ToCA7 - Spurgy, Yeratel, RPM, Mazda Champions! Standings / All Time Up

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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One of these days, I'll find out how to check if people have their driveshafts or not.

Anyways, this isn't a problem I have to worry about in the MINI, is it? I think I saw it. I ran at the specs listed on the Premo-page before (premiums = 100 posts per page.)
I got a PM from someone telling me they thought something was up. I checked, and it was fine, but the driveshaft was equipped.

And sorry Conbon, but ya have been DQ'd before - Suzuka last season.

The driveshaft wasnt equipped during the race. I dont see how you can DQ if you cant actually verify it was equipped during the race. And if all the driveshaft did was improve throttle response by a minescule ammount how would someone even know......
If furi let's you get away then if I run a part that's not approved, I can argue discrimination if he dqs me and not you. Either penalize everyone or no one.....
One of these days, I'll find out how to check if people have their driveshafts or not.

Anyways, this isn't a problem I have to worry about in the MINI, is it? I think I saw it. I ran at the specs listed on the Premo-page before (premiums = 100 posts per page.)

ask to 'scrutineer' their car. Happened to me back in S4, furi just checked the parts and sent it back to me half an hour later. They way you can tell if someone has used that part, is that it will come up as equipped in the current settings sheet. You could change it once the race is done, and then if your car gets checked it appears 'clean'. Engine/power parts are easier to find, as they affect the redline, but drivetrain (apart from LSD) is pretty hard to check
If furi let's you get away then if I run a part that's not approved, I can argue discrimination if he dqs me and not you. Either penalize everyone or no one.....

Atin was disqualified in TOCA4 or 5 (can't remember which) for running a carbon bonnet. If it's not on the tuning sheet it's not allowed. Simple.

I never even said you did it on purpose, so your blow up is totally silly and not doing you any favours.
If furi let's you get away then if I run a part that's not approved, I can argue discrimination if he dqs me and not you. Either penalize everyone or no one.....

If everyone gets penalized that would be unfair. Ill leave for the season if i cant be trusted . And furi i thought you always said discuss issues by pm. You didnt send me a single pm. Now youve humiliated me for something i didnt do. And personally i think it was dealt with extremely badly. If it was equipped when you got it then what can i say theres nothing you can do but penalise me but as i said i assure you it was not equipped during the race.
Atin was disqualified in TOCA4 or 5 (can't remember which) for running a carbon bonnet. If it's not on the tuning sheet it's not allowed. Simple.

I never even said you did it on purpose, so your blow up is totally silly and not doing you any favours.

No whats annoyed me is you just spontaneously posted it on the thread without even sending a pm which is apparently the right thing but obviously not.
1. Either way, people are going to find out.
2. I can only go by the evidence I saw.
None, as I was driving my Infiniti obviously.

Stop digging yourself a hole.

Maybe i have overeacted no offense but you have no proof i was using it. im just pretty angry about the whole ideal and feel like i have no trust around here so. I dont feel like i want to race seeing as ive been disqualified.
If you prove your innocence then I apologise, but you over react :).

I hate to tell you but it is impossible to prove innocence. In court you will be asked to prove the evidence against you is false not that you are innocent.
If you have proof ill hands up appologise accept it and move on and ill be very sorry ive wasted your time etc etc
If you can prove it ill accept it but until you can i quit the rest of this season. I am really really annoyed and the fact that you would even post all this crap on the thread before even speaking to me its bang out of order. ill see you later

Noooo, gunna miss the battles Con :( Shame it had to end this way and I personally don't aprove but Furi does state that illeagal parts cannot be installed. Ho hum, hopefully see you in T8CA :)
Maybe i have overeacted no offense but you have no proof i was using it. im just pretty angry about the whole ordeal and feel like i have no trust around here so. I dont feel like i want to race seeing as ive been disqualified.
One of these days, I'll find out how to check if people have their driveshafts or not.

Anyways, this isn't a problem I have to worry about in the MINI, is it? I think I saw it. I ran at the specs listed on the Premo-page before (premiums = 100 posts per page.)

Every part possible on the Mini with semi race exhaust.. FFs use half shafts so carbon drive shaft isn't a part you can equip.
probably me and my massive lag which made my night hell

Yea, we lagged together and you ended up shooting off the track in race 2. I never felt anything, but all the sudden I see your car flash in front of me and then go shooting off the track. I also saw you lag with smuffy in the last chicane on the last lap of the first race. I got past you there. It's really unlucky.
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