Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
It's a combination of many things, but I would suggest trying this order. It will slow you down while you practice it, but pay dividends later. Faster people than me may have better suggestions.
  • Start somewhere familiar with a long straight, good markers and a somewhat straightforward first corner. Maybe Monza (I know it is into a chicane corner 1, but it will work)
  • Do a few laps in whatever car, using your current method of 'feeling the turn-in point', and figure out (maybe by watching replays of yourself) where that turn in point is for that corner. It could be just after a meter board, a change in colour in tarmac, a marshal (okay in GT7 as they are static, not okay in real life), etc.
  • Now go again and brake a bit earlier than usual, so that speed is less of an issue. Keep your vision further forward than normal. As you go down the straight, look for the apex way before you need to, then bring your vision back to around the turn-in point (you may not see it yet) and then back to the braking point.
  • As you start braking, look at the turn-in point and turn when you get there (then look at the apex) - should be easier since you are going slower. Coast a bit if you need to, given your lower speed. Now repeat quicker and quicker until you can brake again at your normal marker and are going at normal speed. Don't worry too much at this point where you are in relation to the apex.
  • Once you brake in the same place and turn in at the same place consistently, now pay attention to where that takes you. If you always miss the apex long, take your turn-in point back a bit, or start braking a bit earlier. Always short of the apex - turn in a bit later or brake later.
  • This is simplifying things a bit just for practice's sake, because really where you turn in depends also on where you want the car to be after the corner - that particular corner you want to turn in late to get to the right to open the left. Other corners will be different. But hopefully it gets you used to looking for a specific thing, using it, seeing the outcome and then adjusting as required. The more you practice this, the more the vision will be peripheral and 'automated' and the more brain power will be freed up for other things like shifting and trail braking, etc.
@zjn Read @half_sourly's post many times and have it drilled to your head :D

The braking earlier is probably the best advice. Brake earlier but with less braking force, this gives you extra time for your brain to process what needs to be done next. Once you are confortable, you can then push the braking point a bit.

Another thing is to work on your trail braking, but only after you are comfortable with the corner. Ajust the braking pressure during trail braking and see how it affects the car during turn in. Idealy you want the car feel a bit floaty without the rear swing out too much and need counter steer.

Anyway, take the advice from @half_sourly 👍
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@zjn Read @half_sourly's post many times and have it drilled to your head :D

The braking earlier is probably the best advice. Brake earlier but with less braking force, this gives you extra time for your brain to process what needs to be done next. Once you are confortable, you can then push the braking point a bit.

Another thing is to work on your trail braking, but only after you are comfortable with the corner. Ajust the braking pressure during trail braking and see how it affects the car during turn in. Idealy you want the car feel a bit floaty without the rear swing out too much and need counter steer.

Anyway, take the advice from @half_sourly 👍
here in italy there was a tradition when I was growing up to say the Christmas poem by heart during Christmas lunch (in more conservative families the child would stand on the chair to be heard and seen by all the relatives present). You reminded me of that torture...feeling...I meant feeling....

that trail braking I dream about at night, at the moment if I want a floaty feeling I have to resort to beers, but I'll get there eventually!
Generic question:
now that I've improved a bit in determination and consistency of the braking point I'd like to start working a bit on the entry point, but unless I'm in decidedly slow cars, I'm struggling to manage shifting, braking, finding apex plus using the turn-in point in that little times. The result is that I don't have a reference turn-in point, and I turn by feel aiming for the apex.

The result of this behavior is that I struggle to make adjustments when I realize I am anticipating the apex too much (I rarely attempt to delay it, instead missing it I am a phenomenon.... 😜 ), I struggle to judge how much the steering angle is varying, and in general there is a lot of variability at that stage.

Are there any suggestions for approaching this issue?

That's kind of a difficult question now I think of it for a while, and thought to myself .. .. how do I manage it?...
And I have absolutely no clue?!....
I think I have sort of a descent GT7 track knowlage ( although some layouts I havent done or don't remember like Suzuka East ) but I think nowadays all my turning points are from following faster ghosts....
I just load the fastest ghost available and try to follow it while I totally fix on brakepoints first cause if your brakepoint isnt spot on you will never hit a good apex ... from there it's trail and error, to fast....to slow....playing with braking later etc etc... and try to be as close to the ghost...

But I think @half_sourly his explanation is a lot better 😁😁🤣
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That's kind of a difficult question now I think of it for a while, and thought to myself .. .. how do I manage it?...
And I have absolutely no clue?!....
I think I have sort of a descent GT7 track knowlage ( although some layouts I havent done or don't remember like Suzuka East ) but I think nowadays all my turning points are from following faster ghosts....
I just load the fastest ghost available and try to follow it while I totally fix on brakepoints first cause if your brakepoint isnt spot on you will never hit a good apex ... from there it's trail and error, to fast....to slow....playing with braking later etc etc... and try to be as close to the ghost...

