Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
So apparently it's not just me, everyone is 1 sec faster on this TT (new physics?).
As you said maybe it's the new physics...
or you become a good driver compared to last year...
You last year :
And you now :
@Jeje6410 asked in the other thread about why the RBR in the rain TT was standard rather than special. It made me think about the original reason I split out TTs such as the Olympic and movie one, and really, there is no good reason. (Well, there was a mundane technical reason around starting to use formulas to automate things some time after the Olympic TT, and then not being able to use them for that and the Movie TT, for example, because "Olympic" and "Movie" aren't numbers)

So, I am going to combine all the non-regional TTs. This will take some work as I'll need to slot them into their appropriate places, renumber them, adjust the historical community scoreboards, etc. but in the long run it will simplify things for me.

If anyone has a strong objection to this, let me know.
@Jeje6410 asked in the other thread about why the RBR in the rain TT was standard rather than special. It made me think about the original reason I split out TTs such as the Olympic and movie one, and really, there is no good reason. (Well, there was a mundane technical reason around starting to use formulas to automate things some time after the Olympic TT, and then not being able to use them for that and the Movie TT, for example, because "Olympic" and "Movie" aren't numbers)

So, I am going to combine all the non-regional TTs. This will take some work as I'll need to slot them into their appropriate places, renumber them, adjust the historical community scoreboards, etc. but in the long run it will simplify things for me.

If anyone has a strong objection to this, let me know.
It's okay with me, take your time doing that and make sure there aren't any errors, thank you for your time and dedication here doing all that data-organizing. I know it's a full-time job plus keeping up with improving in each TT.
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@Jeje6410 asked in the other thread about why the RBR in the rain TT was standard rather than special. It made me think about the original reason I split out TTs such as the Olympic and movie one, and really, there is no good reason. (Well, there was a mundane technical reason around starting to use formulas to automate things some time after the Olympic TT, and then not being able to use them for that and the Movie TT, for example, because "Olympic" and "Movie" aren't numbers)

So, I am going to combine all the non-regional TTs. This will take some work as I'll need to slot them into their appropriate places, renumber them, adjust the historical community scoreboards, etc. but in the long run it will simplify things for me.

If anyone has a strong objection to this, let me know.
mate... thanks.. just supported your work on "coffe me"
I tried the Clio at Mt. Panorama yesterday, my first lap was going OK until I hit the series of corners after the long straight and I messed up my braking zone, overshooting and invalidating the lap. My 2nd lap got me a silver! I'm pretty happy with that.

I did try again but skimmed a barrier, hence the 9.8 miles.


However my skills aren't quite as suited to Laguna Seca, apparently. I'm struggling to hit silver on this one, I had a quick go last night but ended up needing to cut my session short to deal with my cat being sick on the carpet :lol:

@Jeje6410 asked in the other thread about why the RBR in the rain TT was standard rather than special. It made me think about the original reason I split out TTs such as the Olympic and movie one, and really, there is no good reason. (Well, there was a mundane technical reason around starting to use formulas to automate things some time after the Olympic TT, and then not being able to use them for that and the Movie TT, for example, because "Olympic" and "Movie" aren't numbers)

So, I am going to combine all the non-regional TTs. This will take some work as I'll need to slot them into their appropriate places, renumber them, adjust the historical community scoreboards, etc. but in the long run it will simplify things for me.

If anyone has a strong objection to this, let me know.
Many thanks my friend for your beautiful work. I offer you a coffee :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
LS is wearing me out some, my time is 1'24.639, I watched the top driver's replay. I don't know how the hell he got those lines at the Corkscrew. Honest to god I don't have any idea. He had to be using a wheel, no way he was on a pad. I hate that U-turn, costs me some time braking hard and then figuring out the best line before hitting the throttle. Those sausage curbs are killers and can upset the balance of the car depending on where you hit them, I hate em with a passion! Anyone would trying to get a hot lap clocked in.

The sharp left turn right before the finish can hurt someone's lap too if they don't pay attention correctly.
Here's my most recent best lap, I'm on a pad, TC is 0, the ghost is Tidgney. I screwed the last 2 corners a bit unfortunately.

I've done a lot of laps and still have a lot of time to find but hopefully seeing it on a pad may help you see the corner entry lines, the importance of accelerating early out of corners and grasping the corkscrew.

On the corkscrew, I did several slow laps where I plotted a route through the corkscrew at slow speed to identify the best approach and lines through the blind bits of the corner, it helped me and I try to get the car slowed down enough at the top of the hill to be able to more or less roll through the left and right turns in 2nd gear before powering out of the corner. Hope it helps :)
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Hi guys (and Greek),

Based on my previous calculations, I've tried to improve my sectors at Suzuka.

