Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Time for a big whoop de doo!!!...after some serious effort i cracked the Gold barrier with the Red Bull X2019...finally figured out how to take the last three turns,😅,this one feels good !
sorry, slight pause in video at start,only a few seconds....

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This morning I drank coffee and with some belief, I went to RBR...


Though I wanted to quit lapping there, better I didn't, bcs it happened - I broke into under minute lap!

And that within only 15km - you can see it in video, after I finish lap.

If I didn't missed gear rpm, it would be 59.8xx, but I am happy!


Direct capture:

What do you think?

And leaderboard now looks better

This morning I drank coffee and with some belief, I went to RBR...

View attachment 1369748

Though I wanted to quit lapping there, better I didn't, bcs it happened - I broke into under minute lap!

And that within only 15km - you can see it in video, after I finish lap.

If I didn't missed gear rpm, it would be 59.8xx, but I am happy!

View attachment 1369750

Direct capture:

What do you think?

I think that is very impressive, you totaly deserve this score, and I'm really happy for you.
Bravo my friend :)

And leaderboard now looks better

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On that point....

Leonardo Dicaprio Kinda GIF
Done a last push this morning but not enough to improve. I should have continued playing everyday after the 27th but I wanted to do something else than the TT

Turn 1 is still hit or miss, as Eau-Rouge, as the last chicane, as Campus, Stavelot and so on, so many places to lose or gain time.

If only I was able to string a full lap with all my best turns 😅

65 laps in total including 5 in VR

Gonna try get gold on RBR now, and bronze at RA
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Every day a tiny bit. I'm gonna get me a 58.

Honestly can't believe how I keep finding time and that I'm placed where I am. Blows me away to be high on the first page.

The optimal says so. 😂😂

Here's the vid.

Epic lap mate!, that OPT is hunting you too :lol: :lol:
Well done! :bowdown:
Too many posts to catch up so I did any responsible adult would've done....I skipped them all 🙈

Anyways.....finally decided to put in a longish session tonight and came out pretty happy with the result.

Man, this track took a long @55 time to click for me. For the first hr I could barely brake into the 59.3s then something clicked and I was able to get into the .2s and .1s. Eventually got a decent lap hooked up 😂

Annoyingly, the first sector was just decent. After that I had been putting mid to low 25.5s for 1st sector but 2nd sector were all craps.

Then this happened 🙈

I licked the track limit at the exit of the last turn and invalidated the lap 😭

After that I just lost all my concentration and called it a day. This would've been my last attempt to the TT as I'm going away for a week on Friday.

Nice Muffin, another one ino the .00.... it's insane how many are on the top of the board,

I tried again this morning, fastest S1 was a 25.479 but licked the tracklimit to much in the forlast corner, kept running and invalidated my first 58 @ 913, lots of 1's and 0's... but time was running out, bummer...going to work sucks :lol::lol:

Maby if the new one is mwaahh i'll go back again, also depends on how much you guys are going to kick me down the board. :lol::lol:
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Every day a tiny bit. I'm gonna get me a 58.

Honestly can't believe how I keep finding time and that I'm placed where I am. Blows me away to be high on the first page.
Absolutely incredible mate! 🔥🔥🔥 I tried to follow your ascension into alien territory in two sessions yesterday and the day before, but could not improve yet. Time is working against me here, I dropped to P 83, and it's very unlikely I will remain in the top 100 unless I slice at least another tenth off my PB.

I'm gonna make another and final push on the weekend before I leave for a work trip on Monday. Wish me luck!
There are some tracks in GT7 that You could drive on & on. Willow is an average track for me when it comes to being an admirer of. Love the car here but am worried for the CM tyres here. That's the challenge I know so will be fun or disaster after I try out this TT in a few hours.

Waiting for @snc to post a video tutorial on how to gold this TT. Love his minor hints & guidance as a whole to make anyone confident in trying to ace a TT for which that video has been put up.
I've been pretty quiet here (and on GT7 in general) over the last few weeks - life has been a bit tumultuous and GT time has been on an as/when basis! With that in mind, I jumped on to log some laps at Spa last night, in a last ditch attempt to improve and get into gold.

Starting with a 2:20.9XX, my first mission was to nail La Source and Eau Rouge and set myself up for a proper lap. It took many attempts but I finally found the right line through both so I could get on the gas early and stay flat all the way up. After about four laps I'd managed to get down to 2:20.56X, less than a tenth from gold! Then my wife came home and started trying to have conversations while I was trying to concentrate! :banghead: :lol:

Anyway, eventually she got the picture and I was left to concentrate on the important task at hand: finding that last tenth to sneak under 3%...

It took me many attempts, many restarts, and multiple moments of "pause, breathe, go again", and then I finally pieced it together and dropped my time down to 2:20.1XX!! So happy with this, because a) Gold! b) I beat my rival/friend @Kevip6 by less than 1 tenth (which was actually part of my mission after obtaining gold) and c) I'm the fastest RCZ on my friends list of about 65 other drivers!


Happy days!!!

EDIT: Just saw @half_sourly results post and saw I managed to place 69th of just over 1000 RCZ's! Absolutely buzzing with that result!!
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Hi, I'm in our car typing on the smartphone, we are almost at SC! How are y'all doing? What is the new TT, I haven't read all the recent posts yet.

EDIT: Ugh, it's at Willow Springs!! In an old classic legend car.
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