But I think @half_sourly his explanation is a lot better 😁😁🤣
This is me, but I'm slower than ^ that guy. 😂
First test in Grand Valley and I love this Red Bull X2019 in this Track !!!!
1'28'295 with optimal time at 1'28'091
My first time trial gold, but I only started doing them a couple months ago, and finally my first time trial upload in proper quality. Nothing better than having that over the shoulder wheel/controllers view to see the real goings on in the pilots race seat.

Exciting adventure only really from 0:27 - 0:34
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Hello everybody! 👋

Long time no see. I'm on TT hiatus right now, so no regular updates from me.
Chasing laptimes became a little bit too stressful and with added amount of stress from the events in real life I gradually stopped enjoying that grind.
This is a game after all and it should give enjoyment above all, right?

But I'm TRYING to follow the events of this place (which I consider my home of GTPlanet) and your joys or struggles.

Some quick shouts. My dear Jeje stopped informing about which input he used for his (usually) crazy-fast laps which saddens me.
Good luck to Chris in his chase for that elusive gold - you will eventually get it, but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Try to enjoy.
Congrats to Dan_Tes for that fourth bar, the chair on USS Enterprise awaits!
Wishes of quick recovery to NAXEHT! I've had my share of bike crashes, so I know. Treat yourself to some good listen!
Thanks to half_sourly (and crome) for keeping it together and running the show!

I hope to develop the TT hunger again and return to the hunt at some point, maybe not in such competitive capacity, we'll see...

BUT... I have not stopped playing GT7 entirely. Every Sunday I do line up at the start of another Clash of Titans race.
It's so much fun and I still enjoy it a lot!

This weekend is the free multiplayer weekend at Playstation Network, which means that everybody can sample some multiplayer racing even without PS Plus subscription. Come and join the fun of racing together (especially at 1st turn where everyone wants to take that ideal TT line and shirt happens :lol:). Looking at you, Jeje, again.


We're quite evened out group. There are some resident aliens (the muffins we're due to receive is, well, huge), lot of mid-packers, some backmarkers as well but that depends on the track/car combo sometimes. But basically, anyone can win (depending on outcome of the 1st turn mayhem 😅).

Only at Titans the Aphrodite shares her OnlyFans account!

Even more fun and laughs is at the voice chat where the ever entertaining duo of John (@K1LLD0z3R) and Martin (@MUC76) will jokingly comment on your on-track achievements or mishaps. We've got shouters, heavy-breathers and silent assassins. Listen in, you won't be disappointed!

That's all from me. See ya on track or in thread!
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Ran a little bit the last few days. One and a half laps at Grand Valley, 1:37.957 (4.254 into Bronze). I’m done there. A few at Suzuka, 1:03.354 (.389 into Silver). A few at Dragon Trail, 2:01.728 (1.915 into Bronze). Good luck this round.
Hello everybody! 👋

Long time no see. I'm on TT hiatus right now, so no regular updates from me.
Chasing laptimes became a little bit too stressful and with added amount of stress from the events in real life I gradually stopped enjoying that grind.
This is a game after all and it should give enjoyment above all, right?

But I'm TRYING to follow the events of this place (which I consider my home of GTPlanet) and your joys or struggles.

Some quick shouts. My dear Jeje stopped informing about which input he used for his (usually) crazy-fast laps which saddens me.
Good luck to Chris in his chase for that elusive gold - you will eventually get it, but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Try to enjoy.
Congrats to Dan_Tes for that fourth bar, the chair on USS Enterprise awaits!
Wishes of quick recovery to NAXEHT! I've had my share of bike crashes, so I know. Treat yourself to some good listen!
Thanks to half_sourly (and crome) for keeping it together and running the show!

I hope to develop the TT hunger again and return to the hunt at some point, maybe not in such competitive capacity, we'll see...

BUT... I have not stopped playing GT7 entirely. Every Sunday I do line up at the start of another Clash of Titans race.
It's so much fun and I still enjoy it a lot!

This weekend is the free multiplayer weekend at Playstation Network, which means that everybody can sample some multiplayer racing even without PS Plus subscription. Come and join the fun of racing together (especially at 1st turn where everyone wants to take that ideal TT line and shirt happens :lol:). Looking at you, Jeje, again.


We're quite evened out group. There are some resident aliens (the muffins we're due to receive is, well, huge), lot of mid-packers, some backmarkers as well but that depends on the track/car combo sometimes. But basically, anyone can win (depending on outcome of the 1st turn mayhem 😅).

Only at Titans the Aphrodite shares her OnlyFans account!

Even more fun and laughs is at the voice chat where the ever entertaining duo of John (@K1LLD0z3R) and Martin (@MUC76) will jokingly comment on your on-track achievements or mishaps. We've got shouters, heavy-breathers and silent assassins. Listen in, you won't be disappointed!

That's all from me. See ya on track or in thread!
Hello everybody! 👋

Long time no see. I'm on TT hiatus right now, so no regular updates from me.
Chasing laptimes became a little bit too stressful and with added amount of stress from the events in real life I gradually stopped enjoying that grind.
This is a game after all and it should give enjoyment above all, right?

But I'm TRYING to follow the events of this place (which I consider my home of GTPlanet) and your joys or struggles.

