Touge Drivers Club | Organized Racing | 440PP/SH

I'll say again to you ALL......I need you to post your car/team/ppclass on the group page so you can be registered!!! its taking so long cause i'm waiting on info from you guys! I'm not psychic, please post so i can get a registry going, then we can start unless the 4 people that submitted info is all there is. Start with 440pp, if theres enough to warrant it we'll open the 520pp or 400pp class.
FIRST how about we figure who actually going to run the damn thing, instead of asking for stuff left and right.
You guys should figure out your committee in this thread first, then get the selected person to start a new thread.
I've been thinking long and hard about the following:
To keep the TDC separate from LotS yet equally as alluring and inviting we should reconsider sectioning vehicle classes by HP rather than PP.

It would be closer to BMI's Touge Showdown with classes as follow:
Kei car <200hp Comfort Hard tires
250hp-300hp Comfort Soft tires
350hp-400hp Sports Hard tires
500hp Sports Medium/Soft tires

Classes by HP would engourage drivers to use a wider array of cars as well. An there should also be policing of certain cars people tend to abuse with to keep it fun & fair (eg: Lotus Elise).

The battles could go down like this;
2 teams each with 4 drivers show up at the designated arena with one car in each class represented.
First team to win 3 battles wins the meet. Since there are only 4 cars & 4 drivers, in the event that the score goes 2-2 there will be a tiebreaker match. The two teams will then choose a driver to represent them in the final battle fo supremacy.

For this to work out ideally, each driver should also have registered one vehicle in each power class. The teams would then discuss before every meet who will represent what class.

What do y'all think about this?
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I looked it over and seems to be a good idea. The only issue I see is how do we decide which 2 teams would compete and how many drivers will battle of each team. It would be hard to gather the whole team at the same time in terms of time zones and other factors. I would suggest lowering the number of participating drivers of each team to 3 if that is ok. Other than that, it is a good beginning step.
I looked it over and seems to be a good idea. The only issue I see is how do we decide which 2 teams would compete and how many drivers will battle of each team. It would be hard to gather the whole team at the same time in terms of time zones and other factors. I would suggest lowering the number of participating drivers of each team to 3 if that is ok. Other than that, it is a good beginning step.

Well we could still implement the same battle system Nightingale proposed. The teams to battle it out will be matched weekly and have that week to complete the battles on their own time. Also, weekend meets might also work.

As for 3-person groups to represent each team, thats a good idea as there aren't yet many teams or reps per team
i was planning on running it just like nightingale was doing until someone else stepped up to take over, but no one submitted info on the group page after joining, well 4 people did.
i was planning on running it just like nightingale was doing until someone else stepped up to take over, but no one submitted info on the group page after joining, well 4 people did.

well, unless there are any objections, i believe that the HP ratings would be more attractive to a wider range of drivers since not everyone is familiar with the PP system. some even find it to be a sort of crutch. Plus, with those HP ratings the layman would be able to relate to BMI's Touge Showdown videos for reference and have a better understanding of what cars can run in what class.

Also, like Timber mentioned previously; once we have all the formalities sorted out, a new thread should be made with since none of us can change the first post in this thread.

I would gladly take on that responsibility!
(i just got my laptop back today, YAY!!!!!!!!!)
Though I'd rather wait till after GT% Spec II is released (Oct. 11) and since there are other Touge events going onm as well, the timing isn't best yet.
In the coming weeks I'll be sorting out and planning a thread for the NEW TDC.
that is... if I have the support and approval of my fellow touge drivers?
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Switching to HP restrictions and maybe weight restrictions would probably attract more racers.
No, just HP.
Though, some cars' advantage would be their lightweightedness )Elise, Garaiya, ZZ-II) there will have to be some kind of limit/restriction set to those vehicles to prevent everyone from choosing them and having an unfair advantage.

Such ass horsepower, or a ballast. Or even requiring those cars to partake in a higher class than what their HP rating is.
for example. A 250HP Elise will have to participate in the 350hp class because of its lightweight. OR instead of that, those cars will be required to use tires one level lower.
Comfort Medium instead of Soft, for example.

any other ideas?
Personally I reckon keep the pp system. That already takes into account the power to weight differences.

Like you said snake, there are a few cars that would just be to good if we went with a hp rating.

SolidSnake7735 and che69velle.
I think you two are the ones to make this happen.

With the help of dudeguy and CrossFade94.

You guys first have to decide a leader then decide whether to adopt night's concept first or not. Decide amongst yourselves and then let us know the outcome.

The only thing that I would change is keeping SH tyres across the classes. Haha, but that's the reason why Nightingale branch out because he believes different HP should have different tyres.
well, unless there are any objections, i believe that the HP ratings would be more attractive to a wider range of drivers since not everyone is familiar with the PP system. some even find it to be a sort of crutch. Plus, with those HP ratings the layman would be able to relate to BMI's Touge Showdown videos for reference and have a better understanding of what cars can run in what class.

Also, like Timber mentioned previously; once we have all the formalities sorted out, a new thread should be made with since none of us can change the first post in this thread.

I would gladly take on that responsibility!
(i just got my laptop back today, YAY!!!!!!!!!)
Though I'd rather wait till after GT% Spec II is released (Oct. 11) and since there are other Touge events going onm as well, the timing isn't best yet.
In the coming weeks I'll be sorting out and planning a thread for the NEW TDC.
that is... if I have the support and approval of my fellow touge drivers?

thats why i made a group page not a thread so things could be changed and i can transfer ownership on gtp, plus once all members are in we can set it to private so only members can post and new members get in only by invitation.
Haven't been on GT5 for awhile. Took a break :) But i have been watching this thread and i think PP is still preferred. I mean, was there really anything wrong with Nightingale's concept of creating the league? Unless its somehow possible to have both PP and HP regulation events?
I've just been monitoring the thread, nothing more. We should maybe organize a touge event consisting of only members of the club, eh?
I've just been monitoring the thread, nothing more. We should maybe organize a touge event consisting of only members of the club, eh?

sure i'm for it, i have a few 440pp cars still, most of them turned into 450-500pp for lots but i'm sure we can get the group together.
Hey guys, I posted on LOTS and now checking this thread. Really keen on these events buy unsure if anything is currently running in both series. If anyone can get back to me regardless would be much appreciated. :D
Hit up Timber for friend request already etc. Cheers.
:( i think it has. i have so many 440pp cars too. i guess i'll run one in 450 class next core season of lots