Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2025

  • Thread starter WanganDream
I spent 90 minutes playing it just driving around racing traffic cars.




Works great with a G29. You need to crank the force feedback way up (and hopefully they tweak it to be stronger on top of that), turn off speed sensitive steering and bottom out all the deadzones; but the famous Tokyo Xtreme Racer expansion joints are something else coming through a wheel. It even supports the shift lights and H-Pattern. The actual "feel" isn't nearly as resolved as Drift 2 but it's definitely much better than 3.
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There are options to adjust the steering controls, as well as a "steering angle limiter" setting that you'd probably want to turn off if you're using a wheel. It dynamically changes the maximum steering angle depending on your speed, which is perfectly fine for an analog stick but definitely wouldn't be good for wheel driving.
Tried it, but it still needs a lot of steering input at high speeds and the only time when steering is sensitive at high speeds is when you brake.
Other than that, it's a really good game.
Just got pass the first "chapter" on the game, and I'm actually pretty impressed.

It's got the Poetry interludes you'd expect from txr3, a little cheesy, but they do set the scene for whats unfolding.

Love the fact Rolling Guy is back, Departures too. Rolling Master was a blast to race against. Again, glad they brought back a lot of the old rivals from older games.

The RPG system I had second doubts about, but I kinda like it the more I've messed around with it. Livery editor could use some improvements (Add more fonts, ability to put stickers on the windows, minor stuff), but its super easy to whip up something unique.

Works pretty good for me on an Xbox controller.

All and all, I haven't noticed any bugs just yet. It's probably one of the most polished games I've played in Early Access, and I'm definitely looking forward to what Genki's got cooking in the coming months.

If you've played TXR0, 3, or ITC, pick it up. It's been damn near twenty years and it's definitely worth the wait. :lol:
Game looks and runs well even on my lesser RTX2060. Physics feel a bit wonky especially with steering and braking, but otherwise feels decent.

Livery editor is kinda basic and editing is rather clunky, but overall there's potential in the game.
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As someone who has never played a Tokyo Xtreme Racer game in his life, I am pleasantly surprised by this. Runs great, I love the gameplay, gives me very strong GT vibes, and it's just damn' fun. Controls are a bit wonky on controller, but not so that it's game-breaking. I love the retro/classical vibe, just what the genre needed IMO.
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I don't really feel this is a spoiler but someone will probably yell at me if I don't spoiler it, sooo...

It's kind of surprising that access to the entire map is open after you complete the first three bosses. I figured they would do the same thing as previous games where you finish the C1, then have to beat a couple bosses on the Shinkanjou before Wangan/Bayshore Line opens, but it's all accessible and you're clearly meant to be exploring down there as there are rivals at your level and the PA on the far side of Haneda Bridge is open as well.

I am a bit disappointed that the tollboths were widened so that collisions are very unlikely now, though. Threading the needle at 200+ mph in TXR0 was always a hold your breath kinda moment.
To summarise my first 90-odd minutes;

  1. Audio is a tad inconsistent, my ears got blasted on the intro sequence so that was my first settings tweak. One random cutscene later on was abnormally louder than the rest but otherwise everything is balanced.
  2. Graphics defaulted to Ultra on everything and 1080p upscaled (windowed borderless), which resulted in 30-odd FPS at the dealership screen. Dropped everything down to High with DLSS and it ran at a smooth 60fps thereafter. (Ryzen 7-5800X/RTX3070 @1440p)
  3. Picked the Suzuki as my first car, it initially felt very floaty and the sudden snap back to straight steering resulted in some minor fish-tailing. I made another couple of tweaks to the controller settings to help get the feel of it and/or the game, I was definitely being a lot smoother with the stick by the end of the session.
  4. I generally prefer a hood/dash cam these days but for this I was happy enough with the near chase cam, it also had the best sense of speed.
  5. There doesn't seem to be any major rubber-banding with the AI (at least so far), the only rival I've had difficulty with was one that was deliberately side-swiping me... that said it does seem like all these introductory rivals cap out around 80/90mph, so depending where you are on the loop you can pull away quite easily... as was the case for me despite only installing a handful of upgrades.
  6. I'm not sure what the damage is like in this game (if there is anything substantial in that department) but a couple of times I got too greedy and bounced off the barrier, with the only ill-effect being a small reduction in stamina. It's not something I've deliberately tested as yet (e.g wall-riding) but I would hope there would be at least some physical penalties for being too gung-ho in the turns (damaged aero/minor power drops e.t.c).
  7. As @Suzuki-Cara mentioned, the story interludes are a smidge melodramatic but I'll allow it. :lol:
  8. Generally the BGM is fine... but IMO there needs to be more. Having the same track play over 6 consecutive battles was getting a bit tiring.
  9. There's no quit game/quit to desktop button... a slight oversight if you ask me.

