Top 1000 Online Ranking & Extensive Stats

  • Thread starter Milouse
Milouse :très bien (very good)
Nice page with the stats.
With your name, one could think you come from Alsace ;)
Thanks for the response. So using the GT website, on 8-5 I can see I am position x out of 940k entrants. I can also see my position on the GB rankings, but I can't see how many GB entrants there are in total.

The current entrants number for 8-5 is 68 822, all nations together.
It appears in my update logs that official US GT server has been under maintenance for several hours, hence there is no updates on mygranturismo leaderboards (still live, but not updated).
European server seems to be ok, though.
Is it possible to return data on how many entrants there are for each country? I'm not a top 1000 driver but I would still like to pat myself on the back knowing what percentage of the UK i am in.

Just create another account and blow through the events until you reach 8-5. Drive 8-5 like your an old grandma and then you can see how many there are in your region as well as the world. It takes about a half hour to get to 8-5 if you blast through snaging bronze cyber trophyz :)

Sorry if I offended any old grandmaz out there ..... :lol:
Milouse, are you keeping the historical data for round 8-5?

It would be cool to be able to make a line graph to see how positions changed from day to day for a particular player :D
Could you give us an update on the total number of entrants for 8-5 please?

How about now?

Sorry to keep bugging you with this but to me it's interesting to see where we all really stand.

Also, with the leaderboards for 8-5 sortable by region, can you pull those numbers too? Or are you just able to pull the Global numbers?
147 503 players ranked on 8-5.

As for regions, as these are manual search (driven by guess and try), it would take a loooooooong time to get the answer.
Final number of ranked players for 8-5 : 175945

Also, here's total ranked players count for most present countries (8-5):
Japan => 53935
US => 19789
Spain => 16757
France => 15556
UK & Ireland => 15003
Germany => 14126
Italy => 8155

It's suprising to see Japan first by number of total players but only fifth if we consider Top 5000 ranked one.