TOCA Season 4.2 - DaxCobra, Paul Mack, VenoMMotorsports Champions!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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A little tricky to equalise and tbh i'm not as much a fan of higher-powered touring cars.
Well I am doing my own Saturday night series over the next month or so, so if you bring TOCA back any time soon I won't be available (if you even want me back)

But we have been saying this for a while, me and PaulMac (and even Biffy and Carracerptp and Strawman__Andy) that the Drivers would ruin it, and me and Paul said that the cars would too but you just ignored it.

Lol thats interesting. You disagreed with me about the driving in TOCA. You actually blamed me for all the incidents - so why have you suddenly turned it around like you did support me??

Also I reckon kicking dirty drivers wont work.

The fault lies within who has been here the longest, they got anyway with a lot more than I did - but have not even been given a warning or anything. Add stewards , which isnt yourself Furi, take anyone down for causing an incident and not giving it back or something that could be aviod

In your mind your thinking "Oh a PM and they'll calm down" No they havent, this has been proven. You have to set the rules. You let too many of the guys control what happens, except for the VW matter. You dont have fair racing because theres no penatlies handed out - just setting a bad example to new drivers and allowing it continue because you dont want to lose them. Sorry but you need to cut the bad driving out, not kicking them. That wont solve anything
Lol thats interesting. You disagreed with me about the driving in TOCA. You actually blamed me for all the incidents - so why have you suddenly turned it around like you did support me??

I always said the dirty drivers were bad, as did you.

But, you were quite dirty in the 1st round where it looked like you tried to put me into a wall and various other stupid maneuvers.
I always said the dirty drivers were bad, as did you.

But, you were quite dirty in the 1st round where it looked like you tried to put me into a wall and various other stupid maneuvers.

No you havent. Thats a stand out lie. Since the start of round 1 you have never mentioned bad driving from others except me.

I many have done bold moves but Ive had chats with other guys - and some have agreed to doing worse but had no word against them, infact having positive comments. Its not a good sign if dirty driving is being supported by others.
Stewards Panel will be re-formed in 1 way or another.

I dont see why you didnt have one in the first place
No you havent. Thats a stand out lie. Since the start of round 1 you have never mentioned bad driving from others except me.

I many have done bold moves but Ive had chats with other guys - and some have agreed to doing worse but had no word against them, infact having positive comments. Its not a good sign if dirty driving is being supported by others.

I dont see why you didnt have one in the first place

I send a few PM's about bad driving actually.
I send a few PM's about bad driving actually.

Why? Your not the host - your not the steward - infact you have no power over in TOCA.

So why you have sent PM's based on your views shouldnt be happening. Thats Furi's job. Yes we all have someone we dont agree driving style wise but to think you have power to send PM's saying "your driving is dirty and bad" that shouldnt be done by you, but with Furi.

Furi should be making desicion. Of course you can sent PM's but I dont agree with that - Furi might disagree with your opinions on bad driving
Why? Your not the host - your not the steward - infact you have no power over in TOCA.

So why you have sent PM's based on your views shouldnt be happening. Thats Furi's job. Yes we all have someone we dont agree driving style wise but to think you have power to send PM's saying "your driving is dirty and bad" that shouldnt be done by you, but with Furi.

Furi should be making desicion. Of course you can sent PM's but I dont agree with that - Furi might disagree with your opinions on bad driving

I investigate incidents as I get them. Monza I had two PM's about the first corner and another about an incident. All 3 were either due to lag or racing incidents. Problem was with stewards we took such a while to agree that often results would not be released until thurday or friday.

Also I only investigate incidents as I get PM's about them.
Why? Your not the host - your not the steward - infact you have no power over in TOCA.

So why you have sent PM's based on your views shouldnt be happening. Thats Furi's job. Yes we all have someone we dont agree driving style wise but to think you have power to send PM's saying "your driving is dirty and bad" that shouldnt be done by you, but with Furi.

Furi should be making desicion. Of course you can sent PM's but I dont agree with that - Furi might disagree with your opinions on bad driving


I mean sending PM's TO Furi..

Hey, I have an idea.

Ok lets do this constructivly:

Good Points:
~3 races per night still, 2 longer ones on the odd track could work.
~16 car lobbies with little lag.
~Still very few multi-car crashes.
~Changeable weather spicing it up.
~Still very close racing
~Top 16 points, very little rage-quitting

Bad Points:
~Uneven cars (VW, Volvo, Mini)
~Slightly more structured penalty system needed.
~Twistier tracks needed.
~Drivers need a little kick up the backside, or at least some do.

What I would like to keep if possible:
~I can maintain control as Race Steward, this makes decision-making easier and coupled with a penalty system can make them a lot quicker.
~The 3 race format.
~Most of the cars.
the monza incidents were caused by my lag. i am hoping to get BT infinity in june so we should hopefully have no lag then.
But no-one PM's me particular names so I can't exactly act and review.
Ah yes but who decides who should stay and who should go? Furi?

What happens if he's never had an incident with said driver?