Overall this is something I can definitely see myself popping in and out (I've barely looked at the customisation on offer), especially if there's going to be a continuous drip-feed of content over the year. Looking forward to playing more of this. :)
To summarise my first 90-odd minutes;

  1. Audio is a tad inconsistent, my ears got blasted on the intro sequence so that was my first settings tweak. One random cutscene later on was abnormally louder than the rest but otherwise everything is balanced.
  2. Graphics defaulted to Ultra on everything and 1080p upscaled (windowed borderless), which resulted in 30-odd FPS at the dealership screen. Dropped everything down to High with DLSS and it ran at a smooth 60fps thereafter. (Ryzen 7-5800X/RTX3070 @1440p)
  3. Picked the Suzuki as my first car, it initially felt very floaty and the sudden snap back to straight steering resulted in some minor fish-tailing. I made another couple of tweaks to the controller settings to help get the feel of it and/or the game, I was definitely being a lot smoother with the stick by the end of the session.
  4. I generally prefer a hood/dash cam these days but for this I was happy enough with the near chase cam, it also had the best sense of speed.
  5. There doesn't seem to be any major rubber-banding with the AI (at least so far), the only rival I've had difficulty with was one that was deliberately side-swiping me... that said it does seem like all these introductory rivals cap out around 80/90mph, so depending where you are on the loop you can pull away quite easily... as was the case for me despite only installing a handful of upgrades.
  6. I'm not sure what the damage is like in this game (if there is anything substantial in that department) but a couple of times I got too greedy and bounced off the barrier, with the only ill-effect being a small reduction in stamina. It's not something I've deliberately tested as yet (e.g wall-riding) but I would hope there would be at least some physical penalties for being too gung-ho in the turns (damaged aero/minor power drops e.t.c).
  7. As @Suzuki-Cara mentioned, the story interludes are a smidge melodramatic but I'll allow it. :lol:
  8. Generally the BGM is fine... but IMO there needs to be more. Having the same track play over 6 consecutive battles was getting a bit tiring.
  9. There's no quit game/quit to desktop button... a slight oversight if you ask me.

Overall this is something I can definitely see myself popping in and out (I've barely looked at the customisation on offer), especially if there's going to be a continuous drip-feed of content over the year. Looking forward to playing more of this. :)
TXR:Zero had around 30-40 songs not counting some of the theme music if my YouTube Playlist is correct, & since TXR2025 seems to be original songs remixed, I wonder if the full game's OST will grow with more. Because, I do agree with this point despite loving the music.
There's no quit game/quit to desktop button... a slight oversight if you ask me.
This has been tripping people up as it's not obvious, but you have to press Start at the garage screen to get to the save/quit menu. They really should just add that to the root menu as that's where everyone naturally goes to look, but I suspect it may change after the initial feedback gets to the developers.
The DualSense support is very neat as well.

Man, if this game is not proof that graphics isn’t everything I don’t know what is. Other devs should take note, PD in particular. The vibe, the art design, the music and the simple yet fun and rewarding gameplay is spot on, and something that’s usually missing in modern games.
Developers can take note... but not in the way that people'd want.

