***Total Drama Tour*** Next Race Sat 9.4 22.00GMT

Its yellow because you want to be Swedish ;-) The only time you have beaten me in this tour is when i was STONE DRUNK :-)
Im soo looking forward to this saturday... First of all to show the newcomers from last week that i dont suck totally :-) (shut up Paginas, i know your answer to this one :-))
Does somebody have the time to check out the laptime
around Tsukuba with all engine upgrades (also turbo)fitted to the 380, Downgrade then to 404 hp.(Racin Hards of course).

Please, do first without the upgrades, so You can compare
the times better.

Should be faster...just to make sure that everyone can use
the same upgrades on Saturday :)
Of course we can that also.Its really a nice car just stock.Was just wondering...
what if You in Your frenzic fight to beat
Paginas just put a tiny little turbo to Your car, now that You can
reduce the hp.....:)Hehe, just kidding. I know I can trust
everyone around here nowadays. But it makes Your car
faster by adding a turbo, thats a fact.
I am no longer able to attend the next race.

I bought another monitor and the cable I bought with it broke so I am unable to connect my PS3.
I am no longer able to attend the next race.

I bought another monitor and the cable I bought with it broke so I am unable to connect my PS3.

Hey! Hurry up to the nearest store! You can do it!
Just a 20 kronor HDMI cable... You cant miss the
greatest Tour of all...
BTW. we just tried with Rickie a good PP limit for
next Tour. Think it was 550PP. So everyone, buy
all upgrades, and downgrade Your car to 550PP.

We will also use the "ballast" 10 kg for every Win.
This one I will not police, but We trust each other.
Hey! Hurry up to the nearest store! You can do it!
Just a 20 kronor HDMI cable... You cant miss the
greatest Tour of all...

It's DisplayPort. I'm not going to buy another when I can most likely get a replacement next week.

PC -> Monitor 1: DisplayPort -> DisplayPort
PC -> Monitor 2: HDMI -> HDMI
PS3 -> Monitor 1: HDMI -> HDMI/DVI Adapter

Technically, I can connect my PS3 if I switch one monitor to VGA, but I am not going to do that. Sorry! I'll be back next week.
Can't remember the value Schumi. Driving with 550 PP will increase the torque of the car but lower the bhp to 396 i think or was it 394.
Im in tuning now, cannot buy any turbo to this car. Also of i buy engine stage 1 my car will be 554 PP already. So there no need to buy stage 2 and 3 and the rest of exhaust upgrades etc!?
Im in tuning now, cannot buy any turbo to this car. Also of i buy engine stage 1 my car will be 554 PP already. So there no need to buy stage 2 and 3 and the rest of exhaust upgrades etc!?

I think it does, gives You radically more Torque when buying
all that U can, and then downgrade to 550PP.
Hi men,
ive been racing with you for 2 races last week with the lobby car, will be on tonight with my car as u invited me last week ! thx !

read that the car must be stock for the engine...i've just change oil then...

but it seems that the rules has changed, so what r the new rules for engine upgrades ?

Cheers guys and C ya tonight !
Hi men,
ive been racing with you for 2 races last week with the lobby car, will be on tonight with my car as u invited me last week ! thx !

read that the car must be stock for the engine...i've just change oil then...

but it seems that the rules has changed, so what r the new rules for engine upgrades ?

Cheers guys and C ya tonight !


Just buy everything U want, and downgrade to 550PP.

After every Win in the tour, the winner adds 10 kg to his car.
For ex. if You win 4 races in the whole Tour, You will have
+40 kg in Your car. Its up to everybody to do so, I wont
be policing it.


1. Eppe00
2. Paginas
4. FittCP
5. Schumi74
6. johnkiller2
7. Magic-Noir
My stock of beer is still there... Guess the whole sober racing on saturdays is gone this week as well :-)