Some quick shouts. My dear Jeje stopped informing about which input he used for his (usually) crazy-fast laps which saddens me.
Good luck to Chris in his chase for that elusive gold - you will eventually get it, but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Try to enjoy.
Congrats to Dan_Tes for that fourth bar, the chair on USS Enterprise awaits!
Wishes of quick recovery to NAXEHT! I've had my share of bike crashes, so I know. Treat yourself to some good listen!
Thanks to half_sourly (and crome) for keeping it together and running the show!

I hope to develop the TT hunger again and return to the hunt at some point, maybe not in such competitive capacity, we'll see...

BUT... I have not stopped playing GT7 entirely. Every Sunday I do line up at the start of another Clash of Titans race.
It's so much fun and I still enjoy it a lot!

This weekend is the free multiplayer weekend at Playstation Network, which means that everybody can sample some multiplayer racing even without PS Plus subscription. Come and join the fun of racing together (especially at 1st turn where everyone wants to take that ideal TT line and shirt happens :lol:). Looking at you, Jeje, again.


We're quite evened out group. There are some resident aliens (the muffins we're due to receive is, well, huge), lot of mid-packers, some backmarkers as well but that depends on the track/car combo sometimes. But basically, anyone can win (depending on outcome of the 1st turn mayhem 😅).

Only at Titans the Aphrodite shares her OnlyFans account!

Even more fun and laughs is at the voice chat where the ever entertaining duo of John (@K1LLD0z3R) and Martin (@MUC76) will jokingly comment on your on-track achievements or mishaps. We've got shouters, heavy-breathers and silent assassins. Listen in, you won't be disappointed!

That's all from me. See ya on track or in thread!
Yes, please show up on sunday! I hope for someone of my speed (around 2:15 at the moment) to not race alone as I look to be a bit off... C ya!
Yes, please show up on sunday! I hope for someone of my speed (around 2:15 at the moment) to not race alone as I look to be a bit off... C ya!
Okay, back to business! After almost 2 happy weeks in France I am back home and earned the yellow medal for my Lancer lap.

The first two hours back at GT7 were a mixed bag with an interesting and rather tough Red Bull at VG1, a short stint with the Miata that was less fun than expected for me and my first flight in a Corvette. I never before left the hemisphere in a car and will never touch this thing again. So, these are the standings for today:

I will try to secure gold with the Miata and spend the other seating time with the Red Bull machine. Silver should be reachable...

Have a good time everyone! See you on sunday... 😉
Hello everybody! 👋

Long time no see. I'm on TT hiatus right now, so no regular updates from me.
Chasing laptimes became a little bit too stressful and with added amount of stress from the events in real life I gradually stopped enjoying that grind.
This is a game after all and it should give enjoyment above all, right?

But I'm TRYING to follow the events of this place (which I consider my home of GTPlanet) and your joys or struggles.

Some quick shouts. My dear Jeje stopped informing about which input he used for his (usually) crazy-fast laps which saddens me.
Good luck to Chris in his chase for that elusive gold - you will eventually get it, but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Try to enjoy.
Congrats to Dan_Tes for that fourth bar, the chair on USS Enterprise awaits!
Wishes of quick recovery to NAXEHT! I've had my share of bike crashes, so I know. Treat yourself to some good listen!
Thanks to half_sourly (and crome) for keeping it together and running the show!

I hope to develop the TT hunger again and return to the hunt at some point, maybe not in such competitive capacity, we'll see...

BUT... I have not stopped playing GT7 entirely. Every Sunday I do line up at the start of another Clash of Titans race.
It's so much fun and I still enjoy it a lot!

This weekend is the free multiplayer weekend at Playstation Network, which means that everybody can sample some multiplayer racing even without PS Plus subscription. Come and join the fun of racing together (especially at 1st turn where everyone wants to take that ideal TT line and shirt happens :lol:). Looking at you, Jeje, again.


We're quite evened out group. There are some resident aliens (the muffins we're due to receive is, well, huge), lot of mid-packers, some backmarkers as well but that depends on the track/car combo sometimes. But basically, anyone can win (depending on outcome of the 1st turn mayhem 😅).

Only at Titans the Aphrodite shares her OnlyFans account!

Even more fun and laughs is at the voice chat where the ever entertaining duo of John (@K1LLD0z3R) and Martin (@MUC76) will jokingly comment on your on-track achievements or mishaps. We've got shouters, heavy-breathers and silent assassins. Listen in, you won't be disappointed!

That's all from me. See ya on track or in thread!
My dear friend, what a pleasure it is to see you here again and to read your posts.
You're right to take a break if you're no longer enjoying it. There is no point in adding stress to yourself on top of everyday stress. If you want to know if for the last TT I wouldn't say anything 🤣🤣 !!!!
For the TTs at Deep Forest, Dragon Trial Seaside and Suzuka I used the steering wheel and for this TT at Grand Valley I used the DS5. I hope one day I can come to a titan race to enjoy driving with you. Until then my dear friend, take good care of yourself