Tinted windscreen annoying.

  • Thread starter Finney
Anyone find the tinted windscreen a bit dark and annoying. Not on all cars but one for sure is the lambo huracan gt3.

They had the tint on one of my favs on gt6 the bmw. Couldnt drive in cockpit mode like in the lambo. Really disappointed. Really cant stand how much it ruins it for me.

I understand in the real world it has its benifiets but for the sake of the game, that doesnt have UV, GLARE, ect, pls remove it or give us the option to turn it off.

Its bloody aweful!
I wanted so bad to be 100% cockpit view for GT:S but in some cars it's just not possible. The tinted screens, dash reflections and limited viewing just proved a deal breaker. Even though I'm a stickler for realism.

Not sure which car it is - might be the Renault Gr.4 - but the cockpit view is like sitting inside a spaceship with a tiny forward facing window. Even moving the camera position doesn't help. You can't see anything. I'm not going to sacrifice being competitive for the sake of immersion.
Yeah its either the Renault or the Peugeot and i agree its aweful, i mean what were they thinking.

Forza7 i understand they give you the option to remove tint (can anyone confirm?).

In AC and Project Cars 1 & 2 There is no tinting (thank good).

Anyway it would be nice but think its just wish full thinking.