I didn't watch the Manufacturers stream live, but enjoyed the races after watching the video.
I was a touch confused, as I have been before, as to why there is qualifying to get the top six teams, and qualifying again for the first race.

And then to not allow a driver who did the first qualifying to do the second qualifying seems odd.

That Toyota were so far ahead in the 2nd qualifying was surprising, even if it was Igor Fraga.
And indeed, that advantage came through during first race with the ease in which Toyota won by quite a distance in the end from Porsche.
After the Supra competition, I thought Toyota were to also win the Manufacturers race held in the Toyota Mega Web.

Thankfully, despite the initial getaway by Toyota to get a gap the various strategies conspired to give a very close finish. The sound of Tom Brooks and Jimmy Broadbent losing it for so long over that lap or so was brilliant. 👍 I hope Jimmy's voice lasts for the whole event.
As someone who has watched many of Tidgney's (Martin Grady) live streams, I thought Audi were going to have a disappointing second race, like the first, as I queried their strategy for second race which again saw them around mid pack half way through the race. That last stint from Tidgney looked epic though, as with the Soft tyres after everyone had done their two stops, he was about 17 seconds behind with 5 laps to go and ended up in the pack of six at the end 2.5 seconds behind Porsche. If the race was a lap longer, I think the result could have been different with the rate he was catching up. But the with a longer race strategies may have been different.

Tidgney always does a vlog of the events he goes to, and I'm looking forward to seeing the event from his point of view. He also reviews his races too. Should be interesting.
I though the change to make the drivers each have a minimum number of laps was good change, and fair to drivers who may travel far, to give them adequate race time, and contribute more to the team. 👍 If because of this PD may have stumbled on a recipe to make the result that close over the two races, then that would be very fortunate.

Hopefully future events finish so close and be in doubt right till the end.
Congratulations to the Porsche team.

Worthy winners. And didn't they enjoy it.