S1: I'm now regularly in 30:6xx (-0.2)
S2: 18:5xx to 19.0xx - I'm still too conservative here after too many crashes at Degner.
S3: 41.3xx at the best for now (-0.2)... FAQ :irked:
S4: 20:4xx or high 20.3xx


The final gain isn't massive but let's take it as a positive signal and try to capitalize on this for the next sessions.
My laps are not yet regular because I still lack on confidence on the car, and my skills on that circuit. But I'll improve that too ;)

The positive point is the tons of tenths on the table:


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That is a fact that frightens me, knowing what you are doing at the sea IRL... It is tempting but I guess I will not try VR anytime soon.
It is really different from what you can experience at sea : at sea you move with the ship but you can have fixed visual references (mainly the horizon). In VR your visual references move but your body don't, and you can't fix a non moving spot as reference. So if movement is too harsh and your brain not trained enough, it can induce sea-sickness.

At the moment I can lap as much as I want on track with low elevation and not too much twisty sections, but for tracks like MP, I need to do small stints.
Good session tonight at Bathurst.
I first lowered my time by .3s, pitted, changed oil and livery, and I scretched another .9s.
I'm quite consistent in S1 (24.0x - 24.2x) and S2 (54.7x - 55.0x), whereas S3 and S4 I reach to few times to get stats. However best S3 is 39.7, S4 is 36.0

How do you see these sector times? I guess my gold chances are in S3, that is where is harder to extract.

View attachment 1382831
Well and based on my averages scores:

S1: 24.0xx to 24.2xx - you're doing good but stay as close as possible to 24.0xx (or lower).

S2: 54.0xx to 54.5xx - The key is to have an excellent exit speed at the Cutting (T4). Don't go under 80km/h here.

S3: 39.1 (my very best) but mostly 39.5xx to 40.0xx - I had my best times here when I wasn't agressive, but with a good flow. As earlier, the speed exit at the Dipper is crucial for a top final score. The difference will be several tenths. This is where you'll gold this TT.

S4: I'm mostly in 35.7xx here
Well and based on my averages scores:

S1: 24.0xx to 24.2xx - you're doing good but stay as close as possible to 24.0xx (or lower).

S2: 54.0xx to 54.5xx - The key is to have an excellent exit speed at the Cutting (T4). Don't go under 80km/h here.

S3: 39.1 (my very best) but mostly 39.5xx to 40.0xx - I had my best times here when I wasn't agressive, but with a good flow. As earlier, the speed exit at the Dipper is crucial for a top final score. The difference will be several tenths. This is where you'll gold this TT.

S4: I'm mostly in 35.7xx here
I have clearly the feeling that the Cutting is my biggest weakness here. I haven't a clear brakepoint, trajectory and trailbrake, resulting in apex speed in the low 70. I nailed just twice and saw the ghost absordeb. So here the issue is with the theory + execution.
Dipper exit is "just" execution of the braking coming from the right ender before.

Hopefully I have some more time this we, and hopefully I will not spend the most of it to slowly reach again the pace of my PB.
😯 The hilliness is what makes it awesome in VR!
Sure, but my brain disagrees and gets a bit sea-sick for now. Need more VR training.
That is a fact that frightens me, knowing what you are doing at the sea IRL... It is tempting but I guess I will not try VR anytime soon.
MP at night is really rather special in VR. I found myself looking across the plains at all the lights at day turns to night. Do a night race there, you’ll love it.

For a year I did not get VR as I was convinced it would do my head in, but I was convinced to give it a try from people on this forum. The first week I had some wooziness but adapted quickly. Now I can run for hours and I can’t drive flatscreen anymore. It’s VR or nothing now!
Set TC to 0 and felt way better than 1.
Gr2 has such grip and downforce that you don’t need TC with these cars, at least not the NSX.
My laps are not yet regular because I still lack on confidence on the car, and my skills on that circuit haven't set up my Fanatec DD yet (approved by aliens). But I'll improve that too ;)
I notice you are still struggling with autocorrect 😝

If you need a translation, ask @P-Courty :sly:
I would hope people on here would know what that is from you by now 😉
Hi guys (and Greek)

I'm starting to be more regular on Suzuka with my Hulk NSX:


S1: 30.561 - The car is really stick to the track in the Esses, you can push it more than you imagine

S2: 19.076 - I've butchered this sector where I'm usually 0.3 / 0.4 faster. I've possibly missed the gold here.

As a benchmark, a low 49 sec at the end of the 2nd sector is a potential gold score. In this lap, I was 49.6...:indiff:

S3: 40.954 - This is where I've gained the most because I've understood why I was slow. My speed at the exit of the hairpin was terrible and was ruining my score until the Spoon. I've also worked on the Spoon, and feel much more confident here. Now, I'm mostly in 41.0xx to 41.3xx on S3

S4: 20.327 - Correct score but I already scored a 20.1xx here (dunno how I did it).

I was in a good flow and the entrance of the gold mine is now close to my front bumper.
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:) It is a little known fact that when someone presses that link in my signature, Starbucks delivers a flat white to my door.
Wow, that's cool man, at least you don't have to go to Starbuck's everyday, the coffee's instantly delivered to your address!

Upload Food Drink GIF

I'm gonna have to enroll/sign up for that in the near future.
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