Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2025

I spent 90 minutes playing it just driving around racing traffic cars.




Works great with a G29. You need to crank the force feedback way up (and hopefully they tweak it to be stronger on top of that), turn off speed sensitive steering and bottom out all the deadzones; but the famous Tokyo Xtreme Racer expansion joints are something else coming through a wheel. It even supports the shift lights and H-Pattern. The actual "feel" isn't nearly as resolved as Drift 2 but it's definitely much better than 3.
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There are options to adjust the steering controls, as well as a "steering angle limiter" setting that you'd probably want to turn off if you're using a wheel. It dynamically changes the maximum steering angle depending on your speed, which is perfectly fine for an analog stick but definitely wouldn't be good for wheel driving.
Tried it, but it still needs a lot of steering input at high speeds and the only time when steering is sensitive at high speeds is when you brake.
Other than that, it's a really good game.
Just got pass the first "chapter" on the game, and I'm actually pretty impressed.

It's got the Poetry interludes you'd expect from txr3, a little cheesy, but they do set the scene for whats unfolding.

Love the fact Rolling Guy is back, Departures too. Rolling Master was a blast to race against. Again, glad they brought back a lot of the old rivals from older games.

The RPG system I had second doubts about, but I kinda like it the more I've messed around with it. Livery editor could use some improvements (Add more fonts, ability to put stickers on the windows, minor stuff), but its super easy to whip up something unique.

Works pretty good for me on an Xbox controller.

All and all, I haven't noticed any bugs just yet. It's probably one of the most polished games I've played in Early Access, and I'm definitely looking forward to what Genki's got cooking in the coming months.

If you've played TXR0, 3, or ITC, pick it up. It's been damn near twenty years and it's definitely worth the wait. :lol:
Game looks and runs well even on my lesser RTX2060. Physics feel a bit wonky especially with steering and braking, but otherwise feels decent.

Livery editor is kinda basic and editing is rather clunky, but overall there's potential in the game.
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