Tooned/Vectored Cars + Stuff

  • Thread starter donbenni
i have been wanting to get my car TOONED for the longest but nobody i know could ever do it, i've seen yalls work and its awesome and i was wondering if one or two of yall from the forums to help me out by TOONING my car..... It would be Highly Appreciated.......... There are multiple Photos of my car at this Link

If those Arent Good enough PICS let me kno and i will take New Ones................

click to enlarge.. this is supposed to be applied with vynil... like a window sticker.. done in flash
Thanks, I must admit, though, it's not a real vector. but the original is 4000-some-odd pixels wide so it doesn't matter much.

And that Tutoiral is top stuff. 👍
Donbenni: You've made many people who don't have a vector program very happy!
hmm seems like this place died somewhat?!
ive not done much on the RS4 rims yet i have progressed a bit on my other project, see if you can spot the vectored bits ;)

Beware: 1600 x 1200 pic, 56k? please click at your own risk!

Looking good man 👍 Bonnet and 2 front meshes? :P Nice pic to use, loads of usable detail.

Yeah this place dies every so often and then rebuilds after a while. It's usually when someone new comes along because they're posting new images on an almost daily basis. Might be doing something new myself soon :)
Looking good man 👍 Bonnet and 2 front meshes? :P Nice pic to use, loads of usable detail.

Yeah this place dies every so often and then rebuilds after a while. It's usually when someone new comes along because they're posting new images on an almost daily basis. Might be doing something new myself soon :)

Nope! bonnet and top mesh, everything around the light except the bottom right dark bit :P

awesome, i'll expect no less than perfection mate :P
Another update, all bodywork done now:

Another update since then, everything in this pic is vector:

And this is my third post in a row! Whats going on? Everyone sick of vectoring?

edit: im not gonna spam anymore, this thread needs revitalising though :(

more progress, got a nice bit of detail here in the form of meshes and lights :D
^^^man my vectors suck compared to some of u guys :( . but very nice work on the detail, some day i'll have the patience and time to get something like that done. 👍
is this under "Stuff" ? haha
haha well I have actually have been ps-ing stuff here and there for awhile, tryed car vectoring, and I found it hard, but I used to do poeple and from various things. I've been motivated to start ps-ing more and to maybe get better at it

look its bustwave TOONED. haha
it's been a while since i posted anything here, but i have a couple of new vectors i completed recently, first is a dio that a friend of mine owns, and the 2nd is the '06 Renault R26. all comments are welcome.


Bondy, that is looking great.

I tried colouring the DBR9 I did ages ago, but my layering is really unorganised so I gave up. :lol:

So I started a new car...