TOCA6 - Spurgy, Team RPM, Volvo, and Chris Champions!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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Will there be picture reviews as per TOCA Season 5?
I'm just saying Spurgy is the biggest bitch I've seen since MrMoody. He bumps me wide twice, both times I hit the edge of the track and go loose, hitting him. Apparently he then thinks it was my fault, because I soon get shot into the grass / sand by him. Not to mention the bump by Dax at the end of the first lap...

SnowCrash can stay as a Pepsi driver for the rest of the season if he wants. I won't return.
It appears the swear filter isn't working on the mobile app...
Carb, I was getting hit from behind, when you went flying off, Haitch thought it would be fun to just ram into the back of me, I'm struggling to resist the urge to smash certain drivers off, Chris I half tried but thought better of it because knowing my luck I would get a penalty for making the pack a safer place..... Race 2 I randomly got sideswiped by DK and it seemed everyone thought it was ok to just pile up the inside for no reason.
Get off train, get in car,, get in door, turn on ps3, slap a setup on, race. That was my evening.

Bit chaotic first few laps. Sorry if I caused anything.
Edit Wrong event.
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Race 1 was quality.
Race 2 a few scrapes
Race 3 degenerated into a brawl at the back of the pack. Not impressed.
It's not full throttle that corner, it never is, and I was right on the inside, so how do you expect me not to brake? And the fact everyone ran into you just proves what I said about "everyone piles to the inside".
As soon as I find my flash drive I will take care of pictures. Also where am I in points cause I was really confused in the room about standings?
It's a new track for TOCA, people will always be trying different and sometimes stupid moves.
Taking an arrow to the knee is better than Race 3.

Well, scored a win for the team. Maybe that will cheer you up a bit. :sly:

Great fun racing for me. As it was my first TOCA racing day, I had to get used a bit to the door-to-door racing, and after making embarrassing mistakes in the first two races (which were a blast nevertheless), it finally came together in race 3. Got a good start and despite getting a slight shove in the first corner, I managed to hold it together and never looked back. In all fairness, I had a bit of a cushion early on and was not hindered by traffic.

Great series you got here, I think!
Dax, when will TOCAtube be up??

Once I get half the replays sent to me.

I'm not impressed myself.

You couldn't wait 5 minutes for me before race two, the BMW is ridiculously slow and the racing was pretty poor tonight. I am trying to give everyone room but I have people diving all over the place, making the situation ridiculous. No such thing as people being patient in TOCA, more a case of see a gap and take it.

Not sure weather I want to stay when I can hop into a clean and fun race on iracing every hour.
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