Is it amount of PM's recieved about a driver. There is gonna be major fallout from this you watch.
I investigate incidents as I get them. Monza I had two PM's about the first corner and another about an incident. All 3 were either due to lag or racing incidents. Problem was with stewards we took such a while to agree that often results would not be released until thurday or friday.

Also I only investigate incidents as I get PM's about them.
You shouldnt just let the drivers sent you PM's and deal with it. I mean they dont do that in the real world do they. In BTCC they review any incidents anywhere in any position. This just seems to be lazy and cba to do it because its too much effort. Thats were other stewards can help out and save time. But tbh it seems to be lack of effort to do it.

I mean sending PM's TO Furi..

Hey, I have an idea.

But no-one PM's me particular names so I can't exactly act and review.

Lol really Dax? Because Furi didnt get any lol!

Heres an idea

What I would like to keep if possible:
~I can maintain control as Race Steward, this makes decision-making easier and coupled with a penalty system can make them a lot quicker.
~The 3 race format.
~Most of the cars.

Why dont you want to have other stewards? What if your in part of incident and lose lots of positions? Its going to be baised if your just in control. Thats why you need others, so they can review incidents if your involved keeping fair otherwise drivers will think "he's just getting it his own way"
Well he can watch replays, he doesn't have to go on rumours.

I've kicked a few people from IndyCar before for reckless driving and other leagues do this. If it needs to be done, do it, don't go easy on people who are repeatedly driving dangerously.

EDIT: Also to Andy, you expect him to rewatch every single race for incidents when nobody has reported anything? That's lazy of the competitors in my view, if you can't be bothered to type a couple of sentances regarding an incident you don't deserve to have it looked at.
You shouldnt just let the drivers sent you PM's and deal with it. I mean they dont do that in the real world do they. In BTCC they review any incidents anywhere in any position. This just seems to be lazy and cba to do it because its too much effort. Thats were other stewards can help out and save time. But tbh it seems to be lack of effort to do it.

Lol really Dax? Because Furi didnt get any lol!

Heres an idea


Why dont you want to have other stewards? What if your in part of incident and lose lots of positions? Its going to be baised if your just in control. Thats why you need others, so they can review incidents if your involved keeping fair otherwise drivers will think "he's just getting it his own way"

You really think I'd set all this up just to fix it for myself?
Furi, can you tell Strawman that I did send you that list, because aparently I am a liar.


And apparently I go to the effort pof creating a touring car championship and working for hours on artwork, regs and table just to fix it. Lovely 👎
EDIT: Also to Andy, you expect him to rewatch every single race for incidents when nobody has reported anything? That's lazy of the competitors in my view, if you can't be bothered to type a couple of sentances regarding an incident you don't deserve to have it looked at.

Yes I would. The races are only 20-30 minutes long (excpet Le Mans) so why shouldnt they do it? watch 2 races a day which will only take a hour for 2 races. Thats also were other stewards can help out. If you have 3 stewards - 1 watches 1 race, 2 watches race 2 etc

Then if you see anything report it - look at it - solve it.

If the participants are here to enjoy racing or have battles - not here to also feed the host with incidents everytime. I think people like Fox (no insults or anything just an example) has said before he doesnt bother reporting incidents. Would you call him lazy then?

You really think I'd set all this up just to fix it for myself?

No - but someone will one day when you are involved in an incident and it ends up going your way. I heard you were involved in incidents at Le Mans - not saying who's fault - but it doesnt seem to be picked up, even through the driver has PM'd you.
Wow, something's deeply wrong on the previous page.

It's fully expected that if a driver feels he's wronged, he tells the steward(s), in this case Furi, about it to have something done to the offending driver. If someone's driving dirty all the time, anyone has the right to tell them about it. This is not a serious real life racing series, everyone has been supposed to have fun from the beginning, I can assure you of that.
Yes I would. The races are only 20-30 minutes long (excpet Le Mans) so why shouldnt they do it? watch 2 races a day which will only take a hour for 2 races. Thats also were other stewards can help out. If you have 3 stewards - 1 watches 1 race, 2 watches race 2 etc

Then if you see anything report it - look at it - solve it.

If the participants are here to enjoy racing or have battles - not here to also feed the host with incidents everytime. I think people like Fox (no insults or anything just an example) has said before he doesnt bother reporting incidents. Would you call him lazy then?

No - but someone will one day when you are involved in an incident and it ends up going your way. I heard you were involved in incidents at Le Mans - not saying who's fault - but it doesnt seem to be picked up, even through the driver has PM'd you.

No. I receieved no PM saying "Furi you tooke me off"

Wow, something's deeply wrong on the previous page.

It's fully expected that if a driver feels he's wronged, he tells the steward(s), in this case Furi, about it to have something done to the offending driver. If someone's driving dirty all the time, anyone has the right to tell them about it. This is not a serious real life racing series, everyone has been supposed to have fun from the beginning, I can assure you of that.


This is a game, and supposed to be fun.
Look. Whats done is done. There's no need for ANYONE to whinge and complain especially after the dust is settled. Some people seem determined to stop that from happening. The TOCA Season 4's are history. Enough said.
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