it's worth, i switched from PS4 to PS5 last July, it's a bit different ofcourse playing with a Dualsens... but don't expect it to be more easy, it's different....
But like stated above it's also more fatique after some pushlaps because of the haptics my hands are done way sooner than on the DS4.

I think i got a little faster with it maby, but also grew on trailbraking and just overall, I think it's better than the DS4 but not a miracle thing to get faster :) :)
I think we all agree here there no such thing as hardware miracle. Better hardware will probably make it slightly easier to achieve BP, and in certain car/track combos hold a 10th or 2 advantage. However, it will never make you 2 or 3 seconds quicker just by switching controller/wheel.
I use the Dualsense but always felt like the triggers are way too strong. I use them on "weak" and the PS5 setting also on weak. So you still feel the power oversteer but it doesn't push your finger out just accelerating. A constant push made me inconsistent because dosing the brake and throttle was much harder.

That's why, for a minute, i didn't even know what you guy's meant by "getting more fatigued". ;-)
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