For example, making other racing franchises festival-themed to cash in the casual Forza Horizon fans.
So one very nice QOL feature that will save a lot of time: When you learn about a wanderer's requirements in a PA discussion, that information is recorded in the Reference section so you don't have to remember it. No more relying on dodgy GameFAQs guides to figure it all out :lol:
Someone already did a little digging in the game files, and it looks like there's quite a plethora of Hondas.
Picked the Suzuki as my first car, it initially felt very floaty and the sudden snap back to straight steering resulted in some minor fish-tailing. I made another couple of tweaks to the controller settings to help get the feel of it and/or the game, I was definitely being a lot smoother with the stick by the end of the session.
Please share your settings as they might help others.
There doesn't seem to be any major rubber-banding with the AI (at least so far), the only rival I've had difficulty with was one that was deliberately side-swiping me... that said it does seem like all these introductory rivals cap out around 80/90mph, so depending where you are on the loop you can pull away quite easily... as was the case for me despite only installing a handful of upgrades.
That may be a nod towards the mandatory speed limiters that are set on cars in Japan (112mph or 87mph for Kei cars IIRC), later challengers are likely to have 'removed' them.
I'm not sure what the damage is like in this game (if there is anything substantial in that department) but a couple of times I got too greedy and bounced off the barrier, with the only ill-effect being a small reduction in stamina. It's not something I've deliberately tested as yet (e.g wall-riding) but I would hope there would be at least some physical penalties for being too gung-ho in the turns (damaged aero/minor power drops e.t.c).
The series has never had damage that I can recall, the reduction in SP is the penalty instead, same with crashing into other traffic.
There's no quit game/quit to desktop button... a slight oversight if you ask me.
Hit the pause button on your controller and it will give you the option (not the navigation menu).
That may be a nod towards the mandatory speed limiters that are set on cars in Japan (112mph or 87mph for Kei cars IIRC), later challengers are likely to have 'removed' them.
I wonder if that's what is up with those taxi cab traffic cars, which completely throw hands and walk everything you can buy before the second map reset but hit a wall if you manage to keep pace with them.
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Someone already did a little digging in the game files, and it looks like there's quite a plethora of Hondas.
Looks like they're just waiting on Honda to give them the go-ahead. Are the models known or how many beyond the obvious NSX/S2000 likelihood?
Looks like they're just waiting on Honda to give them the go-ahead. Are the models known or how many beyond the obvious NSX/S2000 likelihood?
Accord Euro R (CL7)
DC2 Integra Type R
DC5 Integra Type R
EK Civic Type R
FK2 Civic Type R
FL5 Civic Type R
Fit (first-gen, GD5)
Life (unknown variant, JB7)
S660 (JW5)
Beat (PP1)

And apparently, it's the NSX-R (1992), NSX-R (2002) and second-gen NSX on the files.
Apparently the game isn't available here yet in Canada due to licensing issues.

...I hope they resolve this ASAP. :(
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Accord Euro R (CL7)
DC2 Integra Type R
DC5 Integra Type R
EK Civic Type R
FK2 Civic Type R
FL5 Civic Type R
Fit (first-gen, GD5)
Life (unknown variant, JB7)
S660 (JW5)
Beat (PP1)

And apparently, it's the NSX-R (1992), NSX-R (2002) and second-gen NSX on the files.
I found this on X


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Since file size is so small, I have high hopes this will come out on PS4.
The minimum specs for PC don't seem very conducive to it working on PS4.

Selling extremely well so far, especially compared to AC EVO

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The minimum specs for PC don't seem very conducive to it working on PS4.

Selling extremely well so far, especially compared to AC EVO

Lower all time peak, but more players right now and in the last 24 hours.

I'm liking it. The visuals are better than I was expecting. I can run it on ultra with my RTX 4060 though there are some dips. Does this game have ray traced reflections? It looks like it because I don't know how else some of the reflections are generated. I love that you can turn AA completely off with everything else on ultra. Looks super weird. :lol:

I hope they fix the chase camera because it feels so unnatural right now. I'm sticking with the hood camera now.

I love the sense of progression and the vibe of the TXR titles. I swear PD & T10 could learn a thing or two if they played these games.
I can't even buy this because of some legal issue in Canada, it has nothing to do with the cars or parts. Just the name apparently.